Chapter 26

In an instant, the whole scene was in an uproar.

Just now everyone was saying that Yi Xiaoyao hid and dared not come out, but now Yi Xiaoyao not only came forward, but also spoke surprisingly.

After such a change, everyone began to look forward to the development of the matter.

Those Tang family teenagers were already disappointed in Yi Xiaoyao, but when they saw Yi Xiaoyao's appearance, they were shocked again.

Yi Xiaoyao appeared at this time, did he really want to fulfill the promise he made three days ago?Can Jin Lingfeng really be able to lie down and go back?
After the scene just now, except for Tang Long, all the Tang family hated the Jin family.

Therefore, no matter how disobedient they were in the past, they are now fighting against each other.

Especially Yi Xiaoyao's sentence "Replace all things of great joy with white things of funeral".

If he really did this, it would be a complete turn against the Jin family, but it would be a relief to all the Tang family!
Therefore, someone immediately followed Yi Xiaoyao's instructions to deal with it.

"Yi Xiaoyao, if you dare to turn my elder brother's wedding into a funeral, then I will let you attend the funeral!" Jin Guiyun yelled at Yi Xiaoyao angrily.

On the other hand, Jin Lingfeng said to Yi Xiaoyao with a cold look in his eyes: "Yi Xiaoyao, I didn't expect you to show up after boasting about Haikou? How ridiculous!"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Jin Lingfeng indifferently, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It's not ridiculous, you will know after you try it!"

Jin Lingfeng laughed loudly, jumped up from the lion horse, and walked towards the gate of Tangjiabao.

"Yi Xiaoyao, I heard that you have loved Ruoxue for ten years, and today I will marry the woman you love in front of you!"

Jin Lingfeng walked to the door, turned his head and grinned at Yi Xiaoyao, "I want to see how you let me lie down and leave!"

Seeing this, several elders of the Tang family were about to step forward to stop Jin Lingfeng, but they were stopped by the elders of the Jin family who followed Jin Lingfeng closely.

Jin Guiyun also appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao at the same time.

"Yi Xiaoyao, why should my elder brother do it himself to solve you? I only need three tricks to make you kneel!"

Jin Guiyun laughed cruelly and said, "Kneel down and watch my elder brother marry the woman you love!"

After finishing speaking, his Qi Condensation Ninth Layer cultivation base burst out immediately.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly shot out two icy cold lights.

"A lot of nonsense!"

With a cold shout, the mysterious and dark spiritual power instantly ignited on Yi Xiaoyao's arms, and his breath was released!

Seeing this scene, all the teenagers of the Tang family exclaimed.

"What?! Three days ago, Yi Xiaoyao was at the seventh level of Qi Condensation, but now he has reached the ninth level of Qi Condensation?"

"In other words, during the three days he disappeared, he had such a terrifying improvement?"

The voices of the youngsters of the Tang family even aroused the commotion of the onlookers, and everyone cast amazed glances at Yi Xiaoyao.

Jin Guiyun was also surprised by Yi Xiaoyao's change in cultivation, but he dismissed it in a blink of an eye.

He is the inheritor of the eighth-rank immortal soul, and his spiritual power is far beyond that of ordinary people. Even if Yi Xiaoyao is at the same level as him, he is definitely not his opponent.

"Just right, since you are also at the Qi Condensation Ninth Layer, then I won't be said to be invincible if I defeat you."

Jin Guiyun grinned, and then shouted loudly: "Kiss of the wind!"

Cyan spiritual power wrapped around Jin Guiyun's legs. His left leg stepped on the ground for strength, and his right leg swept out, suddenly bringing up a gust of wind that could split the ground!

The strong wind and the shadow of legs swept towards Yi Xiaoyao.

"Beat me? You're not good enough! Because you..."

There was a sneer at the corner of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, and then he opened his lips lightly and spit out the word.

"Too weak!"

