Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1247 4 Fairy Items

Chapter 1247 Four Immortal Artifacts
Yi Xiaoyao was naturally unaware of Jian Ming's secret plan. When the second day came, he took Jian Xue'er and went directly to find Jian Yun.

Afterwards, three figures turned into streamers and left the Sword Clan.

From now on, only Jian Yun and Jian Xue'er were traveling with Yi Xiaoyao. The reason why they didn't bring more people was because the Fairy Treasure Exchange Club had special regulations in order to avoid unnecessary fights. Only one Third Tribulation powerhouse can participate.

As for the people of the second calamity in today's world, they are not considered strong, and they can't make any waves, so there are no restrictions or regulations.

Of course, although Yi Xiaoyao is also the second catastrophe, the cognition of the ordinary second catastrophe naturally cannot be implemented in him, and it is considered to be a loophole.

However, in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, people from the second catastrophe can't pose any threat to him, and even such companions will drag him down, so if it wasn't for Jian Xueer's request, he would not be willing to bring other people from the second catastrophe people together.

Therefore, the three of them went to the place where the Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference was held together.

Following Jian Yun's guidance all the way, Yi Xiaoyao finally entered a cave leading to the ground, and through the long and twisted passage of this cave, he reached an extremely vast underground space.

If he hadn't come here in person, Yi Xiaoyao would never have imagined that there would be such a cavernous place under this land.

The reason why he felt this way was because the entire underground space was not as dark as imagined, but as transparent and bright as the ground.

Not only that, there are also strange palaces standing in this space, as if they are gathering places of a race.

But different from the place where ordinary races live, there is no figure in this large underground space.

"Senior Jianyun, could it be that the place where the fairy treasures are exchanged is here?"

While looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Xiaoyao questioned Jianyun with some doubts.

Jian Yun seemed to know what he was thinking, nodded and said: "Yes, this place is said to be the place where the immortal relics were discovered, but now the immortal relics have already been moved to other places, leaving only this space."

"If that's the case, why don't you see other people coming?"

Jian Xue'er finally couldn't help asking, the reason why she came here was because she wanted to see Zhan Wushuang, but now let alone Zhan Wushuang, she didn't even see half of the other figures.

Jian Yun pointed to the palaces in the distance, and said: "This space has countless passages like ours to enter this place, and other people will be in those palaces. It’s better to leave some signals in advance.”

While speaking, a figure appeared out of nowhere from under the ground in vain, and appeared in front of the three of them.

"The three of you must be members of the Sword Clan, right?"

Although the man's cultivation base was mediocre, he recognized the identities of Yi Xiaoyao and the others at a glance. After feeling the cultivation base of Yi Xiaoyao and the others, he smiled and said: "According to my master's order, the villain will bring The three go to the place where the fairy treasure is exchanged."

Upon hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao saw Jian Yun nodding his head, and followed the servant towards a palace not far away.

On the way, Jian Xueer asked this person a series of questions, but this person kept smiling and remained silent, unwilling to answer any information.

As a result, Yi Xiaoyao had a lot of doubts in his heart, so he had to bury them all in his heart.

In the end, the three of them followed the man to a palace, stopped in their tracks, and frowned slightly.

Because with their cultivation base, they can't sense any breath in the palace, as if this palace can isolate everything.

"This place is the place my master thought of so hard to avoid people thinking about the fairy treasures you will get next. Just enter it. Except for my master, no matter what fairy treasures you get, the three of you will not be known by anyone."

The servant stood outside the hall and said with a smile to Yi Xiaoyao and the others: "Moreover, there is a teleportation array leading to all parts of the Tianyu in the hall, you can leave here at any time through the teleportation array."

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao frowned even deeper.

Because in this way, he will not be able to get in touch with the Dead Gate.

But the next moment, when Yi Xiaoyao saw Jian Xueer's actions, the worry in his heart dissipated.

I saw that the woman took out a hair-like thing in her hand, which exuded the aura of Zhan Wushuang, and then the hair turned into a wisp of green smoke in her hand and merged into the hall.

Jian Xueer smiled at Yi Xiaoyao: "Don't worry, brother, that guy will find here next!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded lightly before entering the hall.

Originally, they thought what kind of scene it was inside the palace, but when they entered it, they found that there was only a tiny black space in the whole palace.

The surroundings are all black, just like the night sky, and there are still dots of light flickering indefinitely.

"This illusion?"

Yi Xiaoyao reacted suddenly, and asked the servant behind him.

What he can be sure of is that the moment he entered the palace, he had already stepped into an incomparably mysterious illusion.

Even Jian Yun beside him couldn't see through this illusion, it was extremely weird.

"The three adults don't know that this illusion is not for the enemy, and everything in the illusion is real!"

The servant smiled and said, "For example, the stars around you represent other palaces in this underground space, and our upcoming Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference is based on this."

With this person's explanation, Yi Xiaoyao and the others gradually understood.

It turned out that every palace in this underground space would appear in the form of stars in the illusion before their eyes.

Those who participate in the fairy treasure exchange conference need to exchange their treasures in advance for the fairy light stone that can make the starlight of their palace brighter as a bargaining chip.
The so-called Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference is nothing more than an auction, but this is the first time Yi Xiaoyao has seen such an ingenious auction method, and he is really surprised.

But what surprised him even more was another thing he got from that servant.

In the next Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference, four real fairy artifacts will appear!


(To be honest, due to time issues and plot issues, I really can’t write any more during this period, but I really want to finish writing this book, so the next book will be finished within two months, and the update may not be enough. It will be stable, and you can watch it after a few days.)
(End of this chapter)

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