Devouring Sword God

Chapter 3 Devouring Excalibur

Chapter 3 Devouring Excalibur

As soon as Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, a clean figure appeared in front of him.

A faint silver halo shrouded his body in plain white robes, looking at his face, he turned out to be a handsome middle-aged man.

It's just that this person is standing here, but he can see the things behind him through his body, which turns out to be just a phantom.

"you are?"

Yi Xiaoyao asked anxiously.

"I am the Sword God!"

The phantom man's gaze was like a sword, piercing straight into people's hearts.

"Boy, I have been waiting in your body for 18 years. Since you are willing to accept my inheritance, let's start!"

After finishing speaking, the phantom pointed at Yi Xiaoyao.

"and many more!"

Yi Xiaoyao quickly turned his head to avoid it, why did he feel like the senior Sword God was throwing a hot potato to him?

"You said you stayed inside me for 18 years?"

"What? I have been in your ancestor's body for thousands of years."

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao dodging, the Sword God frowned slightly.

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and said: "Senior, before that, can you tell me your origin first?"

The Sword God hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"You can't know my origin, but I can tell you that I am attached to your Yi's lineage in order to enhance your Yi's lineage's bloodline and create my inheritors."

"And after thousands of years of imperceptible improvement, now your bloodline has completely become the bloodline of the Sword God!"

"The reason why I appeared in front of you is because only the blood of the Sword God is eligible to receive my inheritance!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded as if remembering something, so it made sense.

Because he stayed with his parents until he was eight years old, he remembered that his father was an ordinary person who had not received the inheritance of the immortal soul.

"It's also because of you that my father didn't get the immortal soul inheritance just like me." Yi Xiaoyao smiled wryly.

The sword god nodded, and said: "In the process, there will always be some price to pay. But these prices will create a supreme you, as long as you accept my inheritance!"

"Okay! Let's start then, senior!" Yi Xiaoyao resolutely said.

Hearing this, the Sword God raised his hand and gave Yi Xiaoyao a frown.

The next moment, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly felt a vast amount of information pouring into his head.

"Sword of Devouring God!"

Yi Xiaoyao exclaimed.

"That's right! This "Sword of Devouring God" is a god-level skill, which is the inheritance I want to pass on to you." The Sword God said with his hands behind his back.

"Senior, you are too stingy, you only gave me one exercise, can you give me some memories of your life?" Yi Xiaoyao smiled.

The Sword God was stunned, and laughed and cursed: "Boy, who said that I only gave you one skill? The talent of the Sword God blood in your body is also my gift to you!"

"As for your wanting my pre-living memories? I'm not dead, so how can I give you my pre-living memories?"

"You're already like this, aren't you dead yet?" Yi Xiaoyao said.

"This is just a remnant of mine, my body has been sealed." Sword God said.

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly realized something, and said in surprise: "I know why you passed it on to me, senior. You must want me to become stronger and help you!"

The Sword God looked at Yi Xiaoyao indifferently, and sighed: "You guessed it right, but you can only help me when you become the Sword God."

Yi Xiaoyao laughed and said, "In this case, you should pass on some cultivation to me so that I can become stronger faster!"

The Sword God shook his head and said, "The rest of my cultivation cannot be passed on to you, because it concerns your life."

Without waiting for Yi Xiaoyao to be puzzled, the Sword God raised his hand and radiated countless streams of light in all directions.

"My appearance will attract the attention of some enemies, and they will find you here and kill you! So I must use the rest of my cultivation to spread my breath all over the earth, distract their attention, and save your life!"

While speaking, the sword god became transparent due to the dispersal of his cultivation base, almost disappearing.

But before he dissipated, he tapped Yi Xiaoyao's forehead twice more.

"I see that your soul aptitude is very good, so I will give you two more soul powers, and the rest will depend on you..."

Yi Xiaoyao stood up and exclaimed, "Senior Sword God!"

However, before he could finish speaking, the phantom of the sword god had completely disappeared.

Yi Xiaoyao was not sad, because he knew that the sword god was not dead, and he would see him again sooner or later.

Instead, he is very excited now!

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao closed his eyes lightly, and began to check the magical skill in his mind.

"Destroyer Sword Art is divided into two parts, 'Destroyer Art' and 'Excalibur Art'."

"The spiritual power cultivated by this magical skill has the power of devouring and destroying, so it is called the 'Devouring Jue'."

"As for the 'Divine Sword Jue', it is a way to cultivate a heaven-defying divine sword in the dantian."

"Cultivating this magical skill, beheading the same realm is like nothing, and leapfrogging to kill the enemy is the norm!"

"Cultivated to the extreme, it can devour the world, destroy the sky, and defy the sky with a single sword!"

After reading these words, although Yi Xiaoyao didn't know the power of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, the blood in his heart was about to boil, and he yearned to defy the sky!

