Chapter 252
In the canyon, bursts of astonishing fluctuations erupted. The fight between Yu Hua and Hei Chi caused the rocks on both sides of the mountain to roll.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay any attention to this, and chased after Han Yun.

And at this moment, not far from here, a very similar battle is also going on.

It turns out that the people from the Feiyan League who got the "Heavenly Fire Illusory Body" were also ambushed here. After all, this is a heaven-level skill, and those who wanted to use it were naturally unwilling to let the people of the Feiyan League lead them. With the phantom of Tianhuo, he left safely.

However, although Feiyanmeng encountered an ambush, fortunately, they were extremely vigilant along the way and did not die immediately.

Just now, after being ambushed, the girl from the Flying Smoke Alliance with the phantom body of the sky fire immediately reacted and sacrificed a defensive spirit weapon to block the fatal blow of the baby-changing powerhouse. But he was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

Then, the woman flew powerlessly to the ground, already seriously injured.

And a middle-aged woman beside her suddenly looked shocked, and quickly flashed to the woman to protect her.

"Who are you? How dare you plan on our Feiyan League?" The middle-aged woman shouted angrily as she stared at the people in front of her.

And those people on the opposite side were all wearing black scarves, and said with a sinister smile: "You don't need to know who we are, as long as you are willing to hand over the Skyfire Phantom Body obediently, we will leave immediately, otherwise..."

"Don't even think about it! You just want to stop my old lady?"

Before the man in the black scarf could finish speaking, the middle-aged woman interrupted with an angry shout, and then said to the woman behind her: "Miss, take your things and leave here, leave it to me!"

The woman gritted her teeth and stood up with difficulty. Seeing the middle-aged woman stopping so many enemies for her alone, she left without the slightest hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of roaring sounds of strong men fighting on the spot.


At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao, who was chasing after Han Yun, frowned slightly.

Because the movement technique that Han Yu used was no less than Yi Xiaoyao's Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art when he was on the road, and his speed was quite fast, which caused a long distance between the two of them.

After so closely chasing for a stick of incense, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly moved, because he found Han Yun in front of him, and unexpectedly stopped.

It turned out that the reason why Han Yun stopped was because he chased a person who interested him very much.

It was the woman from Feiyanmeng.

At this moment, the woman from the Feiyan League was looking at Han Yu nervously and vigilantly. Because she was seriously injured, her speed was not as fast as usual. Although she escaped from the ambush, she did not expect to be caught up by Han Yu.

And Han Yun, who was facing this woman, had bright eyes. He remembered that the woman in front of him possessed a high-level heaven-level spiritual skill, Skyfire Phantom Body, which made his heart flutter.

Moreover, it looked like this woman had suffered serious injuries, so it was self-evident what this meant to Han Yun.

"Hehe, isn't this Lin Yanyu, the eldest lady of Feiyan League?"

Han Yu walked towards Lin Yanyu with a smirk on his face, and said with a chuckle: "You have suffered such a serious injury, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the Skyfire Phantom Body anymore, why don't you leave it to me to keep it for you!"

Lin Yanyu's face turned pale for a while, she knew that she would not be able to leave with the Skyfire Phantom, so saving her life was the most important thing.

"Han Yun, I will give you the phantom body of Skyfire, let me go!"

Lin Yanyu backed away, and spoke at the same time.

She can only do this, and when she returns to Feiyan League, she will definitely snatch the Skyfire Phantom Body back again.

Han Yun was slightly surprised for a moment, and said with a smile: "So straightforward? Well, hand over the Skyfire Phantom Body!"

A roll of fiery red jade slips was shot at Han Yun, and then Lin Yanyu gave Han Yun a venomous look, before turning around and leaving without hesitation.

Han Yun caught the jade slip with excitement, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand and shot out a long blood-red whip, which directly wrapped around Lin Yanyu's body and trapped it firmly.

"You! Han Yun, you actually backtracked!"

Lin Yanyu's footsteps were pulled by the long whip, and then her pretty face was sullen, and her eyes turned back to stare at Han Yun like flames.

"Yes, I'm just going back on my word, so what?"

Han Yu chuckled, and then he pulled suddenly, and Lin Yanyu was pulled in front of him with the long whip.

Han Yun poked his head out, stretched out to Lin Yanyu's snowy neck, and greedily took a deep breath, showing a hint of enjoyment on his face.

Lin Yanyu's face was full of disgust, and he shouted angrily: "If you dare to touch me, Feiyanmeng will not let it go!"

"Feiyan League?" Han Yu smiled coldly, raised his hand and locked her neck suddenly.

"Even if you die here today, no one will know that I killed you, how will the Feiyan League take revenge?"

Han Yun laughed loudly, and then laughed again: "What's more, you, Lin Yanyu, are a famous poisonous lady. I don't know how you will revenge me in the future if you let you go back. I'm not that stupid!"

However, Lin Yanyu was seriously injured and couldn't move under the restraint of the blood whip. She could only curse Han Yun with a face full of humiliation.

"Call me?" Han Yun sneered, the next moment his blood whip that bound Lin Yanyu turned into a blood snake, and split into dozens of snake heads, and started to go crazy on this woman Bite and suck her blood.

The blood snake stirred for a while, like thick and long blood vessels, sucking up all the blood in Lin Yanyu's body, and finally merged into Han Yun's body.

Han Yu's originally pale face turned rosy because of sucking the blood. He kicked Lin Yanyu away who had turned into a mummified corpse, and twisted his neck enjoying himself.

Then, Han Yun looked at the jade slip in his hand, couldn't help but started laughing out loud.

"Hahaha! First, the Nirvana Sacred Fruit, and then the Heavenly Fire Illusionary Body, all fell into my hands! This is simply God's blessing on me! Hahaha..."

Just when Han Yun couldn't help laughing wildly, he suddenly felt his hand lighten, and the next moment his face changed suddenly, and his laughter stopped suddenly.

A black shadow flashed past, and a figure in a black robe and cloak appeared in front of Han Yu, and the Skyfire phantom body that was still in Han Yu's hand just now fell into the slender palm of this black shadow.

"It should be said that God is taking care of me, right?"

Under the shadow of the cloak, there was a faint playful laugh.


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(End of this chapter)

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