Devouring Sword God

Chapter 287 Being stalked

Chapter 287 Being stalked

When Jin Sanbao heard the words, his eyes brightened immediately, and he agreed without thinking.

"The matter of the Great Shang Dynasty is over, let's set off for Great Xia now." Yi Xiaoyao said.

Before leaving, Yi Xiaoyao asked Jin Sanbao to give the two puppets of the baby-changing realm to the master of the black robe and the king of Shang respectively, and the spiritual power cannon capable of delivering a full blow at the eighth level of the nascent soul to Luo Ripple.

In this way, the two left the Great Shang Dynasty.

It was only when Yi Xiaoyao entered the area of ​​the Great Xia Empire that he killed the couple from the Imperial Army Mansion, and dropped the two corpses over a city.

In this way, no matter how powerful the Imperial Army Mansion is, it will not suspect the cause of death of these two people to the Great Shang Dynasty.

"Wow! It's such a big and prosperous city, it's many times stronger than the Great Shang Dynasty!"

Jin Sanbao was just like Yi Xiaoyao who just came here, lingering and looking at the city they left behind, full of sighs.

"Xiaoyao, what city is this?" Jin Sanbao asked.

"Yunzhou City."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, and he came to Yunzhou City again, where the beautiful lady he cared about was located.

Jin Sanbao asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say that you were wanted by the Great Xia Empire, and we are going to the Chaotic Alliance Region next?"

"Just passing by here, to see Linger."

As Yi Xiaoyao said, he dragged Jin Sanbao towards the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was wearing a black robe and a black cloak that covered his face, so the guards would naturally not let him in.

Therefore, in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, Yi Xiaoyao asked Jin Sanbao to wait for him in a nearby restaurant, while he descended directly from the sky above the City Lord's Mansion.

The moment Yi Xiaoyao landed in Yunmengling's courtyard, a baby-changing aura soared into the sky and quickly approached here.

"I don't know which strong man has visited my City Lord's Mansion?"

This voice was obviously coming from Yun Cang, and as the voice fell, Yun Cang had rushed to Yun Mengling's courtyard.

At this time, Yun Mengling also opened the door and looked outside.

When Yi Xiaoyao saw Yunmengling's beautiful face, he could see a trace of haggardness, and his heart ached.

He took off the cloak covering his face, and smiled warmly at Yunmengling: "Linger."

Yi Xiaoyao had thousands of words in his heart, but after meeting Yun Mengling, only these two words remained.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

"Yi Xiaoyao!"

Yun Mengling and Yun Cang exclaimed at the same time.

Then, Yi Xiao also bowed to Yun Cang and said, "Senior, I have a special status. In order not to cause trouble to you, I can only come here in this way."

What Yun Cang cares about at the moment is not this matter, he looked at Yi Xiaoyao in shock, and said, "You have already stepped into the Baby Transformation Realm?!"

One must know that when Yi Xiaoyao left here for the Chaotic League Region, he had just reached the First Stage of Nascent Soul, but now, he is already a powerhouse at the same level as Yun Cang.

Even Yun Cang felt inconceivable at this speed of cultivation improvement.

Of course, Yun Cang couldn't have imagined that the reason why Yi Xiaoyao was able to enter the Baby Transformation Realm so quickly was because of the Holy Fruit of Nirvana.

He only heard that Yi Xiaoyao had died in the Chaotic League.

As for Yun Mengling, also after learning about this incident, she had been sad for an unknown number of days, and became haggard day by day.

But now, the flush of excitement reappeared on Yunmengling's pretty face, and her eyes were full of surprises.

"Brother Xiaoyao, aren't you already in the chaotic alliance domain..."

Speaking of this, she didn't continue talking, she didn't want Yi Xiaoyao to have anything to do with this word.

"Already dead?" Yi Xiaoyao said it out, and said to Yun Mengling with a smile: "I haven't fulfilled what I promised you, so how could you die?"

Yun Mengling blushed, of course she knew what Yi Xiaoyao was referring to, when Yi Xiaoyao left, she said that she would come back to marry her.

Could it be that Yi Xiaoyao's return now means that this day has finally arrived?

Yi Xiaoyao saw Yunmengling's thoughts, and said with a faint smile, "Ling'er, that day is coming soon."

Yun Mengling saw that he said three things in a row, "very quickly", which was enough to see his confidence, so she nodded heavily.

Yun Cang watched from the side as the pair of Bi people said something he didn't understand, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

Suddenly, Yun Cang remembered something and said, "Yi Xiaoyao, let me ask you, was Shao Jingyun from the Shao family killed?"

Yi Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and admitted: "Not bad."

"I don't care about this matter, but the Shao family has been sending people to search for this matter, and even my city lord's mansion, I am afraid someone is always paying attention." Yun Cang said: "So you should not stay here for a long time. "

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, he understood what Yun Cang was worried about, but he didn't blame Yun Cang either.

After all, if the City Lord's Mansion is related to Yi Xiaoyao at this moment, the troubles it will face are not small.

"This junior only saw Ling'er this time, since I've seen it, I'll leave now." Yi Xiaoyao nodded.

Yun Mengling gave Yun Cang a very reproachful look, before she could say a few words to Yi Xiaoyao, Yi Xiaoyao was about to be driven away by his grandfather, of course she was very dissatisfied.

Yi Xiaoyao rubbed Yun Mengling's little head and smiled slightly: "I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, he flashed his figure and walked away.

A moment later, in a restaurant.

"Are you willing to part with your Linger so soon?" Jin Sanbao poured Yi Xiaoyao a glass of wine and asked in surprise.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled helplessly, drank the contents of the cup in one gulp, and did not speak.

Jin Sanbao laughed and said, "It's better to be a person like me, full of freedom and carefree in my heart."

"When you have someone you love in the future, we'll see if you still have freedom in your heart." Yi Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at him.

"Fatty, I'm not a womanizer, I only love those puppet battle armors created by me. I'm afraid I won't feel the pain of lovesickness like you in this life!" Jin Sanbao smiled proudly.

While the two were drinking and talking, two men with indifferent faces on a table by the window in the restaurant casually glanced at Yi Xiaoyao and Jin Sanbao.

"The boss has confirmed just now that the man in the black robe and cloak has entered the private meeting between the city lord's mansion and Yunmeng Ling." One of them whispered: "And the boss heard through secret techniques that this person is the one who killed the young master of the Shao family. Lord's man."

Another person said: "Catch this person and hand it over to the Shao family?"

"No, our Xuanmi Pavilion is only responsible for searching for evidence and finding out who this person is, not for murder and arrest."

"The black-robed man deliberately covered his face. Although we have no way to attack him, you can go and check the fat man next to him. Naturally, you can find out the identity of the black-robed man by the way. The Shao family will take action at that time." solve."

"Okay! I'll check it out now, so that we can complete the task and get the huge amount of employment money from the Shao family."

"Go, I will be responsible for keeping an eye on this person's whereabouts."

After the two chatted, one of them left in a hurry, while the other stared at Yi Xiaoyao very secretly.

As for this, Yi Xiaoyao, who has always been keen, didn't notice it at all, which was enough to show that the other party's methods were excellent.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Chaotic Alliance Domain to see what killing is."

Yi Xiaoyao got up and said to Jin Sanbao.

Then, he looked at the city lord's mansion in the distance outside the window, and murmured: "Ling'er, next, I will kill all directions for you!"


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(End of this chapter)

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