Devouring Sword God

Chapter 245 Sword of Blood Prison

Chapter 245 Sword of Blood Prison

As soon as Yi Xiaoyao said this, Qianyue Zhan's complexion suddenly changed.

Because Zhanyue League is a power of the Imperial Army Mansion, this is an absolute secret, but Yi Xiaoyao pointed it out.

Immediately, Qianyue Zhan's face softened again, because with him around, Yi Xiaoyao would surely die, so what if a dead person knew the secret?

Immediately, this person snorted heavily at Yi Xiaoyao: "Arrogance, I want to see how you will destroy me in front of me!"

At the same time, the four helmsmen laughed loudly.

"Boy, you are really ignorant to the extreme, do you know who this person you are facing now?"

"This person is the leader of my Zhan Yue League!"

"Why, are you trembling with fear now? You are unlucky, and you want to come to the Moon Slashing League to kill people again, but I'm afraid you never expected that our leader is just here."

"Haha, it seems like this kid said, the method we discussed before will indeed not be used in the future, because this notorious blood sword is about to die in my Zhan Yuemeng!"

Every word the four rudder masters said to each other was full of confidence in the victory.

Yi Xiaoyao sneered, and said, "Whether I am arrogant or ignorant, you will know later."

Then he raised his sword and pointed at Qianyue Zhan, and said indifferently: "Qianyue Zhan, today I am here to challenge you, how dare you fight!"

The four rudder leaders stared at each other, what are you kidding, this kid learned that the lord is here, not only did he not feel scared, but threatened to challenge the lord?
"Hmph, kid, since you know my name and dare to challenge me, it seems that you really don't know how to write the word dead!"

After Qianyue Zhan let out an angry laugh, he rushed up and appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

"In that case, then I will teach you how to write dead characters!"

As soon as the words fell, Qian Yuezhan opened his mouth suddenly at Yi Xiaoyao, and yelled out a syllable "Death!"

Immediately afterwards, the character "death" was transformed into a tangible character under the strong spiritual power, and it rose against the wind, turning into a size of hundreds of feet, and crushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

"Sonic attack?"

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly. He had heard of this attack method before, but it was the first time he encountered it.

In the next instant, the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique was instantly activated, and almost at the same instant, a flaming sword light cut out from under his sword, angrily slashing towards the huge death character.

The space was shaken suddenly, and the two astonishing attacks collided suddenly.

The four rudder masters stared intently at the battle in the sky, and then they looked happy.

Under their eyes, Qianyue Zhan's dead character directly crushed Yi Xiaoyao's sword light and disappeared, and continued to roar towards Yi Xiaoyao with a roaring sound.

"Humph! This blood sword, I really think I have great abilities, dare to challenge the baby-changing realm with the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"It's just an idiot, a mantis is like a car, and he is beyond his control!"

"The lord can easily obliterate this kid with just one move."

But just when these rudder masters sneered, the sneer on their faces was in vain in the next moment.

Because the dead characters of Qianyue Zhan made a whine when they were less than ten feet away from Yi Xiaoyao, and then split into two halves, scattered and roared away from Yi Xiaoyao's sides.

"Qianyue Zhan, show some real strength, otherwise you will have no chance."

Yi Xiaoyao looked coldly at Qianyue Zhan, who was hundreds of feet away. Although he wanted to kill this person, he also didn't want the process to be too simple, because he longed for a hearty battle, so as to achieve the effect of experience. .

Qianyue Zhan was also extremely surprised that Yi Xiaoyao was able to break through his move, and at the same time felt that he was ashamed of not being able to kill Yi Xiaoyao with one move.

"In this case, then I will satisfy you and let you see how big the real gap between Nascent Soul Realm and Infant Transformation Realm is!"

The next moment, Qianyue Zhan suddenly pulled out a full moon scimitar from his waist.

With a flash of light, a new moon slowly rose from behind Qian Yuezhan, and the bright moonlight instantly enveloped Yi Xiaoyao.

This moonlight is the sword intent.

"Moon Plastic Slash, wind up!"

As soon as the words fell, a round of icy crescent moon light rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could make a move, Qianyue Zhan made another slash.

"Moon Dark Slash, end!"

The two crescent moons quickly overlapped and rotated in the void, and even the space was cut apart wherever they passed.

Looking at the two crescent moons, Yi Xiaoyao grinned, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Sword Lin Flame Dragon!"

With a shout, the sword light shone, and the bloodbath sword cut out two sword lights at the same time at an extremely fast speed.

Two Sword Lin Flame Dragons condensed out, roaring towards the two Moonlight Slashes of the opponent.

In the void, sword energy and sword energy exploded, fire and moonlight competed for brilliance, Yanlong wanted to bite the crescent moon, and the crescent moon wanted to split Yanlong. Both dissipated.

"What! This kid actually competed with the lord to a close!"

"What kind of monster is this? He is only at the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul, and his cultivation base is lower than ours. How can he possess such terrifying strength!"

"If the lord fails to kill this kid today, then in the future..."

The several helmsmen who watched this scene were all shocked, and at the same time, they did not dare to imagine what would happen if Yi Xiaoyao left alive today.

