Chapter 62
At this moment, a shout of shock and anger came from the dark place of the martial arts arena.

"Yi Xiaoyao! You dare to blatantly massacre your fellow disciples, you are courting death!"

Yi Xiaoyao turned his head suddenly, only to see Duan Xiu's face was full of anger in the distance of the martial arts field, and he slashed at him with a terrifying red saber aura.

The aura emanating from this saber light caused people around to scream and evade, the ground cracked where it passed, and it was approaching Yi Xiaoyao.

"It's Elder Duan Xiu! He wants to kill Yi Xiaoyao!"

"My God, Elder Duan Xiu is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. With this saber energy, Yi Xiaoyao will undoubtedly die!"

Not only the people around, but also Luo Yi, Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo were shocked.

"Little Junior Brother!"


At the same time, Lin Jie was also watching from a high place nearby. A man in black robe stood beside him. Seeing Duan Xiu kill Yi Xiaoyao, the two came to rescue him with a cry of surprise.

However, even if someone came to rescue, it was too late.

No matter how fast the two of Lin Jie were, they couldn't be faster than the red saber aura that was only a few feet away from Yi Xiaoyao.

Lin Jie's eyes were full of despair and anger.

Could it be that Yi Xiaoyao, an unprecedented monstrous genius, is about to return to this place?

At this moment, the red saber energy approached Yi Xiaoyao's body.

The pupils of Yi Xiaoyao's eyes contracted sharply, and the Bloodbath Sword in his hand was instantly filled with dark spiritual power. The sword shadow unfolded, and unexpectedly he began to perform a sword technique in the face of danger.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Xiaoyao was covered by a black mask.

Yi Xiaoyao had never used this sword technique before. It was the sword art he created based on the Soul Devouring Sword Technique, the Soul Devouring Sword Technique!
The reason why Yi Xiaoyao will use this sword technique at this time is because it is a defensive sword technique.

The spirit-eating swordsmanship uses devouring spiritual power as a guide, and integrates it into the sophisticated defensive swordsmanship. When the swordsmanship is parrying and unloading, it can simultaneously devour the spiritual power in the attack, and maximize the defense.

Once the spiritual power in the opponent's moves is devoured, the attack will lose any power. This is the power of the Soul Devouring Sword Technique.

But at this moment, the black veil covering Yi Xiaoyao was because Jian Ying swallowed up the light.

Facing the blow from the golden core powerhouse, Yi Xiaoyao didn't have absolute confidence to really block this move, but there was no possibility of escaping the attack range of the red saber energy, so he had to give it a go.

A sharp burst of spiritual power sounded, and the red sword energy collided with the black mask formed by Yi Xiaoyao's sword shadow in an instant.

Everyone felt that Yi Xiaoyao was dead, even Lin Jie who rushed over and the man in black robe behind him was no exception.

But then, everyone gasped.

I saw the red saber qi in front of Yi Xiaoyao slashing and falling on the black cover of the sword shadow, and there was a sudden pause. The spiritual power above the saber aura was being consumed rapidly, but more of it was devoured by Yi Xiaoyao. Devoured by the spirit sword technique.

For a while, Yi Xiaoyao was continuously forced back by the huge force from the red saber aura, but the saber aura couldn't cut into the black cover of the sword shadow.

"What kind of swordsmanship is that!"

"He actually blocked Elder Duan Xiu's saber energy!"

"My God, does Yi Xiaoyao really only have the second level of Foundation Establishment?"

Everyone felt incomparably inconceivable that the furious blow of the Gold Core Realm was blocked by a person at the Second Stage of Foundation Establishment, and no one would believe it if he said it.

At this moment, while Yi Xiaoyao was performing the spirit-eating sword technique, his spiritual power was also being consumed rapidly, but the spiritual power swallowed by the sword technique was continuously replenishing his spiritual power.

If Yi Xiaoyao used the spirit-eating sword technique when fighting Shi Tong before, the spiritual power in Yi Xiaoyao's body would be balanced between consumption and devouring, and he would always be invincible.

But at this moment, the saber energy he is resisting comes from the hands of a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. Even if Yi Xiaoyao can devour spiritual power to supplement consumption, he can't make ends meet. Gradually, he is almost unable to support it. The defense will be broken by the sword energy.

