Devouring Sword God

Chapter 67 The First Show of Power

Chapter 67 The First Show of Power

It's just that Yi Xiaoyao was a little inexperienced in assassination, and the sound of the body falling to the ground immediately attracted the attention of another guard hundreds of feet away.

Yi Xiaoyao saw that he had been exposed, so he stopped hiding and quickly rushed towards the guard.

"Someone broke in!"

The guard exclaimed, and the remaining three guards gathered immediately.

At the same time, the enemies in the mine that Ye Ping and the others broke into were also alarmed, and immediately there was the sound of fighting.

However, the three guards did not intend to ring the bronze bell after they realized it.

Because, like the previous guard, they discovered that Yi Xiaoyao was just a boy at the second level of Foundation Establishment.

In the eyes of these three people, there was no need to make such a fuss about ringing the bell to solve such a small role, otherwise they would alarm the other guards so late, and everyone would scold them.

"This kid at the second level of foundation building actually killed the fourth child?"

"Hmph! It must have been a sneak attack and assassination, but since he knew he had been exposed and didn't run away, he was courting death."

"Kill this kid!"

The three guards spewed spiritual power, raised their hands and drew their knives, and came towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Facing the three enemies of the fourth level of foundation building, Yi Xiaoyao's face remained unchanged, and seeing the three of them moving away from the bronze bell, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

As long as the other party didn't strike the copper bell, Yi Xiaoyao was sure to kill the three of them quickly without disturbing the people inside the Lingshi mine.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The three long swords with strong spiritual power slashed at Yi Xiaoyao from all directions, and the three Foundation Establishment [-]th-layer realms attacked at the same time, the power should not be underestimated.

Yi Xiaoyao's sword move changed, and the spirit-eating swordsmanship was unleashed like a shadow, instantly protecting all directions.

Ding Ding Ding!
The sound of the three golden and iron symphony sounds is particularly crisp at night, but it is not enough to spread far, let alone alarm the internal enemies.

The moment the spirit-eating swordsmanship was blocked, it devoured all the spiritual power on the three long knives, and couldn't even push Yi Xiaoyao back half a step.

The expressions of the three guards all changed, how could they dare to believe that a guy at the second level of Foundation Establishment could block the attacks of the three of them with ease.

The look of shock on the faces of the three could not dissipate for a long time, because they could never make other expressions.

Soul-devouring swordsmanship instantly transformed into nirvana swordsmanship. Yi Xiaoyao slashed out with the long sword. Yi Xiaoyao strode across the distance of the three of them.

Killing enemies in the fourth level of foundation establishment is as simple as mowing grass.

But Yi Xiaoyao was not surprised, after all, he was Shi Tong who had killed the fifth level of Foundation Establishment.

"It seems that Nirvana swordsmanship and Soul Devouring swordsmanship should be comparable to the top swordsmanship of the Xuan level." Yi Xiaoyao murmured.

You must know that even in the Xingling Pavilion of the Seven Killing Star Palace, the highest swordsmanship is only at the top of the Xuan rank.

The two sword techniques created by Yi Xiaoyao are even more powerful than any top-level mysterious skills, mainly because what he uses is to destroy sword energy and devour spiritual power.

But right now Yi Xiaoyao didn't have the heart to sum it up. He knelt down to take the storage bags from the four corpses and checked them one by one.


Yi Xiaoyao frowned, it was a bit of a shame, the four guards didn't even have a key.

But at this moment, since Ye Ping and the three young men entered the mine, they haven't come out until now, and the sound of fighting before has disappeared.

"Is there anything wrong with her?"

Yi Xiaoyao showed a hint of worry, after all, Ye Ping had always wanted to protect him, and he somewhat liked this girl.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaoyao turned around and entered the mine.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Ping's four would kill one without any problems, but Yi Xiaoyao thought of another situation.

At this time, this situation is happening inside the cave.

Inside the cave, three young men held swords and pointed at Ye Ping who was knocked down by them.

"Ye Ping, for your father's sake, we don't want to kill you, so hand over the key!" the long-faced young man chuckled.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Ye Ping's mouth, and she held a golden key tightly in her hand, looking at the three of them resentfully.

"The three of you actually conspired to attack me! Even if I give you the key, you won't be able to share it!"

The long-faced young man grinned and said, "Hey, you don't have to worry about that. Since you are standing with the kid at the second level of Foundation Establishment, it is doomed that the two of you don't have keys. The eight keys are just enough for the rest of us to share equally."

Seeing Ye Ping's delay in handing over the keys, the three young men also showed a trace of anxiety, but they also heard the commotion outside just now.

"Ye Ping, let me remind you one last thing, the kid you're protecting has already been discovered by the guards outside, and it won't be good for anyone if you delay!"

Ye Ping's heart sank when she heard the words. She also heard the movement just now, and Yi Xiaoyao was probably dead.

Just when Ye Ping raised her hand to hand over the key, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked behind the three young men in surprise.

"Hehe, don't you feel ashamed to use such disgraceful means to deal with a woman, three big men?" A light voice suddenly sounded in the cave.

The expressions of the three youths changed suddenly, and they hurriedly looked behind them.

At the entrance of the cave, Yi Xiaoyao was holding the Bloodbath sword and walking slowly towards the cave with a cold expression on his face.

"He didn't die?"

The three youths were shocked, they thought that Yi Xiaoyao would surely die after being discovered by the four guards of the outer gate.

And they saw that Yi Xiaoyao's clothes were stained with blood, the blood was obviously not his own, and the color was very bright, it was just stained.

Ye Ping was equally astonished. Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao was still alive, she felt relieved, but quickly reacted and asked, "Where are the four guards? Didn't they find you?"

This is also the doubt in the hearts of the three young people.

Yeah, where are the four guards?Why didn't you come in?

They clearly heard the sound of "someone broke in" just now, but now Yi Xiaoyao is still alive and has other people's blood on his body, what does this mean?
Could it be that Yi Xiaoyao killed four guards in such a short period of time?Haven't made any movement yet?
It's impossible!

Even the three of them who were in the fourth level of foundation building couldn't do it together, and it was absolutely impossible for a kid in the second level of foundation building to do it.

Ye Ping also thought so, so in order to prevent Yi Xiaoyao from being involved because of her, she immediately handed over the key to the three young people, and shouted to Yi Xiaoyao: "You can't help me, go away!"

After the three youths denied the conjecture just now, they heard Ye Ping's shout, and then they realized that just now Yi Xiaoyao seemed to be mocking them for bullying women.

"Boy, we just bully women, so what can you do? You are just a waste who can only hide behind women."

The three young men sneered and snorted, then took the key from Ye Ping in satisfaction, and prepared to leave the place of trouble.

"Give her the key back, and I can let you off once."

Yi Xiaoyao blocked the passageway at the entrance of the cave, walked non-stop, and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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