Chapter 1234
Who are the Three Emperors?One of the three rulers of the Celestial Race, and the most powerful person in the world!
Even the Sword Clan, one of the Seven Ancient Clans, the Three Emperors dared to come alone, and even threatened them strongly.

Regarding this, even though the Nine Great Sword Masters were angry but had many scruples, Yi Xiaoyao appeared directly on top of the Three Emperors at this moment, wanting to be superior to him, and satirized him with the most shameful deeds of the Three Emperors, saying that It's rubbish!

With such behavior, not to mention many members of the sword clan present, even the nine great sword masters all changed their expressions dramatically.

As for the Three Emperors, when Yi Xiaoyao opened his mouth, his complexion was already flushed, and the moment the words fell, his fury erupted in an instant. land.

"Evil barrier! How dare you step up!"

With this sound, the Three Emperors appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao in an instant, with a violent fist full of his anger, as if to kill Yi Xiaoyao who violated him directly here.

This blow was like lightning, and it came from the hands of the Three Emperors. Even the nine sword masters around him couldn't react and stop it.

But the nine sword masters had also seen Yi Xiaoyao's strength. In their opinion, although Yi Xiaoyao was far behind the Three Emperors, it was still impossible for the Three Emperors to kill Yi Xiaoyao with one move.

What's more, Yi Xiaoyao's appearance like this really messed up their plans, and bearing the anger of the Three Emperors was also a punishment for Yi Xiaoyao.

But whether it's Yi Xiaoyao's amazing talent in swordsmanship or his identity as the young master of the Dead Gate, the nine sword masters don't want Yi Xiaoyao to be killed by the Three Emperors.

Therefore, following the Three Emperors, they all rose into the air one after another, trying to stop the Three Emperors' second attack.

And the first attack right now obviously needs Yi Xiaoyao to face it by himself.

However, since Yi Xiaoyao dared to speak out like this and said these words, how could he not have expected this scene at this moment?
He had already prepared to fight, and when he saw that the Three Emperors were really furious, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps, if there is a real battle, the current Yi Xiaoyao is indeed no match for the Three Emperors.

But Yi Xiaoyao was also absolutely sure that the other party couldn't kill him.

Under such a premise, what he has to do is to use himself as the strongest and be unaware of the enemy!

After all, it was Yi Xiaoyao's expectation that the Three Emperors would make a move.

But Yi Xiaoyao came forward to provoke the Three Emperors, but it was a situation that the other party did not expect at all. Therefore, even if the Three Emperors were unprepared, even if it was a furious attack, it would never be the peak of their strength.

So at this moment, at the moment when the Three Emperor's furious punch came with terrifying power, Yi Xiaoyao had already mobilized his peak power.

The power of the dragon soul, the blood of the ancient real dragon, the power of time, the power of devouring and destroying, the nine great souls, the soul of heaven and earth, all of them are activated!

The Burning Soul Forbidden Art also broke out at this moment!

As if seeing the most brilliant moment of the flower, at this moment, the pupils of the Three Emperors filled with anger reflected the endless brilliance emanating from the gathering of countless hole cards in front of them.

This made the Three Heavenly Emperor's expressions slightly condensed, but at this moment, his punch had already collided with the endless brilliance in front of him.


The sky suddenly cracked, and there was no light in the world!
At the moment when the two terrifying forces collided, the entire area of ​​​​the Sword Clan seemed to be rained with the light of death, and the ground disappeared in an instant. A defensive barrier was formed.

Even the nine sword masters who were about to rescue Yi Xiaoyao were forced to retreat by the sudden terrifying fluctuation!

Such movement came quickly and disappeared even faster, and it gradually dissipated with the endless wind in the blink of an eye.

Only those countless shocked faces remained, horrified by what happened just now.

And then, when these horrified faces saw the scene that came into view, they were even more stunned, and their expressions became more exaggerated countless times.

Because, everyone thought that this kind of movement was caused by the Three Emperors, and they were secretly guessing whether Yi Xiaoyao could survive such a terrifying attack.

However, the fact in front of him was that Yi Xiaoyao was still standing steadily above the void.

And following his gaze, the figure of the Three Emperors was lying there in the middle of the earth that had been reduced to an endless pit below!

In other words, the movement just now was caused by Yi Xiaoyao!

In the end of the collision just now, Yi Xiaoyao defeated the Three Emperors impressively!

Moreover, with one move, he directly crushed the Three Emperors!

Such a scene, how can people not be horrified, how can people believe the pictures in front of them?

But the facts cannot be changed. Under the uproar, everyone had to accept this unbelievable fact.

"My God! The Three Emperors have been defeated!"

"One blow, just one blow! The power of that blow is even more terrifying!"

"Did that blow really come from Yi Xiaoyao?"

"Yi Xiaoyao has become so powerful. It turns out that he, who was above the Sword Clan Grand Competition, is not at his peak strength at all!"

Amidst the uproar, all the members of the Sword Clan stared at Yi Xiaoyao above the void in dumbfounded.

But it is true as they said, Yi Xiaoyao, who is above the Sword Clan Grand Competition, has hidden a variety of hole cards in order not to reveal his identity, so naturally he is far from the peak strength at the moment.

Under the countless shocking gazes, Yi Xiaoyao floated down from mid-air towards the giant pit smashed by the Three Heavenly Emperors.

He stared coldly at the Three Emperors who were bursting into rage from the deep pit, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he sneered.

"It seems that the me I am today is enough to make you kowtow like my father and grandfather back then."

This sentence, Yi Xiaoyao naturally knew that it was not true, the Three Emperors were shot down by him just because he was caught off guard.

But he just wants to match this scene and the ending, and create his own aura!
This is also an opportunity for Yi Xiaoyao to get the people of the Sword Clan to recognize him. Since the Three Emperors came to him, it is his first step to take charge of the Sword Clan!
And after being shot down by Yi Xiaoyao, and under such sarcasm, the Three Emperors, who rose again from the ground, were completely aroused with endless anger.

Although at this moment his whole body was covered in blood, and there were two glaring sword marks on his chest, but this time, his body erupted with a power countless times stronger than before, as well as a desperate killing intent!

(ps: I can't update it stably these days, but I will try my best to update it. Forgive me for today's chapter.)
(End of this chapter)

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