In Yi Xiaoyao's cognition, monks are divided into several realms: Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, and Nascent Soul, and each realm is divided into nine levels.

A normal person who has cultivated to each of the above realms can only have one Qi Sea, one Lingtai, one Golden Elixir, and one Nascent Soul.

And practice Devouring Excalibur, you can have the sea of ​​energy and the source of sword energy, the spirit platform and the sheath of the spirit sword, the golden core and the embryo of the spirit sword, the soul of the soul and the sword of the spirit!
This means that Yi Xiaoyao has one more cultivation foundation than others in every great realm, and his combat power will naturally double!
Under such a huge temptation, without hesitation, he sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend the mantra of Devouring the Extinct Sword Art, and started to practice.

"Using the body to attract the spirit, using the power to transform the spirit, and using the power to devour the spirit..."

The mysterious and obscure formula, like the sound of an ancient bronze bell, quietly echoed in Yi Xiaoyao's mind.

Slowly, Yi Xiaoyao seemed to realize a little bit of mystery, and then a ray of spiritual energy slowly poured into his body.

That ray of spiritual energy circulated along his meridians, and then a huge devouring force erupted from his body.


The next moment, the vast aura of heaven and earth began to be swallowed into Yi Xiaoyao's body continuously.

After the spiritual energy circulated through the meridians for a great cycle, it all flowed into Yi Xiaoyao's dantian and transformed into a dark spiritual force.

Spiritual power is the foundation of a cultivator, and the power of spiritual power determines the ability of a cultivator.

As for Yi Xiaoyao's dark spiritual power, although it looks quiet and introverted, he can clearly feel that there is an extremely domineering devouring and destructive power hidden in that quietness!
Obviously, the power of the spiritual power cultivated by Devouring Excalibur is definitely not comparable to the spiritual power cultivated by ordinary exercises!

Under the blessing of the power of devouring, Yi Xiaoyao absorbed spiritual energy faster and faster, and the dark spiritual power in his dantian was also rapidly increasing.

As long as the spiritual power is condensed into a sea of ​​qi, it is regarded as stepping into the condensing period and becoming a real monk.

Judging from the trend of the spiritual power in Yi Xiaoyao's dantian soaring and condensing at the moment, it won't be long before he can condense a sea of ​​energy.

If this kind of cultivation speed is seen by outsiders, they will definitely stare out their eyes.

Yi Xiaoyao practiced quietly all night.

Until the sky was bright, a slight fluctuation came from his body.

Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes happily, and the eyes were full of light.

"One-level Qi Condensation Realm!"

"What a fast cultivation speed! The blood of the sword god and the god-level skills are really against the sky!"

At this moment, in Yi Xiaoyao's dantian, a whirlpool of black air was quietly circulating.

But the strange thing is that this sea of ​​qi only occupies the left half of his dantian, while the right half is empty.

"According to the description of Devouring Divine Sword Art, the right half of the dantian is the place where the source of sword energy is condensed. Only after reaching the ninth level of energy condensation can the source of sword energy be condensed."

So Yi Xiaoyao was not worried about the source of the sword energy, he raised his hand, and a dark spiritual power condensed out of his palm.

"Haha! I finally took this step!"

Yi Xiaoyao suddenly grasped the palm of his hand, his eyes glistening.

He murmured: "If Xue has obtained the inheritance of the seventh-rank immortal soul, she can directly obtain the cultivation base of the seventh-level Qi Condensation Realm. Although I need to start from zero cultivation base, but with the cultivation speed inherited by the Sword God, I believe it is very You can catch up with Ruoxue soon."

After speaking, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Senior Sword God left me with two supernatural powers."

Thinking of this, he went on to check it out quietly.

"Soul Burning Forbidden Art, Soul Devouring Forbidden Art!"

The Burning Soul Forbidden Technique is at the cost of burning one's own soul to obtain astonishing explosive power, but this technique is extremely harmful to the user and must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

The soul-eating forbidden technique uses one's own soul to devour the enemy's soul, not only can replenish the soul after using the burning soul forbidden technique, but also can strengthen one's own soul!
"These two forbidden techniques complement each other and are powerful, but they can only be used as a killer's weapon."

Yi Xiaoyao kept these in mind and didn't care about them.

He was in a good mood now, looked up out of the window, and found that it was past breakfast time.

Then he washed his face, changed into clean clothes, and hurried out the door.

"I want to tell Ruoxue the news of my becoming a monk! Ruoxue won't be disappointed when she hears about this surprise!"

On the way, Yi Xiaoyao was full of anticipation. He was looking forward to seeing Tang Ruoxue's surprised eyes.

(ps: The word phagocytosis in "Destroying Sword God" means devouring and destroying. Let me explain it so that everyone can remember the title of the book.)
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(End of this chapter)

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