Devouring Sword God

Chapter 6 The Sword of Bloodline Sensation

Chapter 6 The Sword of Bloodline Sensation

Yi Xiaoyao also recognized this person, he was a member of the Tangjiabao branch, named Tang An.

"Presumptuous!" Yi Xiaoyao shouted coldly, looked up at Tang An, and said coldly, "What is your identity, what is my identity, how dare you talk to me like that!"

Tang An sneered.

"Hehe, you really think of yourself as the young castle master? Now you are about to be kicked out of the Tang family, and you still tell me your identity!"

Yi Xiaoyao's expression was cold, and he didn't bother to talk to this kind of person, he shouted: "Give me back the Zengling Pill."

"You're just a trash who can't cultivate. What's the use of Zengling Pill?" Tang An looked at Yi Xiaoyao suspiciously.

"What qualifications do you have to ask me questions!"

Yi Xiaoyao's sharp gaze made Tang An tremble.

The next moment, Tang An sensed his gaffe, and said angrily, "Trash! How dare you attack me! You fucking think you're superior to me, don't you?"

"I'll say it one last time, give me back the Zengling Pill!"

Yi Xiaoyao's tone was serious.

"Want it? Come get it if you can!"

Tang An proudly placed Zengling Pill in front of Yi Xiaoyao's eyes and shook it.

He continued to taunt: "At first, I thought my inheritance of the second-grade immortal soul was low enough, but compared to you trash, I'm a genius!"

With that said, Tang An patted Yi Xiaoyao's face again.

"Don't you think so? Trash?"

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, and he condensed the dark spiritual power in his hands, and punched Tang An with a punch!

Tang An hurriedly took a step back, first surprised for a moment, then sneered and punched!

"I didn't expect you to cultivate spiritual power? But it's only at the first stage of Qi Condensation, and you are still a waste! Even if I abolish you today, no one will blame me!"

Tang An was full of confidence. He had obtained the inheritance of the second-grade immortal soul, and his cultivation had also been promoted to the second level of Qi Condensation. How could he be afraid of Yi Xiaoyao, who was in the first level of Qi Condensation?

Two fists meet.

Yi Xiaoyao's dark spiritual power collided with Tang An's pale yellow spiritual power.

The next moment, Tang An's complexion changed drastically.

Tang An only felt that there was a strong devouring power in Yi Xiaoyao's spiritual power, and his spiritual power was being quickly swallowed by the opponent's spiritual power!
What shocked Tang An even more was that he was one level higher than Yi Xiaoyao in cultivation, but the opponent's strength was even stronger than him!
He also quickly discovered why Yi Xiaoyao's power was stronger than his own, because in Yi Xiaoyao's spiritual power, in addition to the power of devouring, there was also an amazing power of destruction!

However, he discovered that it was too late.


There was a crisp bone cracking sound, followed by Tang An's heart-piercing screams.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, and he grabbed his neck with a backhand.

The index finger and thumb pinched deeply into Tang An's Adam's apple, making him unable to scream. With a little force, Yi Xiaoyao could end this man's life.

"Who is trash?"

"Compared with me, are you a genius?"

"Are you going to abolish me?"

Facing Yi Xiaoyao's questioning, Tang An could only make a series of silent breaths.

"Huh? I asked you something, why didn't you answer?"

A crisp slap flashed across Tang An's face, a purple palm print was printed on Tang An's blushing face, and he was strangled so hard that he couldn't even make a sound of begging for mercy.

"If you don't return my elixir, I will take your dog's life!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang An obediently took out the pill.

Yi Xiaoyao took the pill and threw the man on the ground like trash.

Then, he turned around and paid the money to the shopkeeper, saying, "I'll come to pick up the rest of the elixir tomorrow, remember to keep it for me."

After speaking, Yi Xiaoyao left the alchemy workshop.

Tang An could no longer care about the pain of the fractured bone in his right hand, lying on the ground coughing and panting, his eyes staring at Yi Xiaoyao's leaving back with resentment.

At this time, another young man entered Danfang.

"Tang An?"

The young man looked at Tang An in surprise, and said, "You were beaten?"

Tang An looked at the person who came, and said pleasantly: "Cousin Tang Zhuang! You came just in time!"


After a while, Tang Zhuang exclaimed: "You said that trash Yi Xiaoyao beat you up like this? He also cultivated spiritual power?"

Tang An nodded repeatedly.

"Yes! Cousin, you must avenge me!"

"Are you kidding! Last night we witnessed that Yi Xiaoyao didn't get the immortal soul inheritance, how could he cultivate spiritual power?"

Tang Zhuang's eyes were full of disbelief, and he didn't believe Tang An's words at all.

"I've been beaten like this, will I joke with you?"

As he said that, Tang An grinned and said, "And if you help me avenge, you can also get some enhancement pills for nothing!"

"How to say?"

Tang Zhuang changed his expression and asked.

Tang An smiled coldly, and said: "Tomorrow Yi Xiaoyao will come back to the Pill Workshop to get the pills, and then we just have to sit back and wait..."

"It's a good idea, but how high is Yi Xiaoyao's trash?" Tang Zhuang asked.

"A level of condensed energy."

As he said that, Tang An was embarrassed for a moment. He was really ashamed to be beaten like this by a person whose cultivation base was lower than his own.

But Tang Zhuang didn't care about these things, instead his tone relaxed.

"So it's only at the first level of Qi Condensation, so it's easy, I'm at the fourth level of Qi Condensation!"

He patted Tang An on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, this cousin will avenge you for you, and you will beat Yi Xiaoyao to the knees begging for mercy!"


On the way back, Yi Xiaoyao didn't know anything about the conspiracy of the two, he was still thinking about the scene when he fought with Tang An just now.

"The power of Devouring Divine Sword Art is really powerful. I am one level lower than Tang An, and I defeated him with ease."

Not only that, Yi Xiaoyao also found that the spiritual power in his body was not consumed by the fight just now, but increased a little.

"My spiritual power has the power of devouring, which can devour other people's spiritual power, and that destructive power is so powerful that it even directly broke Tang An's hand bones!"

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao became radiant because of his self-confidence.

At this moment, he was walking on the periphery of the market without even looking at the shops on both sides.

The goods sold here are all ordinary people's goods, and a monk like him can't use them at all.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaoyao slowed down, and a strange feeling came in his body.

"Huh? Why did the blood in my body start to boil suddenly?"

This feeling is very subtle, and the closer you are to a certain direction, the stronger the feeling.

Yi Xiaoyao looked in the direction of feeling, and his eyes fell on a long strip wrapped in black cloth.

"The blood in my body is the blood of the Sword God. This thing can trigger the induction of the blood of the Sword God. It must be extraordinary!"

With this in mind, Yi Xiaoyao walked to the herbal medicine stall.

"Old man, what is this black cloth wrapped in?"

The stall owner was a dark and thin old man, and when he saw that Yi Xiaoyao was interested in the black cloth, he immediately looked overjoyed.

"My young master, to tell you the truth, the things inside are so wicked, I dare not take them out without wrapping them in black cloth!"

Yi Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Old man, how can there be a seller who says his own stuff is evil? Who would dare to buy it?"

The black and thin old man waved his hands again and again, and said, "I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for money and murder!"

"Killing? How can this thing be related to killing?" Yi Xiaoyao asked doubtfully.

The black and thin old man stopped explaining, and carefully untied the black cloth, revealing a dark red long sword.

At this moment, the blood of the sword god in Yi Xiaoyao's body boiled to the extreme!
Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved, and he knelt down to get the dark red long sword, but was stopped by the old man.

"My lord, don't touch this evil sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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