Chapter 20
At this time, Tang Feng said to the elders of Tangjiabao with great joy on his face: "Elders, now my nephew Yi Xiaoyao can take over the position of castle master in a legitimate way, right?"

Several elders witnessed the whole process. Whether it was the defeat of Tang Ruoxue or the competition among the elders of the three sects, it showed that Yi Xiaoyao's potential far surpassed Tang Ruoxue's.

They all nodded after looking at each other.

"In this case, according to the will of the old castle owner, Yi Xiaoyao will appoint the castle owner!"

In an instant, the entire space was filled with applause, and even if some people were dissatisfied, they did not dare to come out to object.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly, he finally proved himself to everyone and got what belonged to him!
At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was full of glory, in stark contrast to the downcast Tang Ruoxue.

Suddenly, several shy voices came from Yi Xiaoyao's side: "Congratulations, brother, you have been seated as castle master!"


Yi Xiaoyao was taken aback, and turned around to find that the three girls who had been following Mei Han had actually surrounded him.

These three girls were all extremely beautiful, and they were all daughters of other families. None of them were worse than Tang Ruoxue, and they were even better than Tang Ruoxue.

"That's right, if you join our Huayun Sect, you will be our senior brother from now on!" One of the girls covered her mouth lightly and laughed.

Yi Xiaoyao was directly held by their arms, held by three pairs of delicate white hands that were as fat as jade, and forced to walk towards Mei Han.

"Three, what are you doing?"

Yi Xiaoyao said with some discomfort.

The three girls all looked at each other secretly, saying: "Senior brother just now is really amazing, he defeated that femme fatale Tang Ruoxue so easily, the junior sisters really respect him!"

The voices of the three girls were not loud, but they reached the ears of everyone around them, and all the teenagers were drooling with envy.

From their point of view, after this battle, Yi Xiaoyao has achieved both fame and wealth as well as beauty.

When Tang Ruoxue heard the three girls say that she was a femme fatale, and saw Yi Xiaoyao surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, her complexion was extremely ugly, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Tang Ruoxue looked at Yi Xiaoyao, but found that Yi Xiaoyao didn't even look at her when he passed by her.

This kind of contempt seemed to tell Tang Ruoxue that her act of giving up Yi Xiaoyao was the stupidest thing she had ever done in her life.

Even if Yi Xiaoyao did not have her, Tang Ruoxue, there would still be a lot of girls who were more beautiful than her, talented, and of status chasing Yi Xiaoyao.

Because Yi Xiaoyao is still that peerless genius, it's just that Tang Ruoxue is short-sighted.

Jealousy, jealousy, regret... All kinds of emotions burst out of Tang Ruoxue's heart.

"Yi Xiaoyao!"

Tang Ruoxue yelled: "In three days, Jin Lingfeng, the young master of the Jin family, will come to marry me. And you are far behind Jin Lingfeng. Even if you can defeat me, you still can't change the fact that you are not worthy of me!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Ruoxue laughed heartily. Without the position of castle master, he still has the backing of the Jin family.

When everyone heard this, they all started talking again.

"Whether this bitch is worthy or not is not up to her!"

"That's right, this bitch really takes himself seriously."

"The young master of the Jin family wants to marry Tang Ruoxue, I really feel sad for that Jin Lingfeng."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard Tang Ruoxue's words, he didn't care, and even ignored them.

"Brother, don't pay attention to that crazy woman, Master told us to take you there." The three beautiful girls pulled Yi Xiaoyao in front of Mei Han and said.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao walking towards him, Mei Han nodded in satisfaction with the three female apprentices.

"Yi Xiaoyao, have you thought about it now?"

Yi Xiaoyao bowed immediately and said, "Yi Xiaoyao is willing to worship Elder Mei as his teacher and join Huayun Sect!"

"Hmph!" Xu Jin and Elder Ge hummed in disappointment and dissatisfaction.

"Thank you two seniors for your kindness, Xiaoyao is very sorry." Yi Xiaoyao apologized to the two of them.

