Chapter 275
At this time, in a prison cell of Yuan Sha League, Leng Yan was listening to the roar outside with frowning.

She knew that Yi Xiaoyao had come, and the battle that broke out outside was caused by Yi Xiaoyao.

"He can always create miracles. I wonder if he can escape this time." Leng Yan muttered to herself with a hint of worry in her heart.

Suddenly, the outer cell door opened, and the black crow walked in with an extremely ugly expression.

Just now, Black Crow saw the scene where Yuan Lie was killed by Yi Xiaoyao, and for a moment felt that his biggest backer had collapsed.

You know, Yuan Lie is the leader of the Yuan Sha League in the future, and he, Black Crow, is Yuan Lie's confidant, so he must have a very high status in the future.

However, now that Yuan Lie is dead, Black Crow must make plans to survive.

Therefore, he wants to kill Leng Yan!
Because of what Yuan Lie did to Leng Yan before, Hei Ya participated. If Leng Yan is not killed, Leng Yan will kill Hei Ya sooner or later.

"What are you going to do?" Looking coldly at the black crow with a fierce look in his eyes, he immediately snorted coldly when he saw him draw his sword, "How dare you touch me?"

"Hmph! If the young leader is alive, I would not dare to touch you, but now that he is dead, I will send you to accompany him!" Black Crow approached ferociously.

"Yuan Lie is dead?"

Hearing the words, Leng Yan was shocked at first, and then couldn't help laughing: "It deserves it! This kind of scum, death is not a pity!"

And the next moment, the fist light in Hei Ya's hand had already slashed at Leng Yan's head. If this knife fell, Leng Yan, whose spiritual power was sealed, would surely die.

But there was no fear on the cold face, and he closed his eyes calmly.

next moment.

A thick black hand firmly grasped the long knife, unable to cut it off at all.

The black crow was shocked, and when he realized it, he felt another strong and rough hand grabbing his neck and lifting him up.

The big black hand twisted suddenly, and the black crow's head drooped powerlessly.

"Xiao Hei?" Leng Yan opened her eyes suddenly, and then her expression changed. She recognized the black ape in front of her. When she fought with Yi Xiaoyao, it was the war beast beside Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Xiao Hei was covered with wounds all over his body, and the blood flowing from the wound glued his glossy black hair together, and his breath was also very weak.

Seeing Xiao Hei injured like this, Leng Yan immediately thought that Yi Xiaoyao must be in danger.

"Quick! Help me pull out all the spirit sealing needles on my body, and I'll help you master!" Leng Yan shouted anxiously to Xiao Hei.

After a while, Leng Yan took Xiao Hei and flew out quickly, but then, she stopped again.

Because she saw, above the void in the distance, a giant hand covering the sky and covering the sun was suddenly grabbing downwards, and under that giant hand, there was only a blood-colored figure.


At this time, Yi Xiaoyao was turning into a bloody glow, shooting towards one direction.

In that direction, there was also a figure. Seeing this person, Leng Yan's complexion turned extremely pale in an instant.

Leader!Yuan Qiu!
The current situation Yi Xiaoyao is in is already very obvious, even if he is cold-faced, it will have no effect.

At this time, in the surrounding sky, countless strong men who were watching from the air were discussing in surprise.

"This Yi Xiaoyao actually rushed towards the leader on his own initiative?"

"Could it be that he wants to compete with the leader?"

"It's absolutely impossible. No matter how strong Yi Xiaoyao is, he is only at the Nascent Soul Realm. Facing the leader of the Ninth Stage of Infant Transformation, there is only one way to die!"

Everyone was astonished, completely puzzled by Yi Xiaoyao's behavior.

Where all eyes converged, the giant hand that covered the sky and the sun was grabbed by five amazing fingers, sealing off Yi Xiaoyao's retreat in front of him and on the left and right sides. The only escape route was behind him. Can't reach, the direction of that huge wrist.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao shot in the direction of the giant hand's wrist.

But that direction was the direction Yuan Qiu Bao shot from, and it was also a dead end.

With such a result, Yi Xiaoyao will definitely meet Yuan Qiu head-on.

As everyone said, Yi Xiaoyao is absolutely incapable of contending with Yuan Qiu, but he naturally has his intentions in doing so.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao shooting towards him, Yuan Qiu showed a cruel look on his furious face.

"It's so good, I can kill you with my own hands and avenge my son!"

