Chapter 53

"Gambling war?"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, wanting to hear Jin Sanbao's detailed explanation, and see if he can give it a try.

Jin Sanbao nodded and began to explain.

"In the Seven Killing Star Palace, there are thousands of disciples. It is easy for those powerful disciples to obtain star points, so they don't go to gamble. However, those disciples with low strength can only rely on gambling if they want to obtain a large number of star points. It's a fight."

Speaking of this, Jin Sanbao smiled bitterly and said: "It's just that those disciples at the bottom of the strength are probably stronger than newcomers like us, so let's forget it?"

Yi Xiaoyao was silent for a moment when he heard the words.

He began to make a rough estimate of his own strength: I can easily kill Qi Yue who is in the second stage of foundation establishment with my current cultivation of the first stage of foundation establishment. Even if I am against the third stage of foundation establishment, I can fight.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao said with a smile: "Go and have a look, and see what kind of cultivation level can be regarded as the lowest level of strength in this Seven Killing Star Palace."

"it is good!"

Jin Sanbao agreed and began to lead the way.

After a while, the three of them came to the Martial Arts Arena of the Seven Killing Star Palace.

This martial arts arena is very large, many disciples gather there, and some disciples are fighting in pairs.

Judging from the aura released by those disciples when they fought against each other, most of them were people from the second level to the third level of foundation establishment, and these were the so-called "bottom level" disciples.

The appearance of the three of Yi Xiaoyao immediately attracted the attention of those disciples.

"These three are new faces?"

"I heard that the Star Palace recently recruited disciples, they should be newcomers."

"The newcomers have five hundred star points, how about we go and get some money?"

"Good idea, most of the newcomers are soft persimmons in the Qi Condensation Realm, if you don't pinch it, don't pinch it!"

"Let's educate these newcomers by the way, and establish a prestige in their hearts."

Suddenly, those old disciples looked at Yi Xiaoyao, and all of them became hot.

Yi Xiaoyao also noticed these fiery gazes, and a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, rookie, do you dare to come here to gamble?"

Those old disciples came to Yi Xiaoyao and sneered.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at them lightly.

"Why not?"

As soon as this remark came out, the old disciples laughed even louder.

"Haha, the tone is not small!"

A red-clothed disciple stood up, directly revealing his foundation-building second-level cultivation, stared at Yi Xiaoyao with a smile and said, "My name is Sun Bing, since you want to bet, do you have the guts to fight me?" World War I?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Sun Bing in front of him, and after feeling the cultivation level exuded by this person, the smile on his mouth became even stronger.

And Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo beside him also secretly laughed in their hearts: This Sun Bing probably didn't know that Xiaoyao easily killed Qi Yue who was in the second stage of foundation establishment, but he was kicked on the iron plate up.

However, Jin Sanbao deliberately pretended to be worried and said, "Xiaoyao, let's go."

"What? You said you were daring just now, but now you're afraid? A newcomer is a newcomer, and he doesn't have the guts or backbone." Sun Bin sneered and looked at the three of them contemptuously.

The other old disciples also ridiculed again and again. Their sense of superiority in the face of newcomers and the sense of accomplishment in suppressing newcomers made their whole bodies shrouded in pleasure.

"Who says you're afraid? Since you want to gamble, then I will accompany you to the end."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Sun Bin, and said calmly, "Tell me, how much do you bet?"

"Okay!" Seeing Yi Xiaoyao's challenge, Sun Bing smiled and said, "I know that every newcomer has [-] star points, boy, let's bet [-], and I want you to lose to the bottom of your pants." There is nothing left, I went back crying."

Immediately, the old disciples onlookers laughed again: "Sun Bing, you are too ruthless, the bet is so big, what if the newcomers are scared away?"

"Boy, if you don't dare, then beg me. As long as you beg me, I will bet less." Sun Bin said with a smirk.

Yi Xiaoyao's face was indifferent, and he said coldly: "No need, you don't have the qualifications yet."

