Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1245 Extreme Road

Chapter 1245 Extreme Road
The matter of the sword master's banquet came to an end for the time being, and Yi Xiaoyao's changes here naturally caused a great commotion among the sword clan.

In addition to causing various speculations from the Sword Clan, Yi Xiaoyao's deserted mansion in the past has also become lively. Every day, people will visit Yi Xiaoyao's palace.

Although Yi Xiaoyao understands that this is a normal phenomenon of the general trend, he doesn't bother to pay attention to those nonsense who just follow the trend.

During this period of time, Yi Xiaoyao has been waiting for the news of the fairy treasure exchange meeting, and at the same time sent someone to bring the news to the dead gate.

Although it is impossible for Dead Gate to be ignorant of such news, but for the sake of safety, it is still necessary to inform it, which will benefit Dead Gate and his cooperation.

After all, if there is a complete fairy treasure, it will definitely be targeted by major forces, and the competition will inevitably be extremely fierce. Yi Xiaoyao can only hope to get a share of it with the help of the Sword Clan and the Dead Gate .

On the third night before the sword master's banquet, news finally came from Jian Yun and the others, confirming the location and time of the Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference.

And along with this news came to Yi Xiaoyao's side, and Jian Xue'er who came back from the dead gate.

Because Yi Xiaoyao left her at the gate of death and left without saying goodbye, Jian Xueer broke down the door of Yi Xiaoyao's house overnight with full of complaints as soon as she returned to the Sword Clan.

"Brother!! How could you abandon me with Master!"

"Brother!! How could you leave such a weak me in the hands of that villain!!"

"Brother!! Don't pretend to be dead!!!"

There was a roar in Yi Xiaoyao's room, and the night crows outside the room were startled and screamed.

In the room, Yi Xiaoyao, who had learned the news of Jian Xueer's return a moment in advance, was lying on the bed without moving, letting Jian Xueer shout at him angrily, and even shake his body frantically. There was no reaction at all.

It wasn't until Jian Xueer's anger was almost vented that Yi Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes under her shaking, pretending to look blankly at the resentful Jian Xueer.

"Junior Sister, are you back?"

Yi Xiaoyao said in amazement, although he also knew that his clumsy acting skills could not fool Jian Xueer at all, but he still had a strong desire to survive and wanted to continue acting this scene.

Jian Xueer gritted her teeth and clenched her small fist, then said to Yi Xiaoyao with teary eyes: "You should ask, how did I come back alive!"

"What? Did Wushuang bully you?"

Yi Xiaoyao asked very strangely when he saw that she was acting like something was going on.

Jian Xueer nodded again and again, and said: "That villain, he takes me around every day to kill people, and almost dies every time, which makes me worry every day!"

"So it is."

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly smiled helplessly, it seems that the way Zhan Wushuang treats girls is so special.

But he could also see that Zhan Wushuang should have some interest in Jian Xueer, otherwise it would be impossible to take her to do these things.

After all, in the process of fighting, to be able to hand over one's back to others is either to be too confident in one's own strength, or to have absolute trust in the people behind one's back.

According to Jian Xueer, Zhan Wushuang almost died many times, which is enough to show that it is the latter.

Ordinary people may not be able to understand Zhan Wushuang's crazy behavior, but Yi Xiaoyao can guess some of it.

Presumably, Zhan Wushuang wants to let Jian Xueer realize what kind of person she is, what kind of dangerous life she leads, and give her the right to choose and consider.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao smiled at Jian Xueer: "It seems that you like Wushuang too? Otherwise, why would you worry about him?"

"How could I fall in love with that lunatic!"

Jian Xueer repeatedly shook her head in denial: "I'm just worried for myself, if he dies, I won't be able to live either! What's more, if that lunatic continues like this, he will die sooner or later!"

"Yeah, so you need to be with him even more."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded with some sighs, as if he had thought of something, and there was some worry in his eyes.

Jian Xueer stared at Yi Xiaoyao in puzzlement and said, "Why? Brother, do you want me to die with that lunatic?"

"Do you think it's just luck that you survived the time you were with him?"

Yi Xiaoyao sighed softly and said, "Based on what I know about Wushuang, the strong men he has challenged these days are all enemies that he was not sure to defeat in the past."

On this point, through Jian Xueer's sentence "I almost died every time", you can feel the tragedy of Zhan Wushuang when he confronted the enemy.

"What?! That guy took me, and he's still so crazy!"

Jian Xueer heard the words, thought about it again, and instantly felt reasonable, and was shocked and angry at once.

Yi Xiaoyao continued to laugh and said, "The reason why he did this is because of you, and the reason why he survived is because of you."

"What does this have to do with me?" Jian Xueer frowned.

"Because Wushuang's thinking is the same as yours. If he dies, you won't be able to survive, so with you around, he won't let himself die. Even if he challenges an opponent he couldn't beat in the past, he will live to the end for you." at last!"

Yi Xiaoyao explained with a smile that it's not that he really understands Zhan Wushuang's thoughts, but that he also has the responsibility of protecting him.

However, Yi Xiaoyao was still very surprised that Zhan Wushuang was actually taking advantage of this responsibility of protection and turned it into his own strength to break through the limit!

"So that's how it is..."

Hearing this, the anger in Jian Xueer's heart gradually subsided, and she was even faintly moved.

But then, she seemed to think of something again, and quickly shook her head in denial: "But no matter what, that guy is a lunatic!"

"Brother, do you know, that lunatic actually said that I was his weakness, threw me in the enemy's lair, and then went into the enemy's lair to rescue me!"

Jian Xueer continued to recall to Yi Xiaoyao, and because of the memories in her mind, her pretty face turned pale.

But for some reason, while she was frightened in her heart, she could also feel an indescribable strangeness, like a heartbeat.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard this, his expression changed, and he frowned and said, "Wu Shuang... he really is a lunatic!"

He continued to ask Jian Xueer: "Junior Sister, do you know how one person can become another person's weakness?"

Jian Xueer shook her head, she was sad for a while because Zhan Wushuang said that she was her weakness.

"For a strong man, only the person he cares about the most is his weakness!"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and said, "In other words, Wushuang has recognized that you are the person he cares about the most, and wants to protect you in every possible way, but he seems to have stepped into a path. Extreme road!"

Obviously, Zhan Wushuang is not only using the responsibility of protection as his own strength, but also wants to overcome his inner weakness, so as to prevent the weakness from being triggered in the future and solve the weakness more easily.

For example, once Jian Xueer is in danger, Zhan Wushuang, who has long been accustomed to this situation, will be able to eliminate any danger for her more safely and simply.

His starting point is still to protect, but as Yi Xiaoyao said, the path he took was too extreme and crazy.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help asking himself, whether he was right or wrong in trying to match Jian Xueer and Zhan Wushuang...


(End of this chapter)

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