Chapter 69
But at this time, Lin Chuang's face suddenly became strange. He was not surprised that the others could get the key. After all, their cultivation bases were all at the fourth level of Foundation Establishment.

But Yi Xiaoyao...

A person in the second level of Foundation Establishment, who got the key, can still stand here?
Could it be that the three long-faced youths were stupid and refused to snatch such a soft persimmon?
Or was it because Ye Ping was protecting Yi Xiaoyao, so it was difficult for the three long-faced youths to attack?
In any case, how could Lin Chuang miss such a quickest opportunity to get the key.

"Boy, with your strength, you are not qualified to own the key. Hurry up and hand it over."

Lin Chuang walked towards Yi Xiaoyao and said coldly.

Ye Ping's eyes moved slightly. Fortunately, she gave the key to Yi Xiaoyao for safekeeping, otherwise she would never be able to keep the key.

"If I'm not qualified to have the key, then you are even less qualified, idiot." Yi Xiaoyao put the key away and looked at Lin Chuang with a grin.

When Lin Chuang heard this, anger flashed in his eyes, and his right fist was instantly filled with spiritual power that had been prepared.

"Only this level of cultivation is still so arrogant in front of me. If you don't want the opportunity, don't blame me for being too ruthless!"

With a punch through the air, with a strong wind, he struck Yi Xiaoyao with a bang.

Faced with this punch, Yi Xiaoyao laughed, and then he raised his hand to make a fist, the fist was dark for a moment, and he rushed to meet him.


The spiritual power of the two collided, and a burst of splendor bloomed in this night.

However, Lin Chuang's original ferocious smile froze in vain. He found that the spiritual power on his right fist was rapidly disappearing, and Yi Xiaoyao's strength was beyond his imagination.

"What! This kid, who is only at the second stage of foundation establishment, why is he so strong!"

Lin Chuang was shocked, as if he had guessed some information, his face changed drastically, and he wanted to withdraw his right fist and retreated violently.

But how could Yi Xiaoyao let this person go so easily? Five sword auras suddenly shot out from the dark right fist, directly piercing Lin Chuang's right fist, and cut off the five tightly clenched fingers of this person. .

Ten fingers connected to the heart, pain into the soul.


A shrill scream sounded, Lin Chuang retreated violently, clenched his bare right hand, and stared at Yi Xiaoyao with a ferocious and terrified expression.

The information he guessed just now has been confirmed incomparably profoundly.

No wonder Yi Xiaoyao dared to accept the two-star mission with such a low level of cultivation, no wonder the long-faced young man looked at Yi Xiaoyao with strong fear at this moment, no wonder no one dared to snatch the key from Yi Xiaoyao.

Five fingers is the price for Lin Chuang to understand this.

The trio of long-faced youths stared at each other. Seeing Lin Chuang's fate, they knew that Yi Xiaoyao had treated them tolerantly.

The four people in the same team as Lin Chuang were as shocked as the long-faced youth before seeing this scene, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao in disbelief.

"Do you still think my strength is ridiculous?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the four people and asked with a light smile.

All four of them had serious faces and remained silent.

Lin Chuang's strength was the strongest among them, but he was defeated miserably by Yi Xiaoyao. It was self-evident what this meant. Thinking of this, the four immediately took a few steps back in fear.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled, and turned to Lin Chuang who was bending over in pain.

"And you, do you still want to grab my key?"

This sound made Lin Chuang's grim face twitch a few times again.

At this moment, the flames inside the vein suddenly lit up, all the braziers were lit, and figures surrounded them, quickly darting towards this side.

"Oops! Lin Chuang's screams must have alerted the guards inside!"

Ye Ping exclaimed with her pretty face changed, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao worriedly. She had unconsciously regarded Yi Xiaoyao as her backbone.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could speak, several other youths gathered together with shocked expressions.

"There are twenty guards inside the vein, and we only have ten of them. We are definitely not opponents if we face each other head-on."

"Our advantage is the assassination of the enemy, but now that we have been exposed, this mission is a waste of time."

"Let's retreat, one can escape!"

Everyone reached a consensus in an anxious tone, and then prepared to retreat and flee.

Only Yi Xiaoyao was frowning slightly as he watched the guards approaching them quickly, his eyes flickering.

"and many more."

The calm voice stopped everyone, and everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao in doubt.

"Hey, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" Ye Ping urged.

Yi Xiaoyao drew out his long sword, pointed to the front and said, "Each of you deal with one, and leave the rest to me."


Everyone gasped, thinking that Yi Xiaoyao must be crazy, and wanted to deal with twelve guards alone.

"What time is this? You're still joking!" Ye Ping said with a frown.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes were firm. He didn't want his first training mission to end in failure, and under the current situation, even if he evacuated, it would be difficult to escape the siege of those guards.

"I'm not joking. If we retreat, at least half of the people will be killed or injured, or they will fight with me."

Yi Xiaoyao's voice was full of confidence, and it seemed to have magical powers that calmed everyone down.

Indeed, as Yi Xiaoyao said, this place is in a valley, and there is only one way out.

The twenty people on the other side are very familiar with the terrain here, and they are encircling from the left and right sides. When they find the ten companions who were killed before, they will definitely try their best to stop them.

The probability of escaping is very low.

Everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao together.

"We admit that you are very strong, but you said that it is impossible for you to deal with twelve guards. If you want to die, don't drag us!"

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at them indifferently, and said, "I'm giving you a chance to live."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, among them Lin Chuang didn't believe Yi Xiaoyao at all, and chose to withdraw very simply.

The twenty guards saw that Lin Chuang was trying to escape, so they sent two of them to chase him.

Lin Chuang had already lost the five fingers of his right hand, and he had no hope of facing the pursuit of two people of the same level, so he had to retreat back with a gloomy expression.

Seeing this, everyone had to stay here nervously, at least with Yi Xiaoyao, they only had to deal with one enemy.


The figures of twenty guards quickly appeared within a hundred feet around, getting closer and closer.

"Who are you, you dare to make an idea of ​​the Lingshi vein!"

"You actually killed ten of our brothers, and none of you can leave alive today!"

"Brothers, kill these little thieves!"

The twenty guards were all full of anger, holding long knives and galloping towards Yi Xiaoyao and the others with a rolling killing intent, each of them exuded the aura of the fourth level of foundation establishment.

Ye Ping looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a pale face, she didn't know why this boy was so calm all the time, isn't he afraid of death?
"Hey, don't be brave, if..."

Before Ye Ping could finish speaking, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Yi Xiaoyao's body, and instantly turned into a shadow, shooting towards the group of guards.

(End of this chapter)

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