Devouring Sword God

Chapter 35 One Sword Kills the Demon Wolf

Chapter 35 Killing the Demon Wolf with One Sword
"Humph! Courting death."

Yi Xiaoyao snorted coldly, staring at Qi Shi with icy eyes.

This guy lured Yin Youlang to Yi Xiaoyao's place in order to forcibly pull Yi Xiaoyao into the water.

But Qi Shi never expected that Yi Xiaoyao, who he saw as just a wild boy, would have such power when he raised his hand.

Before Qi Shi could be startled, the Silver Serene Wolf quickly pounced on him, opened its fangs, and bit his right leg with a click.


With a shrill scream, Qi Shi screamed until the veins on his face popped out, and blood spurted from his legs.

The movement made by Qi Shi was also noticed by the other eight people. When they saw Qi Shi's miserable state, their hearts skipped a beat.

But soon they breathed a sigh of relief, because the next target chosen by the second-tier Silver Spirit Wolf was not them, but Yi Xiaoyao.

Silver Serene Wolf was no longer interested in prey that could not resist, and stared at Yi Xiaoyao in front of him with a pair of gloomy eyes.

While Qi Shi was roaring in pain, he saw Yin Youlang staring at Yi Xiaoyao, his face twisted and he laughed out loud.

"Ah!!! Even if I die, I will drag you with me!!!"

In Qi Shi's view, Yi Xiaoyao will end up in the same fate as him, even worse than him.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to the crazy Qi Shi at the moment, his eyes met the eyes of Yin Youlang.

"What? You bastard, are you looking for death too?"

He smiled faintly at the silver ghost wolf, then raised his hand and drew out the bloody long sword behind him.

"It just so happens that I'm also planning to use your demon pill."

While Yi Xiaoyao was talking and laughing freely, the spiritual energy on his body exploded in an instant, and the blood-red long sword became even more strange due to the dark spiritual energy and sword energy, exuding a cold and chilling intent.

Silver Serene Wolf seemed to be able to understand human speech, Yi Xiaoyao said that he wanted to take its demon pill, which immediately angered its wolf nature.


With a terrifying wolf howl, the long and slender body of the Silver Ghost Wolf suddenly jumped, and instantly turned into a stream of silver light, rushing towards Yi Xiaoyao ferociously.

Yi Xiaoyao felt a strong stench coming from the huge fangs of the Silver Serene Wolf. The distance between him and this second-rank wolf was too close.

At such a short distance, the astonishing speed and burst of strength of the monsters are very advantageous.

But Yi Xiaoyao still showed no panic on his face.

Because before that, he had already grasped the weakness of the Silver Spirit Wolf through observation.

Just before the fangs were about to bite off Yi Xiaoyao's head, a cold light of blood color and black flashed across.

This cold light was fleeting, and at this moment, it seemed that time and space had stood still.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't move a single step, the bloodbath sword in his hand devoured the last drop of blood on the sword, it was comparable to a second-order monster in the first stage of foundation establishment, and crashed to the ground.

The body of the Silver Spirit Wolf remained motionless, and there was a thin line of blood in the center of its eyebrows.

Just now Yi Xiaoyao observed that these silver ghost wolves kept avoiding and protecting their eyebrows during the battle.

So there, is their weakness.

If Yi Xiaoyao hadn't attacked this weak point, even if he used his strongest swordsmanship, the first form of the Nine Swords, he would never be able to break through the silver needle-covered fur defense of the silver wolf's body with a single strike.

Qi Shi, who was lying on the ground, saw that the Yinyou wolf who had driven him to a desperate situation was so vulnerable in front of Yi Xiaoyao, he immediately forgot how to scream, opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

The eight young girls who were fighting around saw Yi Xiaoyao beheading the second-order monster, and almost dropped their weapons to the ground in shock.

"Slay a second-order monster with one sword, my God! Is this guy still human?"

"This... This guy looks about the same age as us, but his strength is so terrifying!"

Those teenagers who said that Yi Xiaoyao was a "wild boy" and "can't compare with them" suddenly shuddered all over their bodies.

After Yi Xiaoyao took out the demon pill of the second-tier Silver Serene Wolf, he looked at the eight boys and girls again, with a playful smile on his lips.

"Now, do you still need my help?"

As soon as the sound fell, those young girls nodded their heads one after another. Otherwise, if this continues, even if they can finish off the demon wolf, they will definitely suffer casualties.

"Need! Need! As long as you can help us, the demon pill will belong to you!"

"Brother, before we didn't know Mount Tai, if we offend you, please don't mind!"

"Brother, you have great powers, come and help me! Brother Qi Shi provoked you, it is his own fault, we did not provoke you!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled when he heard the calls for help, and walked towards the crowd with the blood-piercing sword in hand.

As they said, Qi Shi was indeed the only one who angered Yi Xiaoyao, and Yi Xiaoyao appeared here to help these people.

Flowing light swordsmanship transformed into invisible sword shadows, Yi Xiaoyao's figure shuttled among the Yinyou wolves, and the howls of wolves rang out one after another.

These first-order monsters are nothing to Yi Xiaoyao.

After a short while, there was only a wolf corpse left.

The eight people all stood there blankly, staring at Yi Xiaoyao in a daze.

The monster, which everyone tried their best, was helpless, and Yi Xiaoyao just solved it lightly?

"Good... so strong!"

The reverence in their eyes was hard to conceal.

No wonder, Yi Xiaoyao said before that he could help them.

Moreover, if one person can kill the entire Yinyou demon wolves, what is a second-order demon pill?
Looking at it now, Qi Shi's refusal of Yi Xiaoyao's kindness was simply an extremely stupid act.


I don't know who made a swallowing sound, breaking this subtlety.

"Young master! Thank you for your help!"

The young girl Yun Qian looked at Yi Xiaoyao, her chest was thumping, her pretty face blushed uncontrollably, and she thanked her softly.

Several other people also reacted immediately, expressing their gratitude to Yi Xiaoyao.

"Yes, big brother, can you tell me your name? So that we can repay you in the future."

"There is no need to repay, my name is Yi Xiaoyao."

Yi Xiaoyao waved his hands, then glanced at them, and asked, "Who are you? How did you appear in such a dangerous place without the company of your elders?"

Several people looked at each other, as if hesitating whether to tell the story.

If it weren't for Yi Xiaoyao, most of them would have lost their lives.

Thinking of this, Yun Qian immediately replied: "We are the disciples participating in the examination of the Seven Killing Star Palace this year. The second item of the assessment is to enter this forest to hunt enough demon pills."

"Seven Killing Star Palace?"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded suspiciously, looked at the wolf carcasses on the ground, and said, "Since you need demon pills, then I will give you all these first-order demon wolves."

Several people were overjoyed when they heard the words: "That's great, there are sixteen silver ghost wolves here, eight of us will share two demon pills each, and we can complete the assessment!"

At this time, a faint voice came: "What about mine! You seem to have forgotten me?"

Everyone looked, it was actually Qi Shi who said this.

(End of this chapter)

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