Just when the red saber aura had broken three inches into the black cover of the sword shadow, a streak of purple spiritual power directly scattered the red saber aura in an instant.

Yi Xiaoyao was instantly relieved, he thrust his sword into the ground and panted heavily.

But the person who just shot out the purple spiritual power was the black-robed man behind Linjie. At this moment, Linjie rushed over to protect Yi Xiaoyao, and confronted Duan Xiu who was not far away.

"Duan Xiu! As an elder, you actually want to kill the disciples in the hall in public!"

Lin Jie yelled, if it wasn't for Yi Xiaoyao's ability far beyond the comparison of other disciples, plus the arrival of him and the man in black robe behind him, he might have died.

Duan Xiu's expression was gloomy and he ignored Lin Jie, but he was extremely surprised that such a decisive blow failed to kill Yi Xiaoyao instantly.

More importantly, the black-robed man behind Linjie would appear here and rescue Yi Xiaoyao, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Hall Master!"

Duan Xiu bowed to the black-robed man, no matter how angry he was, he did not dare to act presumptuously in front of the Lord of the Seven Killing Star Palace.

All the rest of the disciples present all bowed to the black-robed man in unison, calling out the hall master.

"The palace lord is here?"

"I'm afraid it was because Yi Xiaoyao killed Shi Tong. After all, killing a fellow sect is a serious crime against the palace rules."

"Although the palace master rescued Yi Xiaoyao, he cannot escape the guilt."

The disciples lowered their heads and discussed in low voices, only then did they realize that Yi Xiaoyao's killing Shi Tong violated the rules of the sect.

Yi Xiaoyao looked up at the black-robed palace master, only to find that the other party was also looking at him.

The master of the black robe palace completely ignored Duan Xiu, and stared straight at Yi Xiaoyao, as if he wanted to see through him.

"You are Yi Xiaoyao?"

The master of the black robe hall is a middle-aged man with a cold face and a very cold voice.

"Disciple Yi Xiaoyao, pay homage to the Palace Master, thank you for saving the Palace Master." Yi Xiaoyao saluted.

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the master of the black robe hall, and there was a hint of excitement on his cold face, and he said:

"Before, Linjie strongly recommended you, saying that you recreated the Kuji Swordsmanship and Soul Swallowing Swordsmanship created by the first generation of Hall Masters in just one night, and successfully cultivated them. I didn't believe it at first, but I just witnessed it. After the two swordsmanship you performed, you have to believe it if you don’t believe it!"

As soon as the master of the black robe finished speaking, everyone around except Linjie and Luoyi who had already been terrified exclaimed in shock.

"What? Yi Xiaoyao actually learned the Ku Ji Sword Art and the Soul Swallowing Sword Art? These are the two major murderous arts that no one has been able to practice successfully so far!"

"You are wrong. It is not learning, but reinventing and learning. The difference is as huge as the difference in strength between us and the hall master."

"This Yi Xiaoyao has shocked me again and again. It's too scary. Fortunately, I didn't offend him."


When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words of the palace master, he smiled helplessly. It turned out that Linjie had told the palace master about it.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the master of the black robe came again: "Yi Xiaoyao, since you modified these two sword skills, you must have your own name, right?"

"Ni Mie Sword Art, Soul Devouring Sword Art." Yi Xiaoyao nodded in response.

The master of the black-robed palace burst out laughing, clapped his hands and said, "Okay! You are truly a genius!"

At this moment, Duan Xiu finally couldn't bear it anymore, he seemed to sense something was wrong.

"Hall Master, this Yi Xiaoyao killed my nephews Qi Shi and Qi Yue before, and even killed my apprentice Shi Tong just now. Such rebellious people, no matter how talented they are, must not be condoned. Dispose of it according to regulations!"

While talking, Duan Xiu stared at Yi Xiaoyao with killing intent.

(ps: Let me talk about the update rule, it will be updated around six o'clock every night.

At present, two or three shifts are uncertain, most of the time there are three shifts, and occasionally two shifts.

Three shifts will be fixed after a while. )
 (Ask for a recommendation ticket~)


(End of this chapter)

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