Devouring Sword God

Chapter 18 3 Cases of Robbery

Chapter 18
Suddenly, it was as if time stood still.

At this time, Tang Ruoxue's face was already pale, and her lips trembled bloodlessly.

Her eyes were full of shame and resentment, and she looked at Yi Xiaoyao in disbelief along the blood-red long sword on her neck.

"The gap between you and me is like heaven and earth, we are not from the same world at all."

"Since you want to humiliate yourself, then I will fulfill you."

These words Tang Ruoxue said to Yi Xiaoyao are so ironic at this moment!

She has no talent and strength, and she can compare with Yi Xiaoyao!

Tang Ruoxue, who only now understood everything, was asking herself what qualifications she had to say such a thing?
Perhaps, these words should be said to her by Yi Xiaoyao.

However, when she saw Yi Xiaoyao's indifferent eyes, she knew that Yi Xiaoyao didn't bother to say such words to her.

"You, dare not kill me!" Tang Ruoxue said with a complicated expression.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at the broken hair on the ground, put his sword back and stood up.

"Replace the head with hair, in my eyes, you are already a dead person!"

Tang Ruoxue shuddered when she heard the words, and smiled self-deprecatingly, her eyes were empty.

But at this moment, everyone on the school field was in shock, making the scene extremely silent.

They all stared with disbelief in their eyes, confirming the scene in front of them.

Tang Ruoxue, defeated!

In the next moment, the silence was instantly ignited, and the most intense uproar broke out.

"Tang Ruoxue was defeated even after taking the pills to enhance her spiritual power. This Yi Xiaoyao is too evil!"

"Yi Xiaoyao actually won? With Qi Condensation Level [-], he defeated Tang Ruoxue who was in Qi Condensation Level [-] and even swallowed the pill?"

"It's incredible!"

The entire school field was boiling, and there were endless exclamations.

The trash in everyone's eyes actually defeated the proud daughter of the sky, and won the victory with such a snappy gesture.

This is so wonderful, so unbelievable!

"Haha! Good! Great!"

Tang Feng couldn't help laughing out loud, his nephew was so upbeat, it made all the depression in his chest disappear, it's so cool!

"Hmph! Who said that Xiaoyao is not good enough for Tang Ruoxue? Is she good enough for Xiaoyao?"

Tang Feng suddenly shouted at Tang Long, very relieved.

But Tang Long no longer had the arrogance he had before to confront Tang Feng. At this moment, he was devastated and looked dazed.

"How is it possible? How could Ruoxue lose to that trash?"

He couldn't believe what had become reality before his eyes.

"The genius girl Tang Ruoxue has lost!"

The faces of the big shots on the high stage all twitched, they all thought that Yi Xiaoyao was doomed just now, but the result was beyond their expectation.

Especially Mei Han, his brows were furrowed, as if he was making a complicated decision.

"This Yi Xiaoyao... the sword technique he used at the end broke through the limit!" Mei Han murmured with narrowed eyes.

Only then did the two elders beside her remember Yi Xiaoyao's nine swords combined into one sword just now, and their expressions also flashed brilliantly.

"That's right! With seven overlapping swordsmanship, Yi Xiaoyao used nine swordsmanship, which is equivalent to improving a swordsmanship!"

"Although the seven-fold swordsmanship is only a low-level yellow-rank swordsmanship, at such a young age, Yi Xiaoyao can break through and improve his swordsmanship. What an amazing talent in swordsmanship is required!"

How did they know that Yi Xiaoyao possessed the blood of the sword god, and his talent in swordsmanship was already at the level against the heavens!

But they do know that such a talent from the sky must rush to receive it!

Xu Jin's face was flushed with excitement, and he shouted: "Yi Xiaoyao! Come to Jin Hanzong, if you are willing to become my Xu Jin's apprentice, I will give you a high-level yellow-level swordsmanship right now!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Even Tangjiabao only has a few high-level yellow-rank spiritual skills, and only a few qualified people can practice and learn them, but Xu Jin just gave away a high-level yellow-rank swordsmanship!
This is not only how precious the advanced swordsmanship of the Huang rank is, but also when they were vying to accept Tang Ruoxue as their apprentice just now, no one gave such a condition.

Seeing this, Elder Ge of the Fenglan Sect became anxious immediately.

"Yi Xiaoyao, if you are willing to worship Ge as your teacher, Ge will also give you a high-level yellow-level swordsmanship!" Elder Ge also hurriedly said.

In an instant, everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao with envy.

How much they wished that they could also have a talent like Yi Xiaoyao's and get treatment like Yi Xiaoyao's!
As for Yi Xiaoyao, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Gold will shine sooner or later; genius will never be buried.

However, Yi Xiaoyao didn't rush to agree, but looked at Mei Han expectantly.

Who wouldn't want to enter Huayunzong, the first sect of the Great Shang Dynasty?Yi Xiaoyao is no exception.

Xu Jin and Elder Ge saw Yi Xiaoyao's intention in an instant, and their expressions changed.

"Yi Xiaoyao, you may not know that Elder Mei Han only accepts female apprentices, never male apprentices, you should simply choose one of us!" They said.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he immediately glanced at the three beautiful female disciples standing behind Mei Han, and knew what Xu Jin and the two said were true, so he sighed regretfully.

For some reason, the three female disciples behind Mei Han all looked at Yi Xiaoyao secretly, and when they heard Xu Jin and the two said that Mei Han would not accept male apprentices, they all showed a hint of disappointment.

Just when Yi Xiaoyao was hesitant to choose Xu Jin or Elder Ge, Mei Han who had been frowning all the time spoke.

"Who said I only accept female apprentices? Today, I, Mei Han, made an exception and changed the rules for Yi Xiaoyao!"

Said, Mei Han looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Yi Xiaoyao, are you willing to enter Huayun Sect with me?"

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes lit up instantly, and he raised his head suddenly.

At the same time, not only everyone present was shocked by Mei Han's words, but even Xu Jin and Elder Ge were caught off guard and their complexions changed suddenly.

"This Mei Han is so hateful, he even wants to snatch the male apprentice!" Both of them thought so.

But there is no way, Hua Yunzong wants to snatch people, and the advantage it has is too great.

In this way, the two of them had no choice but to raise the conditions.

"Yi Xiaoyao, if you worship me as your teacher, in addition to the advanced swordsmanship of the Huang rank, I will also give you the Foundation Establishment Pill to help you easily advance to the Foundation Establishment!" Xu Jin gritted his teeth.

Elder Ge was also not to be outdone, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Yi Xiaoyao, Ge is willing to give you two high-level yellow-level spiritual skills! I will do my best to train you alone!"

There were bursts of shortness of breath coming from around Yi Xiaoyao, really envious of others.

As for Tang Ruoxue, she felt intense jealousy, but she changed her mind: "I have already been accepted by Huayun Sect, and I am not much worse than Yi Xiaoyao."

But at this moment, Mei Han's voice instantly knocked the complacent Tang Ruoxue out of the ice cellar.

"Yi Xiaoyao, I can also give you two high-level yellow-level swordsmanship. Besides, I know that you and Tang Ruoxue are not compatible, so..."

Said Mei Han's heart thumped, and said: "So, because of you, I refuse to accept Tang Ruoxue as a disciple!"

(End of this chapter)

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