Devouring Sword God

Chapter 16 Crushing and Domination

Chapter 16 Crushing and Domination

"My God! Did I read it right!"

"This is the first time that Yi Xiaoyao has used the same swordsmanship as Tang Ruoxue, yet he still has the upper hand?"

"Yi Xiaoyao's swordsmanship is so strong!"

The two sides only played against each other for the first time, which caused a burst of exclamations on the school field.

The big figures on the high platform also showed surprise in their eyes.

"Judging from the fight just now, at least in terms of comprehension of the ground-slashing swordsmanship, Yi Xiaoyao has already achieved perfection, far surpassing Tang Ruoxue!"

"At first, I thought that Tang Ruoxue's talent in swordsmanship was already extraordinary, but I didn't expect Yi Xiaoyao's talent in swordsmanship to be even more amazing!"

These few are elders from the great sect, and their vision is quite high, so they can easily see Yi Xiaoyao's extraordinary.

It took Tang Ruoxue only ten days to comprehend the swordsmanship to a small degree, even if the older generation of swordsmen were not as good as it was, she was still broken by Yi Xiaoyao with a single sword.

And Yi Xiaoyao was able to do this within ten days!
This huge gap in swordsmanship is self-evident, and the judgment is judged.

"Don't be too complacent! Next, I will make you lose badly!"

With anger in Tang Ruoxue's eyes, she let out a coquettish shout, and spiritual power spread out from her hands, covering the sword in an instant.

The blue spiritual power was concentrated on the blade, and following her figure, a silver-blue sword flower bloomed directly.

Tang Ruoxue's jade hands were nimble and flexible, and sword shadows rolled out of her body with a strong wind.

"Streaming Sword Technique!"

Before the voice fell, Tang Ruoxue approached Yi Xiaoyao.

Everyone present could see that the streamer sword technique this woman performed was several times stronger than before.

"Tang Ruoxue has used her spiritual power. Just now it was just a competition in swordsmanship, but this time it also includes a competition of spiritual power."

"Tang Ruoxue has a great advantage in spiritual power. After all, she has a level of cultivation higher than Yi Xiaoyao."

"Although Yi Xiaoyao's spiritual power is a bit domineering, no matter how strong his spiritual power is, it's useless in the face of a gap of one level of cultivation!"

Although Tang Ruoxue was at a disadvantage just now, everyone was still very optimistic about her, and the level of her cultivation showed everything.

At this time, Tang Ruoxue was frustrated in the first fight, and she was furious in her heart.

"Yi Xiaoyao, it's not surprising that you've worked so hard on the ground-slashing swordsmanship, but the biggest flaw in the ground-slashing swordsmanship is speed. I can easily defeat you with the speed-famous Liuguang swordsmanship!"

Tang Ruoxue was full of confidence. She thought that Yi Xiaoyao was able to perform so well in the ground-cutting swordsmanship only because of his hard work in this swordsmanship.

And Liuguang swordsmanship is the biggest nemesis of earth-slashing swordsmanship. Tang Ruoxue doesn't believe that Yi Xiaoyao can learn three different swordsmanship in ten days like her.

Thinking of this, a confident smile formed on the corner of her mouth, and sword shadows burst out from her hands.

Every sword shadow is so fast that people can't see clearly, the speed is amazing!

"Liuguang swordsmanship?" Yi Xiaoyao sneered, then his voice sank, like a master pointing out an apprentice, pointing out the shortcomings of Tang Ruoxue's swordsmanship with vicious eyes.

"Fast speed is indeed the essence of Liuguang swordsmanship, but it's a pity that you blindly pursue speed while ignoring the essence of the word 'Liuguang'. It's full of flaws! What's more, your speed... is still too slow!"

Full of flaws!too slow!

When everyone in the school field heard these comments, they were all stunned and stunned.

After all, in their eyes, Tang Ruoxue's swordsmanship was perfect and fast enough.

A sword shadow that can't even be caught by the naked eye is said to be too slow?Even full of flaws?

Everyone immediately began to suspect that Yi Xiaoyao was just talking bravely and talking big.

