Devouring Sword God

Chapter 231 The Pill King Is Under Me

Chapter 231 The Pill King Is Under Me
"Wait." Yi Xiaoyao frowned when he heard Yun Cang's order to chase away the guests.

"Senior, it's too hasty to refuse my elixir without even looking at it? What's more, this elixir was given to Ling'er by me, not to you, senior. How do you know that Ling'er dislike?"

As soon as Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, the young man in soap clothes next to him seized the opportunity of revenge, glanced at him and said with a sneer, "Hmph! Is it worth looking at? Your elixir is comparable to the elixir my young master gave you." Is it? I think you are simply bringing shame on yourself!"

"Just now I was saving face for you, since you are so ignorant, then I might as well tell you the truth!"

When Yun Cang heard Yi Xiaoyao's bad tone, he also snorted lightly, and then said: "Meng Ling is the most talented genius in my Yun family, and the resources she uses must be the best, so why not?" Can you destroy the foundation by taking low-level and indiscriminate pills?"

Low and indiscriminate?

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, the corners of his mouth were slightly lowered, and he said:

"Senior, if you look at my elixir and feel that my elixir is not as good as his, I will leave immediately with my things, but if senior thinks my elixir is better, please let me meet Linger."

The soap-clothed young man immediately sneered: "It's ridiculous, just because you dare to compare the pill with my young master?"

"Boy, do you know that the elixir sent by my young master was made by the Alchemy King himself. Do you know the Alchemy King?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you came from a small, backcountry place like the Great Shang Dynasty. You are short-sighted. You must have never heard of Lord Pill!"

"Since that's the case, then I'll give you a lot of insight! Lord Pill King is the number one alchemist in the Great Xia Empire, and the top-grade four-line elixir he made is the closest to the level of perfect elixir!"

Yun Cang also looked at Yi Xiaoyao coldly. He felt that what the young man in soap clothes said to Yi Xiaoyao was the same as playing the piano to a cow. A person who came out of the Great Shang Dynasty probably didn't even know what the Siwen top-grade elixir was. Tell him What is the use of these?Can he understand?

The next moment, Yi Xiaoyao stopped the young man in soap clothes coldly.

"Pill King? I've never heard of it, and I'm not interested in knowing a person whose alchemy skills are inferior to mine."

As soon as this remark came out, several people in the room immediately looked at Yi Xiaoyao with extremely strange expressions, including the butler Yun Cheng.

Pill King's alchemy is inferior to him?

Over the years, it was the first time they had heard such ridiculous words of arrogance and ignorance.

In the entire Great Xia Empire, who dares to say that alchemy can compete with or even surpass the alchemy king?
I am afraid that there is only this young man standing here with a calm expression on his face.

How ignorant is this to say such absurd words?


Yun Cang slapped the table heavily, and shouted: "Young man, you claim to be superior to alchemy kings in alchemy, I want to see what kind of elixir you can get!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Cang didn't bother to take it and opened the storage bag, and directly raised his hand and shot a burst of spiritual power at the storage bag in Yi Xiaoyao's hand.

The storage bag burst at the sound, the next moment.


Pills exuding an extremely strong elixir fragrance were scattered all over the ground in an instant, rolling around, there were hundreds of them!

"Hmph! People from the Great Shang Dynasty can come up with so many fourth-tier pills, which is a bit amazing." Yun Cang secretly said with a cold face.

At the same time, the soap-clothed youth also sneered when he saw so many pills.

"Even if you can come up with more pills, what's the use? Even the one refined by Lord Pill King can't match one, and my young master even sent out eight top-grade four-pattern pills from Lord Pill King!"

"Your elixir, the elixir fragrance is so strong, it must have been adulterated with a lot of spices, it is flashy, it must be full of erysipelas, at most there is only one elixir pattern."

As he said that, the young man in soap clothes picked up a elixir that rolled down to his feet from the ground with a sneer on his face, and continued to sneer: "Sure enough, look at this... this... this is..."

The complexion of the soap-clothed youth changed instantly, he shook his head, counted the pill patterns on it carefully again, and suddenly let out an exclamation from his mouth.

"Five lines perfect pill!!!"


Yun Cang's expression froze, and he immediately looked at these fourth-order pills. When he saw the pill patterns above, the coldness and expression on his face froze there instantly.

In just an instant, his eyes had already scanned all the pills on the ground.

There are hundreds of fourth-order elixirs, all of which are five-pattern perfect elixirs!

What is this concept?fear!
Is this the vulgar thing he Yuncang said?
If all of these are called inferior, then there is no elixir in this world that can be called first-class.

And at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's voice came over at the same time, his tone extremely dissatisfied.

"Hmph! Senior, I spent a lot of precious medicinal materials and refined it for Ling'er for several days before refining it. You actually spilled all of it on the ground!"

"Since the senior doesn't accept my gift, it can't be ruined like this, and I don't know how you will repay me for these tainted medicines!"

Just kidding, this is Yi Xiaoyao's gift for Yunmengling, all of it was filled with his hard work, but it was all lost like this, how could he not be angry.

After all, Yun Cang was a person who had seen the world, so he quickly recovered from the shock, but when he heard Yi Xiaoyao's words, his face twitched again.


Not to mention that the five-line perfect elixir is only something that exists in legends. It is priceless in the market, and even if it has a price, it is definitely a sky-high price!

The price of hundreds of perfect pills, even if it is his city lord's mansion, doesn't mean that it can be repaid by paying it back!

Yun Cang's face turned blue and red, he is the city lord of the Great Xia Empire, he has lived for so long, what situation has he never encountered?

But when faced with this matter at this moment, he has no idea at all, because he has never met it before.

At this time, the soap-clothed young man said with some lack of confidence: "Our young master said that he is willing to pay any price for Miss Meng Ling. My young master will definitely be willing to pay for these pills for City Lord Yun!"

"Oh?" Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and said, "In that case, then let your young master invite that alchemy king to refine so many five-pattern perfect pills and return them to me."

The complexion of the soap-clothed youth changed. As far as he knew, the elixir refined by the Pill King could only be close to the five-printed perfect elixir, but it seemed that he could not really refine this legendary quality.

Seeing this person's expression, Yi Xiaoyao sneered and said, "Could it be that the alchemy king you mentioned before is far superior to me in alchemy, and can't make the perfect five-pattern elixir?"

The soap-clothed young man's face twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

At this time, Yun Cang also had a complicated face. He even thought that Yi Xiaoyao had never heard of the Siwen pill, and he thought Yi Xiaoyao's words that his alchemy was superior to the alchemy king were ignorant and ridiculous.

But in the current situation, Yun Cang felt as if he was being slapped hard on the face one by one, causing burning pain.


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(End of this chapter)

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