Chapter 1260
Hearing Yi Xiaoyao reveal this great secret, everyone present was shocked.

Everyone can understand that the purpose of joining hands with the Celestial Human Race and the Soul Race, as well as wooing other ancient races, is to compete with the powerful Monster Race and Dead Gate.

And now, among them, the Sword Clan is naturally included.

"It turns out that Big Brother's concerns are these, but even if we don't attack the Soul Race, the Celestial Race will attack us sooner or later!"

Zhan Wushuang also frowned because of Yi Xiaoyao's words, but he still advocated going to war.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded. Why didn't he understand this truth? It's better to go to war directly than to sit and wait for death. Even if the world is in chaos, it's better to let the Celestial and Human Race be slaughtered after they are fully prepared in the future.

"Although that's the case, the matter is of great importance and must be discussed with Grandpa and Yaozu!"

As he said that, Yi Xiaoyao ordered the people of the Sword Clan to go to the Monster Clan to inform them, and at the same time asked the people present to completely suppress what happened today, and not to reveal it.

Although this matter will be known by the Celestial Human Race sooner or later, Yi Xiaoyao still has enough time to prepare before it is leaked.

Zhan Wushuang also immediately said: "Then I will go back to the Gate of Death and tell the owner of this matter!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded in agreement, but he himself stayed in the Sword Clan, ready to discuss with the elders of the Sword Clan.

For a moment, the grand ceremony, which was still filled with the smell of blood, also calmed down.

But everyone knows that this will be the last period of calm before the storm hits.

A few days later, people from the Yaozu and the Dead Gate came.

Xiao Hei, who is already the demon emperor, came with Xiao Jiu and some ancestors of the demon clan in person. As for the dead gate, Yi Wutian came in person.

They came here because Ying Yi Xiaoyao came to discuss the next war.

First of all, Yi Xiaoyao greeted Xiao Hei and his wife for a while. No matter how urgent the situation is now, and how high they are, they will never forget the past of living and dying together.

Seeing Xiao Hei, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but think of Yun Mengling and Zhan Wushuang who were not there, so he asked his grandfather and father why they didn't come.

Yi Tianming said, Yun Mengling went to the Sea of ​​Slaughter, as if he had to deal with some important matter, while Zhan Wushuang sat in front of the tomb drinking all day because of Jian Xueer's death.

Yi Xiaoyao's heart was suddenly very complicated, and he didn't ask any more questions after sighing lightly.

Right now, the few of them are close relatives, but it also symbolizes the three major ancient clan forces in the world. Naturally, they can't delay the race's major events because of some unrelenting love for their children.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao told the secrets he knew again, and discussed the next plan with his father, Xiao Hei, and the ancestors and sword masters of the Sword Clan present.

But just when everyone was discussing to a critical moment, there was a rush of news from outside.

This news immediately shocked Yi Xiaoyao and the others, and they had to temporarily put aside the important matters they were discussing, and asked for the details of the news.

"What did you say? Wushuang broke into the Soul Clan alone? What's going on?"

Yi Xiaoyao grabbed the young man who reported the news and asked urgently, while also asking his grandfather and father.

Yi Tianming was also shocked. Before he came, he saw Zhan Wushuang sitting in front of Jian Xueer's tomb, so he was very sad. Why did this kid go to the soul clan alone?
Xiao Hei is also full of worries, and he is extremely puzzled. As the ancient seven clans, the power of the soul race is so huge. Even if Zhamen wants to destroy the soul race, they are not sure enough, so how can they break through alone?
Even a three-year-old child knows this kind of thing, so why is Zhan Wushuang so reckless?
Only Yi Xiaoyao, after hearing more details, a clear expression appeared on his face, and at the same time, there was a deep sense of guilt and helplessness.

Obviously, he has guessed why Zhan Wushuang entered the soul clan alone.

Yi Wutian and the others sensed Yi Xiaoyao's expression and asked what was going on.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled wryly: "Presumably that day, Wushuang learned from me that the Soul Race has a fairy burial coffin that can bring people back to life, and he kept this matter in his heart."

"Could it be that this kid wants to... seize the funeral coffin and help Jian Xue'er come back to life?!"

Yi Tianming exclaimed, he naturally knew about Zhan Wushuang's situation, and he was also very aware of Zhan Wushuang's infatuation with Jian Xueer, so when he came, seeing Zhan Wushuang's injury to Jian Xueer, he didn't have the heart to call Zhan Wushuang to come with him.

"That's right, Wushuang's path is extremely extreme, and Junior Sister Xue'er is his greatest weakness. He is fearless and invincible because of Junior Sister Xue'er's death, so naturally he will be invincible in order to revive Junior Sister Xue'er."

The shame on Yi Xiaoyao's face became more and more intense, because it was because he intentionally matched Zhan Wushuang and Jian Xueer that this tragedy happened.

Xiao Hei was anxious and angry when he heard the words, he slapped the table and shouted: "This guy, why didn't you tell us the matter, doesn't it mean that he doesn't regard me as a brother and think we won't help him?"

"He just knew that we would definitely help him, that's why he chose to enter the soul clan alone."

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head and said: "Wu Shuang is worried that we will miss the overall situation because of his affairs. In his view, bringing his beloved back to life is just his own selfish desire, and he doesn't want to involve us."

"Hey! This kid, why didn't he think about it, the more he does this, the more important things he will miss!"

Yi Wutian suddenly sighed heavily, although he was blaming Zhan Wushuang for being arbitrary, but the meaning in his words showed that he attached great importance to Zhan Wushuang.

Because of them, it is absolutely impossible to ignore Zhan Wushuang!
Yi Xiaoyao naturally understood what Yi Wutian meant, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless to talk more now, grandpa, you and the dead brothers, go to the soul clan to help Wushuang as soon as possible, and we must not let Wushuang have an accident!"

Yi Wutian immediately agreed, and hurried away with Yi Tianming.

Although they are Yi Xiaoyao's grandfather and father, just now Yi Tianming has abided by the agreement with the Nine Swords Master and handed over the position of the Lord of the Dead Gate to Yi Xiaoyao.

When it comes to important matters, one's destiny is higher than one's seniority!

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao continued to say to the Yaozu: "Xiao Hei, you return to the Yaozu quickly and lead the Yaozu into the heaven!"

The expressions of Xiao Hei and other members of the Monster Race changed. It was obvious that Yi Xiaoyao was planning to go to war directly.

After all, Zhan Wushuang, who is living alone in the Soul Clan at Zhamen, will inevitably start a war with the Soul Clan, and the ensuing chaos is inevitable.

"Then what we discussed earlier..."

The ancestors of the sword clan and the sword masters wanted to ask Yi Xiaoyao one after another. They had discussed many decisions before.

"Everything is void!"

Yi Xiaoyao waved his hand, and asked: "If the Celestial Clan or other ancient clans help the Soul Clan next, please lead the Sword Clan to stop them. The longer the delay, the better!"

Everyone in the Sword Clan was taken aback, as if they had heard other meanings from Yi Xiaoyao's words.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes showed a bright light, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "Since Wushuang is alone in the soul clan, how can I, as the eldest brother, lose my momentum?"

Obviously, he intends to take advantage of the initial chaos in the situation to make an earth-shattering event that can affect the direction of the general trend!

(End of this chapter)

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