Devouring Sword God

Chapter 255 Finding the Secret Vault

Chapter 255 Finding the Secret Vault
Just when Yi Xiaoyao initially grasped the Skyfire Instantaneous Illusion, suddenly a huge black shadow rushed towards him, knocked him to the ground, and rolled over with him in his arms.

"Xiao Hei, you little brat, you are so naughty!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled and cursed at Xiao Hei who was rolling on the ground with him, if something else had attacked him just now, he would have been able to avoid it, but she was defenseless against Xiao Hei.

But at this moment, Xiao Hei has turned into a huge black ape, even if it is deliberately looking for Yi Xiaoyao to play with, it still protects Yi Xiaoyao with its strong limbs.

"Huh? Xiao Hei, you actually broke through to the middle stage of Tier [-]?"

Yi Xiaoyao felt the aura emanating from Xiao Hei, and his eyes brightened.

Breaking through from a third-order high-level monster to a fourth-order intermediate monster is equivalent to a human being directly breaking through from the peak of the Golden Core Realm to the fifth-layer Nascent Soul Realm.

Even Yi Xiaoyao felt ashamed of such an appalling breakthrough speed.

But after thinking about it, it is understandable that Xiao Hei is the son of the Demon Emperor, and he can improve his strength by eating the demon pills of powerful monsters, and he even ate a sixth-order demon pill half a day ago. The increase is not surprising.

This is the advantage of monsters. If humans take too high-level and overpowering pills, they will definitely explode and die. But the physique of monsters is far from what humans can match. Xiao Hei can naturally digest the sixth-level demon pills.

At this time, Xiao Hei seemed to be very happy, holding Yi Xiaoyao and rolling directly into the stream, splashing a splash.

"Okay, Xiao Hei, stop making trouble."

Yi Xiaoyao was drenched all over, and he got out of Xiao Hei's arms in some embarrassment. He found that he and Xiao Hei seemed to be getting closer.

Looking at Xiao Hei who was grinning and giggling at him, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help showing a warm smile.

"Little guy, you are one step closer to becoming a fifth-order monster. I really look forward to that day."

Yi Xiaoyao murmured, because after a monster becomes a big monster, it can turn into a human being, and it can speak human words even more.


After changing into dry clothes, Yi Xiaoyao moved his eyes and took out the broken map in Hanyun's storage bag.

Immediately afterwards, the half of the secret map given to him by the master of the black robe appeared in his hand.

After stitching together the two animal skin drawings, Yi Xiaoyao frowned.

Because the two maps are put together, a quarter of the size is still missing.

Most importantly, judging from the put together secret map, all the above lines converged to the missing part.

This means that the missing quarter is where the secret treasure is!
After frowning and thinking for a moment, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Since the missing part is where the secret map is, then I can determine the area where the secret map is located through the three-quarters of the existing ones!"

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao immediately got up and greeted Xiao Hei who was still playing in the water.

"Xiao Hei, let's go!"

Xiao Hei immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Just when he was about to hit him, the huge body of the great ape shrank into a palm-sized little black monkey in an instant, and got into Yi Xiaoyao's clothes.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao soared into the sky, flying higher and higher straight up.

Until at least tens of thousands of miles away from the ground, Yi Xiaoyao looked down at the land below through the clouds.

From such a high distance, Nuo Da's chaotic alliance area has a panoramic view.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao took out the secret map, and carefully compared it with the ground below that had become a striped network after falling into his eyes.

After a while, he shook his head helplessly and rushed to another area.

In the process of rushing, Yi Xiaoyao used Tianhuo Yihuan throughout the whole process, and through this method, he became proficient in mastering this body technique.

After using Skyfire Instant Illusion many times, he discovered a shortcoming of this skill.

That is: continuous use of this technique consumes more and more spiritual power each time, and even at the end, using Skyfire Instant Illusion once can instantly exhaust all the spiritual power of the user in the peak state.

With Yi Xiaoyao's current spiritual power, he can only use it ten times in a row at most before his spiritual power is exhausted.

This is even after he possesses the Dual Nascent Soul. If it were someone else in the same situation, he would have exhausted his spiritual power after using it four or five times at most.

With the rapid consumption and replenishment of spiritual power, Yi Xiaoyao's mastery of the sky fire's transient illusion has gradually improved, and he can move nearly a thousand feet at a time.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao also thought of one point, the Skyfire Illusion Body is the treasure of the Tianhuo League, the first alliance in the chaotic alliance, and it must not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise, if the Skyfire League comes to the door, it will be troublesome up.

And the reason why Yi Xiaoyao is unscrupulous and proficient at this moment is because he is tens of thousands of miles above the sky, no strong person who is full and has nothing to do will fly to such a high place.

After searching in the sky for several days, Yi Xiaoyao finally came to a certain high-altitude area in the Chaotic League Domain, and took out the hidden map again to compare and search for it below.

"Have it!"

After a joyful exclamation, Yi Xiaoyao looked brightly at the land below.

Sure enough, the patterns on that piece of land almost completely matched the lines on the secret map.

And the missing quarter of the secret map also corresponds to an area of ​​the land below.

Yi Xiaoyao quickly locked onto that area, with a look of excitement on his face, and then shot down quickly.

Below, is where the secret stash is!

The whistling wind filled Yi Xiaoyao's ears, but he had never heard of it, because at this moment, all he could think of was that he couldn't wait to find the secret treasure.

But the next moment, just as Yi Xiaoyao was about to fall to the ground, a loud shout suddenly came.

"Who dares to break into my Yuansha League!"

The voice came from the city below, and then two figures shot out from there.

"Yuan Sha League?" Yi Xiaoyao's expression changed.

Because he remembered that the Yuansha League was the No. 11 major alliance in the chaotic alliance domain.

And the area where the secret stash he was looking for was actually the place occupied by the Yuan Sha League!
"Now, I'm in trouble..."

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and murmured, then looked at the two figures who were shooting towards him.

A man and a woman are both in the baby-changing environment and the first stage.

The woman was dressed in green clothes, she was very beautiful, she had the appearance of a moon and a flower, but her temperament was quite cold.

And that man, about 26 and seven years old, although he has a pair of thick sword eyebrows, but there is a faint shadow in his eyes.

Especially at this time, the man looked at Yi Xiaoyao with an extremely unfriendly gaze, and said coldly: "Boy, don't you know that this is the area of ​​my Yuansha League? If you don't give me a good reason, I will break into it indiscriminately." You will be executed for the crime of this League!"


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(End of this chapter)

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