But the next moment, when they saw Yi Xiaoyao's movements, they all held their breath.

On the Bloodbath Sword, the dark spirit power spread along the edge of the sword until it reached the tip of the sword.

With a flick of the wrist, the sword came out!

"Ding ding ding..."

Red light and silver light intertwined, and the sound of swords clashing continued.

What Yi Xiaoyao used was still the ground-slashing swordsmanship restrained by the Liuguang swordsmanship.

Tang Ruoxue didn't pay any attention to what Yi Xiaoyao said before, even if it was true what Yi Xiaoyao said, then she still has spiritual power to crush her.

But in the next moment, she discovered that every time the two swords meet, the spiritual power covered on the blade will be inexplicably swallowed by the opponent's long sword, and the opponent's spiritual power also has the overbearing power of destruction!
Such a change made it impossible for her to give full play to her spiritual advantage, let alone expand her advantage to defeat Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, his spiritual power was extremely overbearing, even if Tang Ruoxue was one level higher than him, he could only be on par with his spiritual power.

In this way, whoever wins or loses depends on the strength of swordsmanship.

Although the ground-slashing swordsmanship was restrained by the Liuguang swordsmanship, Yi Xiaoyao's keen eyes kept catching the flaws in Tang Ruoxue's swordsmanship, and he was still able to fight with ease and ease.

Not only that, but he kept shaking his head to reveal the opponent's flaws.

"Here, your rules are in order, flaws!"

"Here, you are sparse and dense, flaws!"

"Slow! Too slow! Flaw! Flaw!"


A sharp shout pierced Tang Ruoxue's heart sharply.

crush!Even if his cultivation base was one level lower and his sword skills were restrained, Yi Xiaoyao was still crushing Tang Ruoxue!
The Bloody Sword is indeed an evil sword that can induce the blood of the sword god. Its sharpness and power are much stronger than Tang Ruoxue's long sword. Every time it is struck, it can leave a gap in the opponent's sword.

And Tang Ruoxue would panic every time she heard Yi Xiaoyao's flaws, and her sword skills became more and more chaotic.

The more so, the more Tang Ruoxue gritted her teeth, trying her best to make her swordsmanship faster and more stable.

But even if she tried her best, and even performed better than before, she still couldn't touch half of Yi Xiaoyao's hair or the corner of her clothes.

"The streamer sword technique that Tang Ruoxue uses is specially designed to restrain the ground-slashing sword technique! But why is it so unbearable?"

"Under the advantages of spiritual power and sword skills, she was actually dominated by Yi Xiaoyao!"

"Look quickly! Yi Xiaoyao is actually performing Liuguang swordsmanship!"

Everyone's discussion stopped abruptly, and they all looked at it.

Sure enough, between Yi Xiaoyao's sword moves, the bloodbath sword, which was originally fierce and strong, instantly became light and elegant!
"Next, let me tell you what is the real streamer swordsmanship!"

As soon as the words fell, the bloody sword shadow spread around Yi Xiaoyao's body like blood melting into water, and a red shadow flashed past, about to strike Tang Ruoxue's sword shadow!
"You have also learned Liuguang swordsmanship!"

Tang Ruoxue was shocked.

But Yi Xiaoyao didn't leave time for her to be surprised.

The same Liuguang swordsmanship, but several times more sword shadows than Tang Ruoxue, surged like a tide.

To the extreme!

At this speed, it is still possible to maintain an orderly and flawless manner!
Not only that, even Yi Xiaoyao's figure began to pull out a phantom.

"Quick! So fast! It's incredible!"

"I can't even see any of Yi Xiaoyao's movements clearly, let alone his sword shadow, why is it so fast?"

"Yi Xiaoyao's swordsmanship has actually reached great success!"

Compared with Yi Xiaoyao's swordsmanship at this moment, what is Tang Ruoxue's previous display?
There was an uproar and exclamation, and everyone on the school field exploded.

Especially Tang Ruoxue, who was shrouded by the bloody sword light, was even more pale.

(End of this chapter)

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