Chapter 1274

Above that void before, Yi Xiaoyao looked at the Immortal Emperor who was admired by all immortals, just like an ant looking up at a high mountain.

But at this moment, when he appeared in front of the Immortal Emperor and faced him head-on, the opponent in front of him was no longer so tall, so that Yi Xiaoyao could look at him at the same level or even look down on him.

The power of the Immortal Emperor has never changed, so what makes Yi Xiaoyao feel this way is not that the other party has become "smaller", but that he himself has become taller!

To be precise, it's not that Yi Xiaoyao has become as tall as the Immortal Emperor, but the shadow on his body has become taller.

It was also because of this that when the Immortal Emperor saw Yi Xiaoyao appearing in front of him, he showed a look of fear.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

The Immortal Emperor slowly got up from the throne beneath him, as if that was the only way he could stop looking up at Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao appeared here out of nowhere, faced with such a powerful existence, and hadn't adapted to his "tallness" at the moment, he was still in extreme panic, and didn't know how to respond.

But the next moment, his mouth opened uncontrollably, and he let out a voice that didn't belong to him: "Heavenly Messenger!"

The Immortal Emperor's complexion changed, obviously he was shocked.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's heart was more astonished than the other party, why did he say such words?

"Why did you come?"

The emperor continued to ask.

"You claim to be a true immortal, you transform yourself into the Dao, you control the common people, let the common people enter your Dao, provide you with the power of incense, and even expel the true spirits of heaven and earth, demote them into demons and punish them as beasts, and even more chaotic reincarnation, wanting to surpass the heavens On the road!"

Yi Xiaoyao spoke indifferently, with a menacing tone, as if he had listed all kinds of heinous crimes of the Immortal Emperor, and finally glanced at the other party with killing intent and said: "Today, I will kill you in the way of heaven!"

If Yi Xiaoyao could control his expression, then his face must be dumbfounded at this moment.

From the accusations, although he heard the independent way, cruelty and violence of the immortal emperor in front of him, and regarded the common people as slaves like dust, at the same time, he felt the terrifying deeds and strength of the other party!
Because any one of these crimes is something Yi Xiaoyao dare not even think about.

But now, Yi Xiaoyao actually said that he wanted to kill the Immortal Emperor!

Of course, this sentence is not what Yi Xiaoyao himself wanted to say. At this moment, he has lost all control over his body, and it is precisely because of this that he is even more horrified, because he is very clear about how much weight he has. .

Let him kill this Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that the other party will press him to death with one finger!


Immediately afterwards, the laughing sound of the Immortal Emperor interrupted Yi Xiaoyao's mood, exuding the emperor's aura of self-respect, pointing at Yi Xiaoyao and saying: "What a messenger of heaven, since you are here on behalf of heaven, then I will Kill you, and then surpass the heavens!"

As soon as the words fell, the Immortal Emperor raised his hand and waved towards the thousands of immortals below the altar, and immediately there was an endless invisible aura rushing towards his body amidst the sound of worship like a tide, making his own aura soared to the top.

Through the words of "myself" just now, Yi Xiaoyao has been able to guess that this invisible breath should be the power of incense that the Immortal Emperor enslaved the world's creatures and let the world's creatures provide him with incense.

Under the blessing of the power of incense, the Immortal Emperor raised his hand to pick up a golden sword box next to the throne, drew out a golden long sword, and dropped the scabbard at the same time, the sword light carried the power of incense, turning Zuo Jianmang pointed directly at Yi Xiaoyao.

The celestial power contained in that sword light was unprecedented in Yi Xiaoyao's life, and it was even more unimaginable.

You know, this is a sword slashed by the Immortal Emperor with the power of incense from countless people in the entire Immortal World, which means that Yi Xiaoyao is facing the crushing of the entire Immortal World at this moment!
But his body didn't move at all, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the sword in the hands of the Immortal Emperor at all.

The Immortal Emperor also felt Yi Xiaoyao's ignorance, as if he was instantly enraged, and the Immortal Emperor's sword in his hand fell down.

As soon as the sword came out, before it fell on him, Yi Xiaoyao felt that he had died countless times.

But the next moment, Yi Xiaoyao moved.

A gray and black long sword was condensed directly in his hand, and a sword glow was also cut out.

This sword light is gray in color, and it seems to contain endless mysterious rules. It looks extremely slow, but nothing can be faster than the speed of the sword light.

However, Yi Xiaoyao's sword didn't just slash at the Immortal Emperor, but drew an arc, swept in all directions, and instantly enveloped the entire Immortal World!
The connection between the power of the incense from the hundreds of millions of beings in the fairy world and the Immortal Emperor was all cut off, and the gray power followed the power of the countless incense and spread to the countless immortals around the altar in an instant.

Countless powerful immortals, at this moment, the entire world disappeared like evaporation, leaving only the endless destructive aura that filled the world!
Obviously, the sword that Yi Xiaoyao slashed them were all destroyed in the same instant!

Fortunately, Yi Xiaoyao's sword didn't seem to intend to completely destroy these common people, but just destroyed their bodies and left their souls in order to cut off the power of the incense.

All of a sudden, countless immortal souls appeared in this world, scurrying around crazily.

At the same time, the true spirits trapped around the altar by the Immortal Emperor were also freed from the bondage by Yi Xiaoyao's sword, turning into streamers and scattered away.

As a result, only Yi Xiaoyao and the Immortal Emperor on the opposite side were left in the entire Immortal World.

The power of this sword shocked Yi Xiaoyao so much that his heart was about to burst, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Killed hundreds of millions of immortals in the fairy world with one sword!

And this sword is still from his own hand!

But Yi Xiaoyao himself couldn't understand how powerful this sword was and how it was cut out.

In the end, the gray sword in his hand finally intersected with the Immortal Emperor's black gold long sword!
Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Cracks and cracks burst open from the sword in the hands of the Immortal Emperor.

Obviously, even the Immortal Emperor couldn't understand the power of Yi Xiaoyao's sword. The proud smile on his face turned pale with shock in an instant!
He already felt that within a moment, he would die under Yi Xiaoyao's sword like the shattered Immortal Emperor Sword in his hand.

But the Immortal Emperor is worthy of being an Immortal Emperor, and even more worthy of being a person who has done all kinds of heinous deeds and attracted the attention of Heaven.

In the next moment, although his physical body did start to be destroyed as he had expected, he let out a maniacal laugh of enlightenment.

"It turns out that the envoy of heaven is just a complete rule of destruction!"

The Immortal Emperor's arm has been shattered and destroyed along with the Immortal Emperor Sword, but his laughter became more and more extreme: "Heavenly Dao asked you to destroy this Emperor, but I don't know that this Emperor has seen through the Heavenly Dao because of you. If you don't see the true integrity I can't let myself achieve perfection and surpass the way of heaven!"

Nearly half of his body had been destroyed, but at the next moment, a force that was not inferior to the destructive power of Yi Xiaoyao's sword erupted from the body of the Immortal Emperor in vain.

That is impressively, the power of devouring!
Powerful to the extreme devouring power!

"Do you think that if you cut off the power of the emperor's incense, the emperor will be powerless?"

The Immortal Emperor was still laughing wildly. Amidst his laughter, this Immortal World began to shrink sharply, and even turned into countless fragments and was swallowed by him: "No! This Emperor still has this Immortal World, as long as he devours this Immortal World , my devouring rules will be complete, and then I will devour you!"


(End of this chapter)

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