Chapter 293

Half an hour later, Yi Xiaoyao returned to Jin Sanbao.

"Solved?" Jin Sanbao looked at Yi Xiaoyao in surprise. He just heard the astonishing roar in the city below, but behind Yi Xiaoyao, there was a red and bloody aura.

This bloody aura is exactly the aura of killing.

The eighth form of the Nine Swords of Slaying also requires more killing energy before it can be used.

Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand and tossed a storage bag to Jin Sanbao: "There is one Nascent Soul of the Seventh Level of Infant Transformation, and a large number of Nascent Souls of the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. You can use it first, and there will be more later."

Jin Sanbao felt hot inside, how many puppets could be created!

"But, I don't have so many puppet materials." He said to Yi Xiaoyao.

"You don't need to worry about this. In this chaotic alliance domain, as long as you have money and strength, some materials are not easy."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and left with Jin Sanbao.

Next, the Chiyun League, ranked 99th on the chaotic league list, came to an unexpected guest, and the Chiyun League was wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, an uninvited guest came to the No. 90 No. [-] Shimizu League again, and Shimizu League was wiped out.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao appeared in the sky above the No. 90 seventh member of the Black Horn League, with bloody aura billowing behind him.

Above the void, a burly man was confronting Yi Xiaoyao in the air.

"Your Excellency, it should be the one who wiped out the Lengchuan League, the Chiyun League and the Qingshui League, right? I didn't expect it to be just the first level of Infant Transformation, which really makes me feel unbelievable."

In the past few days, the 99th, 98th, and 90th ranked leagues have been eliminated one after another, and the burly man has already guessed that it will be their turn, the No. [-] seventh-ranked Black Horn League.

But as for Yi Xiaoyao's true identity, this burly man has no way of knowing.

Because where Yi Xiaoyao passed by, not a single blade of grass grew, and all of them turned into a murderous aura behind him, so how could anyone know his identity.

"Niu Hua, it seems that you have already realized something, so I will give you a chance to take refuge in me when I become powerful in the future, otherwise you will know what will happen to you." Yi Xiaoyao said.

When Niu Hua heard this, he frowned and snorted, "If you don't fight the last battle, why would you want me to follow you!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled coldly: "If I make a move, I won't give you a chance."

As soon as the words fell, the Destruction Sword Realm unfolded in vain, and the surrounding black giant swords filled the space.

Sensing the power emanating from this sword realm and the suppression of his strength, Niu Hua's expression suddenly changed.

"Wait! No more fighting!"

Niu Hua hastily said, it is because he has realized that Yi Xiaoyao's sword is far beyond his reach, not to mention that his strength is not much stronger than the three alliance leaders who were eliminated before, if he fights, It is bound to repeat the mistakes of those three alliances.

He Niu Hua is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is not a person who will die recklessly.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, and he withdrew his sword realm.

Niu Hua looked a little ugly and said: "However, Your Excellency, you asked my Black Horn League to take refuge in you. Isn't this request a little too much? Even if it is the largest alliance like the Skyfire League, it is just collecting some affiliated small alliances. .”

"Skyfire League?" Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly: "In the future, the Skyfire League will face the same choices as you do now."

Niu Hua burst out laughing when he heard the words: "Your Excellency, although your strength is stronger than mine, is it easy to deceive me when you say such a thing like a three-year-old child?"

But the next moment, Niu Hua's voice stopped abruptly.

Because he saw Yi Xiaoyao suddenly raised a token in his hand, and the side of the token facing him had two big characters engraved on it.


"Heaven order!" Niu Hua exclaimed.

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, and said in surprise, "You recognize this order?"

In fact, Yi Xiaoyao took out the Cangtian Token just to try the effect of this token, after all, Cangtian Xing has been dead for a hundred years.

"Of course I do!"

Niu Hua took a deep breath and took out a slightly smaller token.

Yi Xiaoyao looked over, and there was a word "OK" engraved on it.

Combined with the word Cangtian, it means Cangtian Xing.

"Back then, I, Cang Tianxing, brought hundreds of powerful generals to Daxia for a battle, and all of them died in battle. My grandfather was one of them."

"This decree was passed on to my father by my grandfather before he left, and my father passed it on to me, along with a sentence."

Niu Hua said with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

"What?" Yi Xiaoyao asked.

"Those who hold the order of the sky speak out; those who hold the order of action must do it!"

Niu Hua spoke passionately, and then looked at Yi Xiaoyao with twinkling eyes.

"But now, a hundred years have passed, how many people are willing to abide by this commandment?"

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, there was a moment of deep thought in his eyes.

What Niu Hua said is true, now that Cang Tian Xing has passed away, and the older generation who followed Cang Tian Xing all died in battle, although these descendants have passed on the decrees and orders of their ancestors, few of them are really willing to abide by them. And less.

"What about you?" Yi Xiaoyao looked at Niu Hua and asked.

Niu Hua's eyes flickered, and he put away the order.

"Your Excellency has the strength to kill me, but you ask me this, then you must want to hear the truth."

Yi Xiaoyao didn't deny it, he just wanted to see what kind of attitude these descendants who followed Cang Tian Xing's various forces faced Cang Tian Ling.

Niu Hua said: "Your Excellency's decree from the sky must be to unify the chaotic alliance!"

"Since that's the case, at least you have to start a battle that will cause a sensation in the entire chaotic alliance, so that you can prove to us who hold orders whether you have the strength to order us, so that we will follow you willingly."

Yi Xiaoyao showed interest in his eyes, and asked with a faint smile: "How can it be considered a sensation in the entire chaotic alliance?"

"Just keep fighting like this until it attracts the attention of the top ten major alliances, and even the Big Three in the chaotic alliance domain. We, the order holders, will definitely come here at the most critical moment to prove our loyalty." Niu Hua Weirdly laughed.

Yi Xiaoyao sneered suddenly, "You want me to die?"

"The incompetent will be sent to death, and the capable will be unified!" Niu Hua said with excitement on his face: "Thinking of the days when the sky was walking, under the sky, I am the only one who walks alone, how many strong people are willing to follow! If you don’t even have the courage and ability, why should you let me follow you faithfully!”

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he burst out laughing.

"When the time comes, if you don't come to the Black Horn Alliance, I will definitely destroy your entire alliance!"

"Okay! If there comes a day, your Excellency will say that you will be transformed into a cow!"

The eyes of the two did not hide the slightest falsehood.

Niu Hua, in particular, looked at Yi Xiaoyao with passion burning.

He was extremely yearning for the deeds of his grandfather following Cang Tianxing to fight against the Great Xia. If the person in front of him could really become the second Cang Tianxing, wouldn't it be his wish?
But Yi Xiaoyao's eyes were shining brightly. This time, he tested his heart with the order of the heavens, and found that these descendants in the chaotic alliance region still had the blood of their ancestors in their hearts, and he really did not disappoint him.

It seems that the day when he will rule the chaotic alliance and conquer Great Summer is not far away!


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(End of this chapter)

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