Devouring Sword God

Chapter 207 The Might of the Corpse Puppet

Chapter 207 The Might of the Corpse Puppet
As soon as the hooked nose said this, everyone's expressions changed immediately.

It seems that this guy is planning to snatch Yi Xiaoyao's good fortune from the ancient tomb.

Yi Xiaoyao's face was even more frosty, he didn't expect to encounter this kind of trouble as soon as he came out.

Not to mention that Yi Xiaoyao's memory of the Nine Transformation Infant Formula has been erased by Cang Tian Xing, even if he knew the formula, he would never have given it to this person.

At the same time, the King of Shang immediately snorted again: "With me here, even if you are from the Great Xia Empire, you can never touch him!"

"That's right, although our small dynasties are inferior to the Great Xia Empire, we are not at the mercy of people like you!" The King of Chu also said coldly.

Hooked Nose burst into laughter immediately: "Today, I'll grab that kid! Just with the two of you, even if you work together, you're not my opponent!"

Indeed, King Shang and King Chu are both at the seventh level of Yuanying realm, but this hooked nose is at the eighth level of Yuanying realm, so this person is so unscrupulous.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao sneered.

"Really? What if this is added?"

As soon as the words fell, the hooked-nosed laughter stopped in vain, and in front of him stood a bronze-bodied corpse exuding the aura of the Ninth Layer of Nascent Soul.

"If you think it's not enough, then add another one!"

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao waved his hand again, and another corpse puppet with a bronze body appeared, staring coldly at the hooked nose.

The aquiline nose suddenly slipped, the corners of the mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't say a word for a while.

At this moment, he didn't have the slightest arrogance before, only horror and regret in his heart.

With two nascent souls at the seventh level, hooked noses, and a copper-bodied corpse puppet whose cultivation level was higher than his, he might be able to cope with it, or run away if he couldn't beat him.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao actually took out the second bronze body puppet at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, and the hooked nose was not even half sure of escaping.

The next moment, Hooked Nose let out a heavy snort, turned around and was about to step away.

"Did I let you go?"

Yi Xiaoyao spoke coldly.

When the king of Shang and the king of Chu saw Yi Xiaoyao take out two such powerful copper-bodied corpse puppets, both of them were overjoyed. Nose blocked.

"Your Excellency, I think you should stay today!" King Shang said with a sneer.

The hooked nose suddenly turned gloomy, staring at the two monarchs and Yi Xiaoyao, showing a trace of nervousness.

"Is it possible that you really dare to attack me? Are you not afraid of the wrath of the Great Xia Empire?" the hooked nose shouted in a deep voice.

King Shang and King Chu looked at each other, and said with a sneer, "angry? Do you think the Great Xia Empire will treat our two dynasties because of you alone? Instead, let you go back, and my Great Shang Dynasty will have no peace at that time." Already!"

As a king, King Shang sees things very thoroughly. Once the hooked nose brings back the news that Yi Xiaoyao has obtained the inheritance of Cang Tian Xing, the Great Xia Dynasty will definitely send more people to come.

As for the King of Chu, he was an ally with the Great Shang Dynasty, so they naturally stood together.

"Seniors, why bother talking nonsense with him, just kill him, and treat me, Yi Xiaoyao, as a favor to you two!"

Yi Xiaoyao opened his mouth, and then controlled the two bronze-bodied corpse puppets to strike at the hooked nose.

King Shang and King Chu's eyes lit up, Yi Xiaoyao's favor has great potential!Based on this alone, it is worth their shot.

The next moment, the two burst out with cultivation bases of the seventh stage of the Nascent Soul, and shot with all their strength.

Two corpse puppets with bronze bodies and two kings surrounded the center with their hooked noses from four directions, and they crashed into each other suddenly.

And that hooked nose is indeed from the Great Xia Empire, its strength is far beyond that of the ordinary Nascent Soul Eighth Stage Realm, roaring with arrogance, blocking attacks from all sides with overwhelming force.

"Haha! The people of Xiao Dynasty are nothing more than that, you can't do anything to me!"

After the hooked nose received the next wave of attacks, it immediately burst into laughter.

But he didn't know that the two copper-bodied corpse puppets controlled by Yi Xiaoyao were refined by Cang Tianxing, and their power was also far beyond that of ordinary puppets in the same realm.

After one move, Yi Xiaoyao focused his eyes, and then sent even more majestic soul power towards the two copper-bodied corpse puppets.

In an instant, the two copper-bodied corpse puppets flashed with light, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and shot out again like cannonballs.

With a bang, the hooked nose was thrown back again and again by a simple and rough punch from one of the copper-bodied corpses, and then another copper-bodied corpse appeared behind this person in vain, and it was knocked back with another punch. He vomited blood and flew wildly.

Naturally, the King of Shang and the King of Chu would not miss this opportunity, and both of them attacked the hooked nose with all their strength.

Under the rays of light, there is a terrifying power that directly blasts the earth into a huge pit of thousands of feet.

Before the dust cleared, a ray of light shot out from the huge pit, which turned out to be a figure with a hooked nose stepping into the air and fleeing.

"Hmph, can you escape?"

Yi Xiaoyao had been on guard against this person escaping for a long time. After coldly snorting, his body moved, and he also stepped into the air, and slashed forward with a sword.

The magnificent sword light shone out, even though Yi Xiaoyao was only in the first stage of Nascent Soul, the power of this sword was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary Nascent Soul, not to mention that the hooked nose was already seriously injured at this moment.


A desperate cry sounded, and Hooked Nose regretted why he wanted to make Yi Xiaoyao's idea at this moment, but the regret at the imminent death was useless.

In the next moment, his body was cut in half and fell in midair.

Yi Xiaoyao retracted his sword and stood up, then retracted the two bronze body puppets, which landed next to King Shang and King Chu.

"Thank you two seniors for helping me get rid of this trouble." Yi Xiaoyao thanked with cupped fists.

King Shang and King Chu nodded at Chao Yi Xiaoyao, who was shining brightly in their eyes. How could they fail to see that the young man in front of him would have terrifyingly high achievements in the future.

Dao Fengpo and the others who were avoiding far away saw that the hooked nose was beheaded at this time, and they all gathered here one after another.

They looked at the guy who was younger than them in front of him, and now he had reached a level that even these geniuses couldn't match. All that was left was the amazement and emotion on his face, and the "super monster" in his heart towards Yi Xiaoyao evaluate.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Since the matter of the ancient tomb is over, let's all go back."

After talking for a while, the people of the two dynasties said their goodbyes and left the place one after another.

On the way back, Yi Xiaoyao roughly answered some questions under the doubts of everyone, which made them full of envy.

Especially the two powerful bronze puppets that Yi Xiaoyao took out, even King Shang was extremely moved.

You know, this is a top powerhouse comparable to the Ninth Layer of the Nascent Soul, and just owning one can sweep the entire Shang Dynasty.

But in fact, Yi Xiaoyao was suffering and couldn't tell. Just for a short while controlling the two bronze corpse puppets to fight, the power of his soul was consumed far beyond his expectation.

Even if his soul is astonishingly large, at most it can only support him to use the copper corpse a few more times.

However, Yi Xiaoyao didn't care too much about this. After all, relying on foreign objects is not a long-term solution, and his own strength is the last word.

"Now that I have stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, it is almost time for the day when Huayun Sect will be destroyed."

Feeling his growing strength, Yi Xiaoyao's mouth suddenly showed a smile. The goals he had set were completed one by one, and now it was his turn to settle Hua Yunzong's account .

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao looked at the sky in front of him and murmured, "Ling'er, I will come to you after I destroy the Huayun Sect."


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