Chapter 234

The Great Xia Empire is a centralized country, and the Imperial Army Mansion has the greatest power in the Great Xia Empire. The orders issued by all parties must be obeyed unconditionally, including the reward order in Yi Xiaoyao's hands at the moment.

Now that Yi Xiaoyao was offered a reward by the Imperial Army Mansion, if he continued to stay in the Great Xia Empire, it would be like a sheep joining a pack of wolves, and he would be hunted down sooner or later.

"Why were you offered a reward by the Imperial Army Mansion?" Yun Cang asked Yi Xiaoyao with a frown.

"Before that, I killed their people."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled helplessly, of course he would not say that the Imperial Army Mansion was for the Heaven and Earth Fire Soul and the Nine Transformation Infant Art.

Yun Cang's eyes moved slightly, he knew the reason was more than that, otherwise Yi Xiaoyao's bounty wouldn't be so high.

But he didn't want to ask too much, he just said, "Leave and go to a place."

"Where are you going?" Yi Xiaoyao frowned.

Yun Cang's eyes flickered and said: "Chaotic alliance domain!"

When Yun Mengling heard these three words, her pretty face changed instantly, and she stopped her and said, "No! Grandpa, how could you let Brother Xiaoyao go to that kind of place!"

"Where is that place?" Yi Xiaoyao frowned, showing doubts.

"If he continues to stay in the Great Xia Empire now, it will be countless times more dangerous than going to the Chaotic Alliance Region." Yun Cang said to Yun Mengling in a deep voice.

Then he looked at Yi Xiaoyao again and began to explain.

"100 years ago, there was a monstrous character in Daxia, the heavens!"

"This person has turned the Great Xia Empire upside down. His power has occupied half of the Great Xia Empire. Even the Great Xia Empire has nothing to do with this power."

"In the end, after Cang Tianxing passed away, his power group had no leader and split into big and small forces, forming the current chaotic alliance domain."

"There, it is not bound by any system of the Great Xia Empire, and it is full of killings. It is a real place where the weak prey on the strong!"

"Everyone in the Chaotic Alliance Region has been wanted by the Great Xia Empire, and at the same time, many bounty hunters have gone to the Chaotic Alliance Region in order to avoid being wanted by the Great Xia Empire."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard this, he immediately understood why Yun Cang asked him to go there.

"No wonder it's called Chaotic Alliance Domain, it's really chaotic."

He murmured, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. For some reason, he had a longing for the Chaotic Alliance Domain.

Because Yi Xiaoyao is eager to fight, only through fighting can he ascend to the strongest position step by step.

Obviously, the chaotic alliance area is indeed a good place for Yi Xiaoyao, and it is also his only choice.

However, there was only one thing that worried Yi Xiaoyao.

"That Linger, she..."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Yun Mengling with a slight frown.

"It's impossible for Mengling to go to the Chaotic Alliance Region with you, and come to her when you are truly capable of protecting her." Yun Cang said.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled wryly, seeing Yun Mengling after a long time, is it time to say goodbye so soon?

At this time, Yun Cheng, who was standing beside him, said, "Yi Xiaoyao, the Palace Master also values ​​you very much. Just now, the Palace Master planned to let you be with Miss Biao, but there is no way. Now you have been captured by the imperial army." The government is offering a reward, Miss Biao will be implicated if she is with you, I hope you will also understand the decision of the palace master."

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, did Yun Cang plan to let him be with Ling'er just now?
However, this beautiful thing was all shattered because of the Great Xia Empire's Imperial Army Mansion, which made Yi Xiaoyao's eyes cold. One day, he would make the Imperial Army Mansion pay the price.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao nodded and said: "I understand, and I also know that my current strength is not enough to protect Ling'er, and I will go to the chaos alliance domain next."

"Brother Xiaoyao!" Yun Mengling's face was full of reluctance and worry.

Yi Xiaoyao squeezed her little hand and comforted: "Ling'er, don't worry, I will come back soon with enough strength, this is just a short parting."

"En!" Yun Mengling nodded heavily, he had confidence in Yi Xiaoyao.

"Leave early, or change later." Yun Cang sighed softly.

Then, Yun Mengling pulled Yi Xiaoyao to the side of a pool filled with clouds and mist.

"Ling'er, what is this place?" Yi Xiaoyao asked.

"This is the place where I usually practice, Guanling Pond." Yunmengling said, "The chaotic alliance area is really too dangerous, I hope I can help brother Xiaoyao."

The next moment, Yi Xiaoyao was pushed by Yunmengling, and immediately fell into the pool water in front of him.

"Ling'er, you..."

Before Yi Xiaoyao could finish his sentence, he was suddenly startled, because he felt that the water in the pool contained an astonishing spiritual power.

"Hee hee, brother Xiaoyao, stay here with me for the last time before you leave, maybe you can help you improve your cultivation." Yun Mengling smiled and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled, and sat cross-legged in the Guanling Pond, he did not want to part with Yun Mengling, nor did he delay this moment.

Imbuing Spirit Pond is indeed worthy of its name. As soon as Yi Xiaoyao sat down, a large amount of extremely pure and rich spiritual power poured into his body crazily from all over his body.

"It's no wonder Ling'er was able to enter the Nascent Soul Realm so quickly. Practicing here is indeed getting twice the result with half the effort."

Yi Xiaoyao sighed in his heart, and then began to use the exercises, a majestic devouring force suddenly radiated.

In an instant, the spiritual power in the entire Spirit Implantation Pond boiled out like never before, and was swallowed up by this berserk force and rushed in.

Yun Mengling squatted aside, holding her chin and blinking, quietly looking at Yi Xiaoyao who was practicing.

After an unknown amount of time, an exclamation suddenly came from behind Yunmengling.

"Ah! Cousin Meng Ling, how could you bring outsiders into the Imbued Spirit Pond!"

Yun Chang, who had just arrived here, frowned, and saw that there was still a man's figure in the mist of the pool water, and his expression became extremely dissatisfied.

Then, Yun Shang took a closer look and found that the person in the pool was actually Yi Xiaoyao who injured her back then!

"It's him! He dared to come to our Yunfu, hmph, I'll tell Grandpa right now, let him teach this guy a lesson for me, and seek justice for me!"

Before Yun Mengling could speak, Yun Chang turned around and left.

Yun Mengling sighed softly and shook her head. She knew that it would be difficult for Liangzi between Yunshang and Yi Xiaoyao to be caught in the middle, but she believed that even if Yunshang went to find her grandfather, she would definitely return in vain.

Several hours later, Yun Chang did not come over.

And Yi Xiaoyao suddenly exuded an astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power in such an environment with abundant spiritual power.

"Brother Xiaoyao, you have really broken through to the second level of the Nascent Soul!"

Yun Mengling smiled in surprise, and then became disappointed again.

This meant that Yi Xiaoyao was really about to leave.

Yi Xiaoyao immediately opened his eyes, walked out of Guanling Pond, saw Yun Mengling's expression and smiled helplessly.

"Ling'er, when I come back this time, I will marry you!"

Yi Xiaoyao rubbed Yun Mengling's long hair, and said with a faint smile, "At that time, whoever dares to stop me, I will kill him!"


(ps: The last few chapters are a bit dull, but when Yi Xiaoyao enters the realm of chaotic alliances, it will be exciting.)
 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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