In the next moment, his figure moved.

On Yi Xiaoyao's right fist, the ghostly black spiritual power spewed out like a black flame, and punched out!
Everyone's expression changed, because Yi Xiaoyao not only didn't draw his sword, but also didn't use any spiritual skills.

"This Yi Xiaoyao is so arrogant?"

Everyone had this idea. At first they thought that Yi Xiaoyao would be able to fight Jin Guiyun, but they didn't expect Yi Xiaoyao to be so stupid that he would fight the violent kick with bare hands.

Seeing this, Jin Guiyun laughed even more: "Yi Xiaoyao, you are too arrogant, this move of mine can take your arm off!"

"Who destroys whom, you will know later." Yi Xiaoyao said calmly, with his expression unchanged.

The moment You Hei's fist intersected with the strong wind's leg, an astonishing roar erupted.

The picture that followed was beyond everyone's expectations and shocked everyone's eyes.

I saw that the violent wind on Jin Guiyun's right leg was easily pierced by Yi Xiaoyao's punch.

The dark spiritual power devoured the spiritual power in the strong wind, destroyed the power in it, and directly bombarded Jin Guiyun's leg bones!
In just a split second, all the gusts of wind dissipated, and the crisp sound of bones shattering rang out.

Just by observing the expressions of the two of them, one can tell that the sound of bones breaking came from Jin Guiyun.

Seeing Jin Guiyun's hideous face in pain, Yi Xiaoyao smiled cruelly.

His hands wrapped in dark spiritual power suddenly grabbed Jin Guiyun's legs at the meridians.

The dark spiritual power erupted and began to frantically devour the spiritual power in his meridians, destroying his meridians.

"What kind of spiritual power is this!!!"

Jin Guiyun screamed in horror, he couldn't imagine that Yi Xiaoyao's spiritual power was so terrifying, the spiritual power cultivated by his eighth-grade immortal soul inheritance was simply vulnerable to Youhei's spiritual power.

Yi Xiaoyao's heart was surging, and he realized more and more how powerful the Devouring Sword God Art is.

"Beheading the same level is like a mustard", this sentence in the Divine Sword Art is vividly reflected at this moment.

Enemies of the same level of cultivation are really like nothing in front of Yi Xiaoyao who is practicing the Sword God Art.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand and pressed heavily.


Jin Guiyun, whose legs' meridians had been crippled, knelt down on the ground with a face full of unwillingness.

With just one punch, Yi Xiaoyao easily defeated fellow practitioner Jin Guiyun.

There was an uproar among the people present, and there were endless sounds of shock!

This method of completely torturing the same realm simply overturned their cognition.

"Too...too strong!"

"Yi Xiaoyao... No, the strength of our castle master is so terrifying?"

"No matter what, seeing Jin Guiyun's miserable appearance is really exhausting!"

All the teenagers of the Tang family burst into exclamation. Although Yi Xiaoyao hadn't defeated Jin Lingfeng yet, they were also excited from the bottom of their hearts by having tortured Jin Guiyun in such a way. They had unconsciously changed their name to Yi Xiaoyao. Lord.

Even the elders of the Tang family, the worry on their old faces turned into surprise, but they are now entangled with the elders of the Jin family to prevent the elders of the Jin family from taking action against Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at Jin Guiyun who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Correct your three mistakes: first, Tang Ruoxue is not my beloved! Second, it's not that you defeated me with three moves, but I defeated you with one move! Third, it's not that I kneel to you, but you kneel to me!"

After finishing speaking, Yi Xiaoyao kicked Jin Guiyun away, and landed right at the feet of Jin Lingfeng who had just walked out of the Tang family mansion with Tang Ruoxue.

Jin Lingfeng paused, and the smile on his face froze in an instant. Looking at Jin Guiyun who was screaming on the ground in disbelief, his eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Yi Xiaoyao! You dare to abolish my second brother, no one can save you today!!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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