Yuan Lie roared again and again, he and Yi Xiaoyao's figure got closer and closer, and then an astonishing golden evil spirit erupted from his right fist, blasting at Yi Xiaoyao with a fist light that could crush everything.


Wherever the golden fist light passed, the void was completely split, and it was in front of Yi Xiaoyao in an instant, wanting to blast his body into ashes.

Yi Xiaoyao's face was incomparably dignified. Facing this fist light and feeling the mighty aura above it, he couldn't even generate the slightest desire to resist.

The fist light directly passed over Yi Xiaoyao's body, smashing his body to pieces and bursting.

"Yi Xiaoyao, he's dead!"

"Oh, there is no way. No matter how strong Yi Xiaoyao is, the power of the leader's punch is still far beyond what he can resist."

"Wait! He's not dead yet!"

While the strong men watching from above sighed, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Sure enough, the fist light that Yuan Qiu slashed out just hit Yi Xiaoyao's phantom body of flames, but Yi Xiaoyao's body had already traveled thousands of feet in an instant and appeared behind Yuan Qiu.

"Huh? Skyfire phantom!"

Yuan Qiu frowned.

He looked back at Yi Xiaoyao, who was not slowing down, and smiled coldly: "If you have cultivated to the level of Tianhuo Hundred Illusions or even Thousand Illusions, you may be able to escape from my hands, but you have only mastered this technique to the level of instant illusions. Running away is simply a dream!"

Yi Xiaoyao's face was pale, and he could feel that the spiritual power in his body was about to be exhausted, and at the same time, the possession of the sword soul was about to suck up his essence.

Tianhuo is fleeting, and it can be used once at most. Once it is used up, with Yuan Qiu far surpassing Yi Xiaoyao's cultivation, he can catch up to him soon.

Suddenly, another golden fist that shattered the void came through the air.

But this time, Yi Xiaoyao no longer chose to dodge.

With a low growl, a fierce and unparalleled sword energy gathered on the Bloodbath Sword, and the flames formed an astonishing storm around it. The moment the golden fist glow approached, Yi Xiaoyao swung the sword and slashed out.

The moment the berserk sword energy and flame storm touched the golden fist light, an astonishing roar erupted, and they were blown away in an instant, without any power to resist.

And the golden fist glow, still with its remaining power, suddenly bombarded Yi Xiaoyao's bloodbath sword lying in front of him.

After the explosion, Yi Xiaoyao gushed blood from his mouth, and his body was like a kite with a broken string.

"Hmph!" Yuan Qiu snorted coldly, Yi Xiaoyao was hit by his punch, even if he didn't die, he was not far from death.

Then, Yuan Qiu moved and shot towards the direction where Yi Xiaoyao fell. He wanted to catch Yi Xiaoyao and make his life worse than death.

Everyone around shook their heads and sighed, and Leng Yan's pretty face was even more pale.

It seems that the mysterious boy is unable to perform miracles after all today?
"I... haven't died yet! I can't die!"

"There is still a last chance of life!"

In the process of falling, Yi Xiaoyao only felt that all internal organs of his body were shattered, and there was only a trace of life left.

But at this moment, when he looked at Yuan Qiu who was approaching him, the murderous intent still flickered in his eyes.

"Yuanqiu! If I don't die this time, I will come back in the future, and your Yuansha League... will be wiped out!!"

A roar from the soul came out of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth and echoed in the Yuansha League, which shocked everyone.

Yuan Qiu sneered nonchalantly when he heard the words: "Yi Xiaoyao, you are doomed to die, there is no point in saying these words!"

"Next, you'd better suffer death obediently!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Qiu appeared several feet in front of Yi Xiaoyao, and raised his hand to grab him.

But the next moment, the body he was holding in his hand turned into flames and dissipated instantly.

This is the last time Yi Xiaoyao used all his spiritual power to use the Skyfire phantom body!
And his real body once again teleported over a certain area of ​​the main rudder.

Just now Yi Xiaoyao forcibly resisted Yuan Qiu's punch in order to help him get closer to this direction with the help of the punch's bombardment power.

Now, through the teleportation, he has reached his target area.

"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?"

Yi Xiaoyao grinned at the corner of his blood-stained mouth, evoking a weird smile.

"My life can only be decided by myself!"

As soon as the words fell, Yi Xiaoyao shot straight down and rushed into a very hidden cave.

When Yuan Qiu saw this scene, he paused and did not chase after him.

Because the place that Yi Xiaoyao entered was the place where those who entered would die, the Cave of Death!


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(End of this chapter)

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