Xu Jin and Elder Ge still kept their straight faces, but they both understood Yi Xiaoyao's choice, and thought to themselves, "This kid is not only talented, but also humble and polite. It's definitely not comparable to Tang Ruoxue. What a pity."

But they deliberately said on the surface: "I didn't expect a handsome man to be swayed by beauty!"

Yi Xiaoyao could only smile wryly. He did not worship Mei Han as his teacher because of those three beautiful girls, but because he wanted to enter the first sect, Huayunzong.

But Yi Xiaoyao didn't want to explain too much, after all, he did feel a little guilty towards Xu Jin and the others.

Mei Han was in a very good mood at the moment, and said with a smile: "Okay, since you have this wish, then I will fulfill my previous promise, first give you a high-level yellow-level swordsmanship, and the remaining one will be available to you after you enter the sect to learn from a teacher." for you."

After speaking, under the envious eyes of everyone, Yi Xiaoyao took over the precious book of swordsmanship with fiery eyes.

"Thank you senior!"

Yi Xiaoyao hurriedly thanked him, at the moment he has not formally apprenticed to a teacher, so there is nothing wrong with calling senior.

Mei Han nodded, and said again: "Although you are now the owner of the Tang family castle, but it is time for you to practice when you are young, and you need to follow me to practice in the Huayun sect. When you are successful in cultivation, you can come back and continue to be the owner of the castle."

At this time, the elders of the Tang family next to him said: "Elder Mei, the castle master has just inherited the position, and there are still a lot of things that need to be handed over. Can you relax for a few days before going to Huayunzong with you?"

"Well, whatever, I just plan to go to other families in Shoucheng to accept apprentices, so I'll pick him up in a few days." Mei Han agreed.

In this way, after the elders of the Tang family went through the ceremony process, the clansmen who gathered here also dispersed one after another.

"Father." Tang Ruoxue walked to Tang Long's side with complicated eyes, and the two were at odds among the crowd.

Tang Long frowned silently for a moment, and said: "We can't stay in Tangjiabao any longer, we should go and inform the Jin family now, and I will live with you in the Jin family when the time comes."

Tang Ruoxue looked at her father. Before that, she planned to inherit Tangjiabao and marry him to the Jin family, but now she has not only lost her qualifications, but the reputation of both father and daughter in Tangjiabao has been completely rotten. He had no choice but to leave Tangjiabao and live in Jin's house in desperation.

Thinking of this, Tang Ruoxue clenched her hands tightly and said inwardly, "The Jin family is several times stronger than the Tangjiabao. When I marry into the Jin family, I will definitely take revenge on Yi Xiaoyao and the entire Tangjiabao!"

Today was supposed to be Tang Ruoxue's most glorious day, but no one expected that she would be thrown directly from the highest point into the abyss.

And Yi Xiaoyao, who caused her to suffer great humiliation, became the most dazzling person today.

The succession ceremony has ended, but what happened today will become the topic of discussion for the Tang family forever.

After half a day.

Yi Xiaoyao and the elders of Tangjiabao finished handling the trifles of the ceremony together, and Mei Han and the other three elders of the sect also left.

At this moment, the old butler ran over and said to Yi Xiaoyao and the elders: "Castle Master, elder, the young master of the Jin family is here and wants to see the Castle Master."

"The young master of the Jin family? Is that the Jin Lingfeng that Tang Ruoxue was talking about?" Yi Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows.

Tang Ruoxue said that Yi Xiaoyao was far inferior to Jin Lingfeng. Although Yi Xiaoyao ignored it, she still kept it in mind.

The elders frowned and said, "Master, the Jin family is the first family in Shoucheng, and the young master of the Jin family is probably related to Tang Ruoxue this time."

Upon hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

Tang Ruoxue said that Jin Lingfeng was far stronger than Yi Xiaoyao, and Yi Xiaoyao kept this in mind.

According to Tang Ruoxue's words, Jin Lingfeng should not come to marry her until three days later, but now only half a day later, this person suddenly came to Tangjiabao, and asked to see Yi Xiaoyao by name, so he didn't come here to ask for warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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