Chapter 1236
The Sword Master Ceremony, which was originally relatively peaceful, was changed due to the appearance of the Three Emperors, and because of Yi Xiaoyao's action, the change was pushed to the extreme.

Yi Xiaoyao wanted to use this extreme to reverse the development of the situation to the direction he wanted.

Perhaps, in the end, because of Jian Ming's words, it seemed that the ending ran counter to Yi Xiaoyao's purpose.

But it was not the case, from the moment Yi Xiaoyao shot down the Three Emperors, the whole thing started to proceed according to his will.

Including because of Jianming's submissive attitude towards the Three Emperors, in the eyes of everyone, Yi Xiaoyao's position as the Great Sword Master is in jeopardy this time, but he still does not break away from Yi Xiaoyao's own will.

Because, among the people present, except for the Nine Swords Masters, no one knew that Yi Xiaoyao had the Immortal Immortal Seal in his hand, and no one knew what Yi Xiaoyao would do next!
This change forced the Sword Clan to make a clear choice between the Celestial Human Clan and the Dead Gate, with a time limit of three months.

In Yi Xiaoyao's view, Jian Ming's behavior can actually help him master the sword family faster and more efficiently!

Therefore, seeing the leaving figure of the Three Emperors, instead of showing the slightest worry, Yi Xiaoyao gradually formed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This kind of smile is so diametrically opposed to the smiles of Jian Ming and the others at the moment, so repulsive, so unreasonable.

In the end, who can have the last laugh depends on their respective means in the next three months.

Of course, the arrival of the Three Emperors will not affect the continuation of the Sword Master Ceremony or any current results.

Otherwise, the Sword Clan will not only lose their majesty, but also be ridiculed by the world.

So the Nine Great Sword Masters continued to hastily conclude the Sword Master Ceremony that was already over.

In the end, the great sword master glanced at the new sword masters who succeeded him, and finally his eyes fell on Yi Xiaoyao, who was already the temporary great sword master, and he sighed helplessly.

In front of everyone, he said to the nine new sword masters: "Now you are the new masters of the sword clan. Next, the nine of us will be reincarnated and reborn. We will be in seclusion for several years, and the burden of the sword clan will be handed over to you. .”

After the nine new sword masters responded respectfully, the great sword master nodded slightly and turned to Jian Yun who was standing behind them.

He entrusted him heavily: "Senior Jianyun, these juniors who are new sword masters are lacking in both qualifications and experience, and you need to worry about it."

"Great Sword Master and fellow Sword Masters, don't worry, with this old man around, the Sword Clan will be fine."

Jian Yun also nodded, as if living and dying with the Sword Clan.

The worry on the Great Sword Master's face eased a little, and he continued: "Especially the decision to confirm the official Great Sword Master in three months' time will be left to the seniors."

"Well, the old man only treats it impartially, without any personal feelings!"

Jian Yun continued to promise, and said: "The great sword master and all the sword masters can reincarnate with peace of mind. Don't be disturbed by these. After all, you are also the most important guarantee of the sword clan!"

"That's good!"

The great sword master nodded heavily, turned to the other sword masters and said, "That's the end of today's matter, and I will immediately prepare to retreat and reincarnate!"

All the old sword masters agreed one after another. Even though the Nine Sword Masters possessed the seal of sealing the soul and eliminating the immortals and didn't need to be reincarnated, they nodded and didn't say much.

Because it is also part of Yi Xiaoyao's plan to let Nine Sword Masters retreat with other sword masters.

In other words, Yi Xiaoyao planned to disclose the matter of sealing the soul and eliminating the immortal seal before the reincarnation of the old sword masters.

Otherwise, the older generation of sword masters would not need to be reincarnated, so why would they need people like them to replace the sword masters?

Next, after the nine sword masters left, everyone also left, and the sword master ceremony came to an end.

And Yi Xiaoyao followed in the direction where the Nine Sword Masters had just left.

But at this moment, Jian Ming's figure appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao in vain, and behind him was a group of strong men of that line, who stopped Yi Xiaoyao.

"Why? I don't think you guys are so stupid as to attack me in the Sword Clan, right?"

After Yi Xiaoyao stopped his figure, he looked coldly at Jian Ming and the others, and said indifferently.

"Haha! Why do we need to do it, the Celestials will solve it for you in the future."

Jian Ming had long since lost the fear and decadence he faced Yi Xiaoyao three days ago, and his eyes were filled with a cold resentment.

Immediately afterwards, he grinned at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Besides, the position of Great Sword Master must also be mine!"

"is it?"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and smiled, and said: "Until the matter has no result, I am still the great sword master, and you are only the second sword master. I hope you can figure out your identity in front of me!"

"Hmph! This little bastard really made himself the Great Sword Master of my Sword Clan!"


"Go back to your dead gate and be your young master, don't lose face here again!"

The group of reincarnated powerhouses behind Jian Ming sneered, and even scolded Yi Xiaoyao angrily, Jian Ming also looked leisurely and proud.

Faced with these words and attitudes, Yi Xiaoyao didn't get angry at all, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider.

"Is this the attitude and behavior you, as the second sword master, should have towards the great sword master?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the sword inscription, and said quietly: "I insulted the great sword master, rudely blocked the great sword master's way, denied the great sword master's identity, and even ignored the sword clan's decision to call myself the great sword master. If you shoot at you, no one will say anything, right?"

In the end, the smile on his face had long since disappeared, and his words became even colder.

"Boy, just relying on you, dare to attack us?"

"It's just beyond self-control!"

"If you want to lose face, then just come here, how can we be afraid of you!"

The people behind Jian Ming sneered and shouted at Yi Xiaoyao one after another, all with arrogant and domineering expressions, and Jian Ming became even more arrogant with their arrogance and smiles.

"If I want to teach someone a lesson, you won't be able to stop me even if I lose to your numbers!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled at Jianming indifferently, "Would you like to see if I can do it?"

"you dare!"

Jian Ming was furious immediately, and his heart became a little nervous, and he threatened with an angry shout.

"I dare to attack even the Three Emperors, why wouldn't I dare?"

Yi Xiaoyao jokingly smiled: "And you, both in terms of status and strength, are far inferior to those three emperors."

Hearing this, the arrogance on Jian Ming's face froze for a moment, especially when he thought of the scene where Yi Xiaoyao shot down the Three Emperors just now, he felt a chill in his heart.

Therefore, when he saw Yi Xiaoyao rubbing his wrists, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and hurried away with the people behind him as if fleeing.


(End of this chapter)

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