Devouring Sword God

Chapter 238 Black Cloud Restaurant

Chapter 238 Black Cloud Restaurant
After killing Shao Jingyun, Yi Xiaoyao left directly in the direction of the Chaotic League.

Yunshang and Lu Jin witnessed the whole process from a distance. At this moment, they looked at the scorched and smoky land in front of them, as well as the corpse lying there quietly, and they stood there completely dumbfounded, their faces full of shock. .

"That finger just now is at least a heavenly skill!"

"At the second level of the Nascent Soul, he killed the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. Is this guy still human?"

The two of Yunshang were horrified. They thought that even if Yi Xiaoyao could defeat them, they still had no chance of winning against Shao Jingyun, but this ending was beyond their expectations.

Looking at Yi Xiaoyao's leaving back, Yun Shang couldn't help but think of the words she had said to Yi Xiaoyao in the Shang Dynasty, and felt ashamed.


The southern half of the Great Xia Empire is a notoriously chaotic area.

Here, there are no rules, only a law, the law of the jungle.

In other words, that is, the weak prey on the strong.

The weak have no right to live in this area.

Therefore, in order to survive, the weak will rely on the strong, and the small forces will rely on the big forces to form alliances.

The forces of these alliances vary in size from hundreds to thousands, and countless frictions and collisions occur every day because of interests or survival.

The Chaotic Alliance Domain got its name from this.

In the chaotic alliance domain, each alliance occupies a large area of ​​territory and owns many cities under its command.

Yi Xiaoyao started from Yunzhou City and went all the way south. After a few days, he arrived within the territory of the Chaotic League and arrived at Heiyun City.

Heiyun City is the junction point between the Chaotic Alliance Domain and the outside world, and it is equivalent to an intelligence intersection point on both sides.

Therefore, no single force can occupy this city, and at the same time, there are a large number of intelligence-gathering personnel from various forces in this city.

Here, it is equivalent to a reduced version of the chaotic alliance domain, where there are killings and crises everywhere.

At this time, a stern young man in a black robe and carrying a long sword was walking slowly in Heiyun City.

"If you want to truly integrate into the chaotic alliance domain, you must first get out of this black cloud city."

This young man is Yi Xiaoyao, at this moment he murmured the words he heard on the way, his eyes thoughtful.

At this time, the sky was getting late, and there were faint battle fluctuations not far away. Judging from these fluctuations, the people in this city had the lowest cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm, and most of them were almost Nascent Soul Realm people.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes froze slightly. The whole Great Shang Dynasty only had a few Nascent Soul Realm in total, but in this city in the chaotic alliance region, there were Nascent Soul Realm everywhere, and the Golden Core Realm had been reduced to the lowest level.

Then he glanced around, the surrounding streets were quite desolate, and many houses and buildings on both sides had been turned into ruins, all of which were destroyed by fighting.

But there was only one pavilion standing there without any damage, and it seemed that this was the only place in the whole city that was brightly lit.

"Black Cloud Restaurant."

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, pondered for a moment, then walked over there.

When he stepped into this restaurant, he finally understood why it was more peaceful than other places.

Because here, a large number of powerful people are gathered, and they are exchanging information with each other.

The appearance of Yi Xiaoyao immediately caused a series of cold eyes to cast over.

"Huh? This kid is at most eighteen or nineteen years old. It's the first time I've seen such a young guy enter the chaotic alliance domain. He's quite courageous."

"I guess, he won't survive a stick of incense in the future."

"Hey, interesting, I don't know whose hands this kid will die next."

The people around were all looking at Yi Xiaoyao very freshly, and talking about it jokingly.

Hearing these voices, Yi Xiaoyao looked indifferent, walked to an unoccupied table and sat down, he was a little hungry and thirsty after traveling for so many days.

Moreover, restaurants are often the dissemination points of information. If you sit here for a while, you must be able to hear a lot of useful information.

"Hey, what kind of wine and food do you need?"

A voice came, and Yi Xiaoyao looked up, and there was a man dressed as a servant leaning against the wall and looking at him with a smile.

The boy in the restaurant smiled with disdain, and he didn't even bother to come to Yi Xiaoyao's side. In his opinion, Yi Xiaoyao was already a dying person, so he was in no mood to serve a dead person.

It was the first time Yi Xiaoyao had seen such a rude servant, and his brows frowned.

Others in the restaurant burst into laughter: "At this kid's age, his cultivation is at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, and I don't know when he learns that his cultivation is not even comparable to a boy in this chaotic alliance domain." , how would you feel?"

When the young man heard the words, he sneered, and then followed everyone's wishes, exuding the aura of the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could react, at this moment, a wine jar suddenly shot over from a table next to it.

"Boy, this boy is disobedient, our boss will give you a jar of wine."

The wine jug landed on Yi Xiaoyao's table, exuding a strong chill, and one didn't need to think about it, the wine inside must have been frozen into ice cubes by the powerful spiritual power.

Everyone laughed again, they could feel the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul Realm exuding from the cold air of the wine jar, in their view, Yi Xiaoyao, a stunned young man, could not dissolve the frozen wine at all, even if he could , will inevitably be killed by the spiritual power hidden in the wine.

The person who threw out the wine jar laughed and said: "Boy, if you stop drinking, our boss will be angry."

Yi Xiaoyao sneered coldly, in front of Tiandi Huosoul, what is this little bit of freezing?Under the devouring spiritual power, what is the potential of these hidden spiritual powers?
The next moment, the wine jar tilted, and the wine was poured into the wine bowl very naturally.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao handed the wine jug to Xiao Hei who was on his shoulder, and each of them drank freely.

After a while, Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand and shot, and the wine jar fell back to the table next to it.


This understatement of thanks made everyone around startled, they obviously did not expect this result.

And the person who delivered the wine jar held the empty wine jar in amazement and looked at a black-faced man at the same table.

"Boss, this..."

The black-faced man narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer, "This kid is a bit interesting."

Immediately, the man looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Boy, after drinking my wine, is it enough to just say 'thank you'?"

The eyes of the people around showed interest again, it seems that the fun is not over yet.

"This wine was given to me by you, do you still want to play tricks in front of so many people?" Yi Xiaoyao sneered.

"You say I'm cheating?" The black-faced man suddenly slapped the table and shouted angrily: "I just gave you the wine, but I didn't give it to your monkey! Since you, the monkey, didn't get my consent, you drank it. Lao Tzu's wine, I will eat this little beast's monkey brain raw!"


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(End of this chapter)

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