Devouring Sword God

211 The time has come

211 The time has come
This bloody coat is a trap set by Shangguan Jingyun!
What Shangguan Jingyun wanted was not only Yi Xiaoyao's world fire soul, but also Yi Xiaoyao's life.

And the master of the black robe hall knew Yi Xiaoyao's temperament and was too affectionate, so he was worried that even if he knew it was a trap, he would still jump into it without hesitation.

At this moment, after Yi Xiaoyao listened to the words of the Palace Master, his expression became abnormally calm, which was a manifestation of his extreme anger.

Just now, Yi Xiaoyao got the Shouyuan Pill for Elder Yan, but when he was about to give it to Elder Yan, he was suddenly told that Elder Yan was captured by Hua Yunzong's people, so how could he not be angry.

"Elder Yan is already an ordinary person, yet Hua Yunzong still attacked him and used him to blackmail me, it's really despicable!" Yi Xiaoyao said seriously.

"Now that you know about this, what do you want to do?"

The master of the black robe asked with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Before that, I planned to destroy Huayunzong, but I didn't expect Huayunzong to anger me before I came to the door."

"In this case, let's settle this account in advance!"

Yi Xiaoyao's voice became colder and colder, and his eyes became colder, and finally he narrowed his eyes and said, "Shangguan Jingyun gave me seven days, after which the Huayun Sect will cease to exist. "

"Xiaoyao, don't be impulsive!"

The palace master was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly dissuaded him: "With your talent, you will soon have the strength to crush the Huayun sect, but it's still too early."

"Is it too early?" Yi Xiaoyao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "I think the time is almost here."

The master of the black-robed hall shook his head, and sighed: "The Huayun Sect is also the first sect of the Great Shang Dynasty, and its strength is strong. I don't want you to risk your life in the end."

"Hall Master, don't worry, I am no longer that impulsive brat now, I said the timing is about the same, so I must have a certain degree of certainty."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, his eyes glowed with confidence, he knew what he was doing and what he was going to face, this decision was not impulsive.

"Well, since that's the case, let me give you a rough introduction to Huayunzong's strength."

The master of the black robe also knew that he could not persuade Yi Xiaoyao, so he changed his method and let Yi Xiaoyao understand the strength of Hua Yunzong first, maybe he will retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, he also wanted to know some information about Huayunzong, so that he could be more confident.

"Hua Yunzong has thousands of disciples, at least hundreds of Golden Core disciples..."

Before the master could finish speaking, Yi Xiaoyao interrupted: "Master, let's start directly from the Nascent Soul Realm."

Although hundreds of Golden Core Realms were definitely a terrifying concept in the Great Shang Dynasty, Yi Xiaoyao didn't care about this at all. What he cared about was the opponent's peak strength.

The master of the black-robed hall had no choice but to say: "As far as I know, there are seven Nascent Soul realms on the face of the Huayun Sect, among which Shangguan Jingyun has the highest cultivation level, and is at the sixth level of the Nascent Soul realm."

"Seven Nascent Soul Realm? It's indeed a huge lineup." Yi Xiaoyao frowned and murmured in surprise.

One Nascent Soul Realm is enough to establish a sect in the Great Shang Dynasty, but the Huayun Sect has a total of seven, and it is worthy of being the first sect in the Great Shang Dynasty.

Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao was only a little surprised by this, the master of the black robe frowned slightly.

He continued: "You have to know that these seven Nascent Soul Realm are only on the surface, and there must be other peak Nascent Soul Realm experts in the dark."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded. This can be seen from the Bo's house that he visited today. The gray-clothed old man in the eighth stage of Nascent Soul is the background of the Bo's house.

And the Huayun Sect is far stronger than the Bo family, so it must have this kind of unknown background, and there will only be more.

But Yi Xiaoyao remained calm after listening, and said, "Thank you, Palace Master, for letting me know."

"Xiaoyao, I don't want to ask where your self-confidence comes from, but I have to tell you that if you want to attack Huayunzong, my Seven Killing Star Palace will not interfere." The master of the black robe felt a little ashamed Said.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded and said, "I can understand, the Palace Master doesn't need to care about this."

Although the Qisha Xingdian and Huayunzong had always been at odds, it was just a small friction. It had been like this for so many years, and now it is absolutely impossible to directly declare war with Huayunzong for Yi Xiaoyao alone.

There are many things involved in this, so Yi Xiaoyao can naturally understand.

It was doomed that Yi Xiaoyao could only face the entire Huayun Sect alone.

Then, the two talked about many aspects, but until the end, the master of the black robe still couldn't persuade Yi Xiaoyao.

"Also ask the hall master to help me spread a word."

Before Yi Xiaoyao left, he said to the master of the black robe: "After seven days, I, Yi Xiaoyao, will remove Huayunzong from this world!"


That night, Jin Sanbao, Xuan Mo, Luo Yi and others all came to Yi Xiaoyao's yard.

"Xiaoyao, I heard that you want to kill Shanghua Yunzong alone?"

"I know your master was captured by Huayun Sect, but don't be too impulsive!"

"Yes! Let's think of another way. With so many of us, we can definitely come up with a good way."

All these friends surrounded Yi Xiaoyao nervously to persuade them.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled helplessly: "The Palace Master asked you to persuade me, right?"

They all smiled wryly, it was indeed the Palace Master who told them the news, and it was also the Palace Master who asked them to persuade them, and they really didn't want Yi Xiaoyao to take risks.

Even though they had seen too many miracles from Yi Xiaoyao, they couldn't believe that Yi Xiaoyao could succeed in this matter.

Because Hua Yunzong is too powerful for them now!
"As my best friend, all you should do is trust me." Yi Xiaoyao said half-jokingly.

Immediately, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately nodded heavily.

"Okay! After seven days, as long as you let us go with you, we will believe you!"

Several people said firmly, because they believed that Yi Xiaoyao would not let them accompany him to die, and if Yi Xiaoyao agreed, then he had full confidence.

"No problem." Yi Xiaoyao agreed very simply, and then said: "Oh, by the way, call Shang Han Xiao, I promised him that I will definitely call him on the day he kills Shang Hua Yunzong."

In this way, everyone left after making an agreement.

Yi Xiaoyao stood in the yard with a calm expression.

"Eight years ago, people from the Huayun Sect killed my grandfather and hunted down my master Yanlao for eight years, and now they are trying to kill me even more."

"This sect is destined to be destroyed by my own hands!"

"And now, the time has come."


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(End of this chapter)

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