Devouring Sword God

Chapter 703 8 Heads

Chapter 703 Eight Heads
In the sky above Tianya Sword Sect, the huge aura protecting sect formation failed to stop Yi Xiaoyao for a moment, and he passed through it directly.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was fiercely above the midair, his eyes scanned the midair not far away, and the group of Tianya Sword Sect disciples who were fully armed and on guard below.

From the faces of these disciples, one could only see their panic and horror at this moment.

Because they couldn't have imagined that Yi Xiaoyao could break through their sect protection formation so easily, and they didn't know how to face this demon god who had terrible rumors!

"You guys, if you want to stop me, it's tantamount to sending yourself to death!"

Yi Xiaoyao sneered at the group of people, then raised his voice and said, "Ask Jun Qianqiu to come out and see me!"

His voice, hidden spiritual power, caused the entire space of Tianya Sword Sect to vibrate, and it was impossible for Jun Qianqiu not to hear it.

However, in Yi Xiaoyao's view, even if Jun Qianqiu heard it, he might not come out.

Because, Yi Xiaoyao was in the restaurant just now, but he heard the talk of those who had been watching Tianya Sword Sect closely.

These discussions let Yi Xiaoyao know that Tianya Sword Sect had indeed recruited many helpers, and had indeed sent out requests for help to Emperor Yu and the emperors.

But the most important thing, the helping hands of Emperor Yu and the great emperors have not yet arrived!
That's why, after hearing these discussions in the restaurant, Yi Xiaoyao immediately killed Tianya Sword Sect.

Originally, Yi Xiaoyao planned to wait for the best opportunity to deal with the attacks of Emperor Yu and the other emperors.

But now, it's completely unnecessary.

Because there are no real reinforcements, just relying on Jun Qianqiu and the helpers he found from various Qinghuang sects to join him, there is no threat to Yi Xiaoyao at all!

By the time those reinforcements arrive, I am afraid that the Tianya Sword Sect will no longer exist...

"What? Jun Qianqiu, are you going to be a coward in front of so many disciples of Tianya Sword Sect?"

After the sound, seeing that Jun Qianqiu still didn't move at all, Yi Xiaoyao yelled again, the sound was far higher than before, even the restaurant where he was before could be heard.

Even, everyone in the restaurant could still see that there were destructive roars coming from within Tianya Sword Sect!

"Since you dare not come out, then I will demolish your sect!"

While Yi Xiaoyao roared furiously, a terrifying devouring force erupted from his whole body, directly enveloping Tianya Sword Sect below.

All of a sudden, the majestic buildings below began to tremble violently, and all the bricks and tiles flew towards the sky, being swallowed by Yi Xiaoyao.

"Others, those who don't want to be buried with that tortoise, give me ten breaths and get out!"

Each of Yi Xiaoyao's voices seemed to be breathtaking, and when the voice fell, a large number of figures suddenly emerged from the Tianya Sword Sect below, uttering bursts of panic, and fled in all directions.

At this moment, how can these fleeing people care about protecting the sect and collective honor? Even the suzerain doesn't care about them, so what's the use of this sect?
Therefore, when they fled, they didn't look back, and within ten breaths, they all ran away.

In the next moment, the devouring power enveloping Tianya Sword Sect became extremely violent in vain. All the buildings were directly uprooted, and at the same time, they were destroyed into a piece of dust as they soared to the sky!
If such a situation were changed to other times, no matter which sect it happened in, its suzerain would not allow it to happen.

Not to mention, being insulted like this in front of all the sect's disciples!

However, Jun Qianqiu suffered from these humiliations, but he really shrank like a tortoise, and he hasn't appeared until now.

Because he dare not come out!

At this moment, the Tianya Sword Sect and the entire surrounding land were trembling violently, and the Tianya Sword Sect was reduced to ruins as if it had been destroyed.

And under the ruins, in a very secret underground palace, Jun Qianqiu was walking back and forth anxiously, but when he heard the commotion above his head, he didn't dare to let out the slightest breath.

Around Jun Qianqiu, there were a dozen or so figures standing, all of them pale and ugly.

These dozen or so people were the sect masters who took refuge in Tianya Sword Sect, and were invited by Jun Qianqiu as reinforcements to guard against Yi Xiaoyao's arrival.

"How can this be done!"

The dozens of suzerain figures were sweating profusely.

On the ground above their heads, Yi Xiaoyao's roar and the huge roar of destruction continued to be heard, making their voices tremble even more.

"Hmph! Bullying me too much!"

Jun Qianqiu has not come out until now, and now he can't bear it anymore. If he doesn't go out again, I'm afraid his Tianya Sword Sect will completely disappear.

Moreover, being insulted to such an extent, if he still hides like this, even if Tianya Sword Sect can survive, it will be ridiculed by people in the world if it is spread out in the future.

However, just as he was about to burst out in a rage, he was pulled back by the people around him.

"Master Qingdi, the reinforcements from the famine have not arrived yet, so don't be impulsive!"

These suzerains were all afraid of the power of Tianya Sword Sect and turned to Jun Qianqiu, and even called him Emperor Qing, but at the moment they were even more afraid of Yi Xiaoyao outside.

They have all heard about Yi Xiaoyao's deeds of destroying the number one sect in various deserts.

"I have sent people to go to each wasteland for half a day. According to the schedule, they have already arrived in Qinghuang, and they will arrive here in a short time!"

Jun Qianqiu saw that this group of people had no fighting spirit, and every time they wanted to go out, they were pulled down by them, and his heart was full of anger.

But at the same time, Jun Qianqiu himself was full of fear and panic, so he was not afraid that he would repeat the mistakes of Mo Bingshuang and the others.

At the same time, he could also understand that if the group of guys in front of him were really not greedy for life and fear of death, how could they have trusted him in the first place?

At this moment, cracks began to appear on the top wall of the underground palace above their heads, and dust and rocks kept falling down. Even if they hid here, they would soon be discovered due to the collapse of the underground palace.

In this way, Jun Qianqiu became more and more anxious, and shouted angrily at the people around him: "You bastards, look at your appearance!"

As he said that, his heart swayed, and he directly broke through the rock wall above, revealing the void outside.

"Follow me out now! As long as you delay that emperor, when the reinforcements arrive, he will surely die!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Qianqiu suddenly disappeared in place, broke through the ground, and rushed out.

The rest of the dozen or so people were all horrified, but after Jun Qianqiu went out, they couldn't hide anymore, so in desperation, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

The next moment, above the void, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly stopped his devouring momentum, and looked directly at Jun Qianqiu who appeared above the ruins, with killing intent rising from his body.

"You finally got out!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled grimly, and approached Jun Qianqiu and the others step by step.

As soon as Jun Qianqiu came out, he saw that his Nuoda sect had been reduced to ruins, his face was filled with distress, and he cast an extremely angry look at Yi Xiaoyao.

But then, seeing Yi Xiaoyao approaching, Jun Qianqiu's heart trembled, and after seeing clearly what Yi Xiaoyao threw at him next, his whole body trembled suddenly.

Well, there are eight heads!
On the face of each head, there is the same expression, that is horror and disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, a voice of killing intent faintly passed into Jun Qianqiu's ears.

"Do you still recognize them?"


(End of this chapter)

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