Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1252 Spirit Devourers

Chapter 1252 Spirit Devourers
The Heaven Swallowing Battle Body consists of three volumes, corresponding to the Nirvana Realm, the Heavenly Reaching Realm, and the Immortal Realm respectively.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was sizing up the figure in front of him. Judging from the aura of the heaven-swallowing body running on him, this person should be practicing the second scroll of the sky-swallowing body.

Yi Xiaoyao was also quite surprised by this, thinking that the other party was also an amazing talent, who was able to successfully practice the second volume without the first volume.

At the same time, seeing the opponent's chest in the form of a sky-swallowing battle body, with three black vortexes spinning endlessly, he didn't dare to underestimate the opponent.

After all, the Nirvana Scroll that Yi Xiaoyao cultivated was as powerful as it was at the beginning, so the power of the Heaven-Swallowing Scroll is definitely not comparable to ordinary spells.

Perhaps, this is the closest technique to immortality, not to mention that the Sky Swallowing Battle Body is a body refining technique.

"You really didn't disappoint me, the first volume of Swallowing Battle Body is in your hands."

After the figure heard Yi Xiaoyao's words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "However, I don't have such good intentions. I plan to gather this fairy art with you and share it together."

"It just so happens that I'm not a person who likes to share."

Yi Xiaoyao also nodded with a smile, still looking at the other party with a hint of doubt in his eyes, because he couldn't see which faction this guy belonged to.

"It's just right, the powerful fairy art is naturally obtained by the strong, but no matter for you or me, this is not a good place to be buried."

The man chuckled and said, "Let's go to another place. Although I am the only one left in the Spirit Devouring Clan, it would be a tricky thing to kill the young master of the Dead Gate."

Yi Xiaoyao naturally didn't mind changing the place to deal with this matter, but he didn't agree immediately, but raised his eyebrows and said, "It doesn't seem to do me any good?"

"If you kill me, I can tell you a secret, which is related to your life and death."

The man's eyes moved slightly: "And, if you know this secret, you will know that the person who should leave this place the most is yourself."

"You mean, if I continue to stay here, I will die?"

Yi Xiaoyao showed a strange look on his face. Although he didn't quite believe what the other party said, he really wanted to know what the other party's secret was.

Therefore, when he saw the man leaving towards an underground cave not far away, Yi Xiaoyao followed without objection.

The Fairy Treasure Exchange Conference in the underground space was still going on, as if no one cared about the departure of these two people.

After a long while, in a wilderness, two figures shot out from an extremely hidden cave one after another.

"Why have I never heard of such a race?"

Under Yaoyao's confrontation, Yi Xiaoyao asked curiously, as if he never thought that he might be taken away by the other party, the first volume of the Tuntian Battle Body, and died in the other party's hands.

That person is also very confident in himself, otherwise he would not be able to do so knowing Yi Xiaoyao's identity.

"It's just a small clan that was exterminated. My clan discovered the secret of the Swallowing Battle Body because of its special talent, and can cultivate the Swallowing Battle Body, but it was also destroyed because of the Swallowing Battle Body. I am the only one left. Inheritor, you can call me Pheasant Spirit."

Pheasant Spirit seemed to be narrating a very serious matter to Yi Xiaoyao, saying: "So for the sake of my race and ancestors, I must get the remnants of the Heaven Swallowing Battle Body in your hand!"

As if he had decided that Yi Xiaoyao was dead, Zhiling told a stranger this history that he had never mentioned to anyone.

In Yi Xiaoyao's view, this guy's behavior is not strange. After all, even if a race is extinct, before the last descendant dies, it really needs to be known that it existed.

From this point of view, it was the wisest choice for the pheasant spirit to tell Yi Xiaoyao about this history, because Yi Xiaoyao will always live with the memory of today, proving the existence of the Spirit Devourer Clan.

Of course, this was just Yi Xiaoyao's idea, and it was impossible for Pheasant Ling to agree.

Therefore, at the moment when his voice fell, Pheasant Ling turned into a black light and shot towards Yi Xiaoyao with a violent attack.

It has to be said that Yi Xiaoyao's previous caution was not unreasonable. Although this pheasant spirit did not come from a famous family, the power that erupted from him at this moment was no weaker than the strong sword clan that Yi Xiaoyao had seen.

Under the rotation of the three vortexes in the chest, the fist of the pheasant silently devoured the space it passed into nothingness, and appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

As if some kind of emotion was at work in his heart, Yi Xiaoyao also activated the Heaven Swallowing Battle Body, making the three vortexes in his chest rotate to the extreme, and punched the opponent.

There was no roaring sound, just a silent stirring between the heaven and the earth, the bodies of the two leaned towards each other, and their fists touched one place.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of bursting bubbles sounded continuously, and Yi Xiaoyao's body swallowing the sky was seen collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The three vortexes in his chest, in the past, would only accumulate stronger and stronger energy as the battle progressed, but at this moment, they stopped functioning with great difficulty, and collapsed one after another.

On the contrary, the vortex in the chest of the pheasant became a little more cohesive because of the collision of the attack.

"As expected of the second volume, it really isn't at the same level."

Sensing the state of his body, Yi Xiaoyao gave a wry smile without accident, and took the initiative to fade away from the form of the Sky Swallowing Battle Body in an instant.

"Have you given up?"

Pheasant Ling smiled triumphantly. Since he successfully cultivated the second volume of the Tuntian Battle Body, he has killed countless powerful men from the seven ancient clans. It doesn't make any difference.

But in the next moment, the smile on his face gradually froze, and his brow furrowed suddenly.

Like two giant mountains colliding, the moment Yi Xiaoyao's body swallowing the sky faded away, revealing his black-gold fist, an extremely domineering force directly shook the Pheasant back away.

At the same time, waves of terrifying space power were frantically tearing apart the pheasant spirit's body.

"What a powerful Jia Yu domineering!"

Under the violent retreat, Pheasant Ling stared at Yi Xiaoyao's black-gold right arm with serious eyes, and even felt the body under his body, because of the power of space attached to Yi Xiaoyao's punch just now , There were bursts of unbearable tearing pain.

Hearing the voice of the pheasant spirit, Yi Xiaoyao smiled slightly as if he had received some kind of praise.

"I used to be very curious about who is better between Jiayu Domineering Qi and Tuntian Battle Body. I hope you can give me the answer next time."

(End of this chapter)

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