Devouring Sword God

Chapter 215 The white-cloaked ones, kill them all!

Chapter 215 The white-cloaked ones, kill them all!

Yi Xiaoyao, here we come!
Although Yi Xiaoyao hadn't appeared yet, everyone was aware of it.

Cleave a huge mountain with one sword, even in the Great Shang Dynasty, there are only a handful of strong men who can do this.

But at this moment, this huge mountain that was split open is the mountain of the guardian of the first sect, Huayun Sect, and the facade of Huayun Sect.

To split it open is to clearly offend Hua Yunzong.

Among those few strong men, besides Yi Xiaoyao, who else has such courage?

The one who came must be Yi Xiaoyao!

Accompanied by the cracking of the majestic giant mountain, a bloody murderous intent, visible to the naked eye, surged out from the gap between the mountains, roaring towards Hua Yunzong.

This bloody murderous intent instantly dyed the cloud and mist in the Valley of Transformation into a blood red, extremely strange.

And in this blood-red cloud, a figure with a long sword on his back appeared at the end of the road formed by the split of the giant mountain.

He is Yi Xiaoyao!

Countless eyes looked at this figure like a sharp sword.

"Yi Xiaoyao!"

"The most monstrous and peerless genius in the history of the Great Shang Dynasty!"

"He's really here!"

The entire Huayun Sect boiled with the appearance of this figure.

Those monks from all over the world who came here on purpose were all extremely excited. For them, Yi Xiaoyao was a myth in their hearts.

Especially the large number of young people among them are full of fanaticism and admiration. In their view, even if Yi Xiaoyao has fallen today, he is extremely dazzling!
As for those strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm, they all squinted at Yi Xiaoyao's figure in the sky.

They all knew very well that if Yi Xiaoyao didn't die today, then sooner or later they would surpass them and reach a level they couldn't reach.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao, who was the focus of everyone's attention, had already stepped out of the crack and appeared on this side of the giant mountain.

The killing intent on his body immediately dyed the sky over the side where he was in blood red!
When Yi Xiaoyao walked out of the crack in the giant mountain, everyone was stunned, because they saw several different figures behind Yi Xiaoyao.

These people were exactly Jin Sanbao and others who had made an appointment with Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Jin Sanbao and the others were smiling, and there was no pressure in their hearts, because the figure in front of them was like a mountain, which made them feel extremely at ease.

"Xiaoyao, there are so many people here!" Jin Sanbao raised his eyes to look at the Huayun Sect in the distance, and found countless eyes watching them, he suddenly exclaimed.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly: "It's just right, I want to eradicate this sect in front of everyone!"

At the same time, in Huayun Sect, Shangguan Jingyun saw that Yi Xiaoyao had really appeared, and immediately smiled coldly, exuding a powerful pressure from the Nascent Soul Realm, and all the people below oppressed him away.

Everyone was startled, and looked at Shangguan Jingyun with fear and dissatisfaction.

Shangguan Jingyun didn't care about the dissatisfaction and anger of these people at all, his voice was mixed with strong spiritual power, and he spoke to the people below in a deep voice.

"I think you all know that Yi Xiaoyao, who frequently killed members of my Huayun Sect, took the initiative to challenge my Huayun Sect's majesty, and now even blasphemy wants to expel my Huayun Sect! It's ridiculous!"

"Since you all have come to our Huayun Sect, I will use today's killing of Yi Xiaoyao to warn the world!"

"Huayun Sect is the first sect of the Great Shang Dynasty! No one is allowed to violate the majesty of our sect!"

"As long as someone dares to provoke the majesty of Huayun Sect, no matter who they are, there is only one end, and that is death!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people who came here immediately looked ugly. It turned out that Shangguan Jingyun let them enter the Huayun Sect in order to scare the chickens and warn the world!

But at this moment, after hearing these words, the black-robed palace master in the sky suddenly sneered and spoke.

"Shangguan Jingyun, I think you are telling the world that you Huayun Sect members are a bunch of brazen people!"

"Eight years ago, your Huayun Sect killed Yi Xiaoyao's family members in order to rob the Heaven, Earth and Fire Soul. Since then, you have chased and killed Yi Xiaoyao's master for a long time, and even sent people to urge the Jin family in Shecheng to destroy Yi Xiaoyao's family. Yi Xiaoyao listed it as a reward, and repeatedly sent people to kill him!"

"Just seven days ago, Hua Yunzong captured Yi Xiaoyao's master who had become an ordinary person, and used it to threaten Yi Xiaoyao."

"It's in vain for you to call yourself a decent sect, what you have done, even our Seven Killing Star Palace, which is called the evil sect, despises it!"

"I don't need to say more about the other words, everyone present must already know it well."

After the master of the black robe finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

It turns out that the truth of the matter is this!
No wonder Yi Xiaoyao threatened to destroy Huayunzong. Anyone who suffered this would probably hate Huayunzong deeply.

And Hua Yunzong actually said that Yi Xiaoyao took the initiative to provoke them?

Everyone cast contemptuous glances at these people of Huayun Sect, full of snorts.

Even if Yi Xiaoyao failed today, I'm afraid Huayun Sect's reputation will be ruined because of it, and those who join because Huayun Sect is famous and upright will inevitably decrease sharply.

As for Shangguan Jingyun and the others, their complexions suddenly darkened, but before they continued to speak, their gazes all changed at the next moment.

An astonishing giant flaming fist crossed half of the sky, turning into an arc and directly blasting the mountain gate of Huayun Sect, which had stood for countless years, into a blazing ruin.

Everyone was shocked and cast their eyes there again.

In the flames, Yi Xiaoyao's figure loomed, and an indifferent voice came out.

"After today, Huayun Sect will cease to exist, so what's the use of having this mountain gate?"

The icy voice echoed throughout Huayun Sect, and all the visitors from all sides were moved. At the same time, they looked at the broken mountain gate, and they felt a kind of joy in their hearts.

Today, Huayun Sect will cease to exist?

"Hmph! Just because of you and these few people who can't get on the stage, you dare to say such arrogant words?"

Shangguan Jingyun gave a disdainful smile, glanced at his lineup, and said, "Yi Xiaoyao, I think you didn't see the situation clearly, come here to die!"

Immediately afterwards, thousands of Huayun Sect disciples all stared at Yi Xiaoyao, and suppressed Yi Xiaoyao who was targeted towards him.

Everyone present looked at the thousands of Huayun Sect disciples in the vast expanse of whiteness, and then looked at the few thin figures on Yi Xiaoyao's side, and they didn't even need to compare.

Especially when everyone found out that among the few people behind Yi Xiaoyao, there were actually two without the slightest cultivation level, and they looked even weirder.

But for this, Yi Xiaoyao just smiled coldly.

Among the thousands of disciples of the Huayun Sect, there are only a hundred or so in the Golden Core Realm, and their cultivation levels are uneven, and there are only a handful of those who are at the peak of the Golden Core Realm. carry.

This kind of combat power was indeed a terrifying force in the Great Shang Dynasty, but in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, it was nothing more than soldiers and generals.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao waved his hand, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, the front was suddenly filled with cloudy air, and a large amount of black mist instantly filled the air.

And in this black mist of Yin Qi, more than 400 Yin Corpses at the peak of Jindan Realm appeared out of thin air!
Before the people present could react, an order filled with death breath came out from Yi Xiaoyao's mouth.

"Those in white robes, kill them all!"


(ps: This is the third update from yesterday.)
 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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