Not only those rudder masters, but Qianyue Zhan was terrified in his heart. He knew deeply how big the gap between the Nascent Soul Realm and the Nascent Transformation Realm was, and the person who was contending with him in front of him was actually just a Nascent Soul Five Severe situation boy!
Seeing his opponent's expression, Yi Xiaoyao smiled coldly.

At the second stage of the Nascent Soul, he could use the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique to kill the helm master at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, but now at the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul, the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique has improved his three-level cultivation base, plus the dual Nascent Soul in his body Wait, it's not his goal at all to fight against a baby-changing first-level environment.

Yi Xiaoyao's purpose is to kill the baby and change the world!
"Qianyue Zhan, it's no wonder that you are ranked 480th and seventh on the Chaotic League list. With such a bottom ranking, it seems that your strength is indeed mediocre!"

Yi Xiaoyao's voice made Qianyue Zhan's face twitch.

"Hmph! The Chaos Alliance Ranking can only be included if you are above the Infant Transformation Realm. No matter how bottom I rank, it won't be your turn to be judged by a kid who is not qualified to be on the list!" Qian Yuezhan yelled angrily in a low voice.

Yi Xiaoyao sneered: "Is that so? If I kill you, I will be the first person to rank in the chaotic alliance list with Nascent Soul Realm!"

As soon as the words fell, Yi Xiaoyao's whole body suddenly burst out with a shocking killing intent. In an instant, the blood-red murderous aura enveloped thousands of feet in radius, which can be described as monstrous.

"Slaying Nine Swords, Seventh Form!"

"The Sword of Blood Hell!"

With that sound, all those who were shrouded in the murderous aura instantly found themselves in a purgatory full of bloody killings.

Following Yi Xiaoyao's sword light slashing down, a thousand-foot-high blood-colored giant sword emerged out of thin air from the blood-colored purgatory, and crashed down towards Qianyue Zhan.


Qianyue Zhan's expression was horrified, he was not only terrified by Yi Xiaoyao's extremely powerful sword, but also the bloody purgatory he was in.

Because in this purgatory, there seemed to be countless strong bloody hands firmly grasping his body, trying to fix him in place, waiting for the bloody giant sword to fall.

Even though Qianyue Zhan is the top powerhouse in the Infant Transformation Realm and can break free from the shackles of Purgatory, his speed is still suppressed by at least [-]%!

Faced with such a powerful move, this person immediately turned pale, and unleashed his strongest move.

"Celestial eclipse!"

After the sound, a black light that seemed to be able to erode everything rose from Qianyue Zhan's full moon scimitar, and with one slash, the void seemed to open a crack, and a huge black curved light burst out from the crack moon.

Immediately afterwards, the black crescent moon directly collided with the bloody giant sword.

The blood-colored giant sword immediately showed signs of shattering, but the black crescent moon was instantly cut in half by the blood-colored giant sword because the restraining power of the surrounding blood prison was greatly reduced.

"Do not!!!"

Qianyue Zhan watched the cracked bloody giant sword crushing down towards him, wanted to escape but was suppressed by the surrounding blood prison for most of his speed, only had time to roar, and was instantly swallowed by the blood light.

Yi Xiaoyao beheaded a powerful leader of the first stage of Infant Transformation!

At the same time, when the four leaders of the Zhanyue League saw their leader being killed by the bloody giant sword, they were completely dumbfounded.

At first, they felt that Yi Xiaoyao was beyond his control and would surely die.

But now, they felt that Yi Xiaoyao was a devil, and they just wanted to run for their lives!

But because of the bloody purgatory around them, it is difficult for these people to even move at this moment.

"What kind of spiritual skill is this! This is even more terrifying than a heavenly skill!"

Hearing the horrified sounds of these rudder masters, even Yi Xiaoyao himself was amazed at the power of this move.

It is also a heaven-level spiritual skill, but the strength of the seventh form of the Nine Swords of Slaying is far beyond the power of the first finger of the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Finger.

The bloody giant sword that killed Qianyue Zhan alone was as powerful as the first finger of the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Finger.

And that Scarlet Purgatory, which can restrain and suppress the opponent's ability to move, is the key to Yi Xiaoyao's victory over Qianyue Zhan this time.

But after thinking about it, Yi Xiaoyao felt relieved, because it took Yi Xiaoyao half a month to condense the extra bloody purgatory through continuous killing. Mastering this move is far more difficult than Bahuang's The number of Fen Tian Fingers is too large, and it is normal that they are more powerful.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao continued to kill all the members of the Zhanyue League without doing anything, gathering more killing spirit, and then left satisfied.

Soon, the news that the Zhanyue League was wiped out by the blood sword spread rapidly.

And the title of "Blood Sword" actually replaced Qianyue Zhan, and appeared on the 480th and seventh place in the chaotic alliance list.

As Yi Xiaoyao said, he was the first person to be included in the chaotic alliance list with a cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm.

And this incident, because it was too unimaginable, caused a sensation in the entire Chaotic League!


(Sorry, the third is even later, this chapter has half as many words as usual.)
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(End of this chapter)

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