Yi Xiaoyao is too little to bet only [-] star points, not to mention that it is impossible for him to lose.

When Sun Bing heard this, his face immediately became angry.

However, when he thought that he could earn [-] star points immediately, he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Boy, in the Seven Killing Star Palace, star points are very rare. Since you don't cherish them, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Sun Bing snorted coldly, spiritual power poured out of his body, and he was about to make a move.

Everyone withdrew from a circle one after another, and began to appreciate the next process of "elderly educating newcomers".

A sneer twitched at the corner of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, he drew out his long sword, his spiritual power ignited, and the aura of the First Stage of Foundation Establishment erupted instantly.

Sun Bing showed a hint of surprise, but he knew that the newcomers who could reach the first stage of foundation establishment were all top geniuses.

"So, you are still a genius? No wonder you are so arrogant and dare to challenge me."

Sun Bing licked his teeth with a chuckle, pulled out the long knife from his waist, and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

With a flash of the blade's light, the spiritual power on the blade's edge instantly broke through the air, producing an astonishing air-shattering explosion.

Seeing this power, Yi Xiaoyao frowned.

The Sun Bing in front of him should have entered the second stage of foundation establishment for a long time. Whether it is the concentration of spiritual power or the power of power, he is much stronger than Qi Yue who has just advanced to the second stage of foundation establishment.

Yi Xiaoyao was not flustered. Although the opponent was strong, he was stronger.

Following Yi Xiaoyao's arm, the Bloodbath Sword slashed out, and the flashing light of the sword also burst out the sound of howling through the air.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't want to expose his strength so early, he also wanted to take advantage of the superiority of those old disciples to earn more star points.

So in the face of Sun Bing's knife, he only used the ground-slashing swordsmanship, which is known for its strength.

The bloody sword shadow slashed down vertically, meeting that extremely powerful knife in an instant, and there was a sharp sound of metal clashing, and the two were actually evenly matched in terms of strength.


Sun Bing snorted coldly, his cultivation base was higher than Yi Xiaoyao's, and this result made him lose face.

"Splitting gold knife technique!"

Accompanied by drinking too much, Sun Binran started to really explode: "Next, you have no chance, lose to me!"


Yi Xiaoyao snorted, and then danced his wrist flexibly, turning into a gorgeous streamer, which is the streamer sword technique famous for its speed.

Although Liuguang swordsmanship is a low-level yellow-level spiritual skill, it is because it is more speedy and weaker.

But at this moment, in the hands of Yi Xiaoyao, who is talented in swordsmanship, the hidden potential of this sword technique has been fully exploited. With the word "quick", he entangled the opponent's powerful long knife like a phantom streamer.

As the saying goes, speed is the only way to break through. Although the strength of Liuguang swordsmanship is insufficient, the destructive sword energy hidden in it not only makes up for this, but also specializes in attacking the opponent's flaws with incomparable agility.

In the hands of Yi Xiaoyao, the low-level swordsmanship of the Huang rank was far more powerful than his rank.

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang...

The astonishing sword shadow and the long knife clashed countless times in just one breath, producing a series of symphonic sounds.

Sun Bing's originally confident face began to become horrified with each confrontation.

When he saw the smile that suddenly appeared in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, his complexion changed drastically.

In the end, Yi Xiaoyao took advantage of the weakening power of the opponent's sword technique, and instantly transformed the streamer sword technique into a very explosive seven-fold sword.

The whole process took only a split second, and Yi Xiaoyao made a breakthrough by stacking the seven overlapping swords into nine incomparably coherently.

Nine layers return to one, burst out in an instant!

There was a sound of a long knife falling to the ground, and Sun Bing staggered and fell to the ground, staring blankly at Yi Xiaoyao, with horror and bewilderment in his eyes.

At this moment, the people around were silent.

After a while, Sun Bing asked in a daze.

"Am I defeated?"

"You are defeated."

Yi Xiaoyao stood with his sword back, looked at him lightly and said.

(ps: update time: around six o'clock every night.)
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(End of this chapter)

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