Devouring Sword God

Chapter 715 If you want to fight, then fight

Chapter 715 If you want to fight, then fight
"The ancestor!"

Emperor Yu respectfully saluted the generation of Emperor Yu in the formation, but the latter was still sitting there quietly with his eyes closed as if he had never heard of it.

When Emperor Yu saw this, he didn't care about it, but narrated everything about Qinghuang's self-reliance.

However, the generation of Emperor Yu was still silent, and with his mummified appearance, it seemed that he had been dead for hundreds of years.

But Emperor Yu knew that this patriarch was not dead, he was just not interested in these things.

At the same time, Emperor Yu also knew that the only thing that could interest a generation of Emperor Yu was probably how to extend life.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yu showed a hint of helplessness, and he was just reporting to a generation of Emperor Yu that he wanted to join hands with Qihuang to destroy Qinghuang.

After all, this matter is too big, and it is necessary to report it before taking action.

Now that the report was over, Emperor Yu turned around and exited Shimen.

Just when the Shimen was about to close, he suddenly remembered something again, with a look of hesitation on his face, as if he was hesitating whether to report it or not.

His eyes flickered and he pondered for a moment, and Emperor Yu gritted his teeth, and finally opened his mouth with difficulty, telling about Yi Xiaoyao.

After all, whether it was failing to kill Yi Xiaoyao or being taken away from the Yugong Mountain and River Cauldron, it was extremely embarrassing for Emperor Yu and the Dayu Dynasty.

Therefore, in the process of narrating, Emperor Yu was also cautious, for fear that a generation of Emperor Yu would open his eyes and blame him.

And just when Emperor Yu said that Yi Xiaoyao controlled the Yugong Mountain and River Cauldron and exerted amazing power, the first generation of Emperor Yu really suddenly opened his eyes like several dry springs, and looked at Emperor Yu firmly.

Emperor Yu was shocked, and was about to kowtow to confess his guilt, when he heard a harsh and hoarse voice from the first generation of Emperor Yu.

"What did you say? That person called the Yugong Shanhe Ding, the Tongtian Stone Ding? And the power it exerted is a hundred times stronger than the Yugong Shanhe Ding?"

Hearing these words, Emperor Yu nodded repeatedly, and continued to describe the scene at that time in great detail.

After the generation of Emperor Yu listened, a gleam of light suddenly shot out from his sunken eye sockets.

"The Tongtian Stone one of the Tongtian Nine Cauldrons!"

The voice that came out of his shriveled voice was scalp-numbing: "Listen to what you said, that person has only mastered the Heaven-reaching Stone Cauldron, but he is still unable to unleash the true power of the Tongtian Jiuding..."

"True power?!"

Emperor Yu was shocked when he heard the words, Yi Xiaoyao only controlled part of the power and was already so powerful, how terrible is the real power?
The first generation of Emperor Yu ignored his doubts, but continued to mutter to himself: "Besides Father, is there anyone else who can really control the Heavenly Nine Cauldrons? Could it be that this person has seen Father!"

The reason why Emperor Yu of the first generation was not interested in Qinghuang's rebellion, but was interested in this matter, is precisely because of this thought.

"Old Nine's hard bones, he doesn't eat hard and soft, I'm afraid even if he destroys Qinghuang, he won't give me the Nirvana fairy body, so I can only pin my hope on the father..."

After saying something secretly in his heart, Emperor Yu of the first generation ordered to speak: "It doesn't matter how many people you kill in Qinghuang, but I will live for the person who takes away your treasure tripod!"


Emperor Yu immediately agreed, his eyes flashed coldly, he didn't want to kill Yi Xiaoyao just like that, but wanted to capture Yi Xiaoyao alive and torture him slowly in his hands.

Especially after learning that the treasure tripod taken away by Yi Xiaoyao is so powerful, Emperor Yu can't wait to send troops to Qinghuang immediately!
First, because such a powerful treasure, Emperor Yu absolutely wanted to take it back and use it for his own use.

Second, the first generation of Emperor Yu just said that Yi Xiaoyao is still unable to display the true power of the Tongtian Jiuding, so Emperor Yu is extremely worried. It's going to be a big trouble.

But Emperor Yu didn't know that Yi Xiaoyao at this moment was getting closer and closer to the direction he was worried about...

After the battle that day, Yi Xiaoyao used the Heaven-reaching Stone Cauldron to perform the art of universal direction, and escaped easily.

This universe is omnidirectional, but with the powerful earth attribute power of the Tongtian Stone Cauldron, the tripod's feet can connect to the earth's veins, and it can teleport to any corner of the earth.

Of course, although the range of teleportation is far, it is not unlimited, and because the distance is extremely long, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

However, this kind of consumption is not a problem at all for Yi Xiaoyao's body who has nine Nascent Souls.

Therefore, after leaving the battle, Yi Xiaoyao directly used the Tongtian Stone Cauldron to teleport several times in a row, and returned to the land of Qinghuang.

At this time, in a very hidden valley in Qinghuang, Yi Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged, and kept beating the stone tripod in front of him, as if he was trying something.

And in the corner of the valley, there were two figures standing there quietly, looking at Yi Xiaoyao's figure, talking while talking.

"Xiaoyao, your body has escaped from the Dayu Dynasty, and they will definitely not stop there. Have you thought about what to do next?"

It was Old Qingdi who said this, and he was the only one who could see these two Yi Xiaoyao in front of him without showing any surprise.

Standing beside him was of course Yi Xiaoyao's clone of Emperor Chu.

Hearing the old Qing Emperor's words, Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly: "Of course I know this, so I am trying to integrate the main body with the other eight cauldrons of the Tongtian Jiuding as soon as possible. If the true power of the Tongtian Jiuding can be exerted, perhaps what we are worried about now, It's no longer a hassle."

"Well, Tongtian Jiuding was the most powerful magic weapon of my father back then. If you can really control it completely, you can indeed solve many problems."

Old Emperor Qing nodded thoughtfully. Yi Xiaoyao had already told him everything about Old Emperor Yu, so he was naturally not too surprised.

Yi Xiaoyao also nodded with a smile, with confidence outlined at the corner of his mouth.

He was also very surprised by the power of the Heaven-reaching Nine Cauldrons. He did not expect that Shi Ding, one of the Nine Cauldrons, would be able to crush Emperor Yu.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao is looking forward to it even more. When he truly masters the Heaven-reaching Nine Cauldrons, when the Nine Cauldrons come out together, he will definitely shock the world!

However, things are never as good as imagined.

It would take at least a few days for Yi Xiaoyao to completely control the Tongtian Jiuding, but on the evening of the second day, an urgent battle report came from the Qinghuang border.

The Dayu Dynasty united the Seven Great Desolation Regions and wanted to attack the Green Desolation!
Today's Qinghuang is beset by enemies from all sides!
At this time, Yi Xiaoyao was holding the battle report he just received in his hand, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Because no matter how impregnable Qing Huang's self-defense is, facing such a huge pressure, it will collapse and perish sooner or later!
If this is the case, Yi Xiaoyao is not saving Qinghuang, but the chief culprit of Qinghuang's demise.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao would never let such a thing happen.

"Tell Emperor Yu and the great emperors that there is no need to use force to slaughter innocent people."

Yi Xiaoyao put away the battle report, looked at the envoys in front of him, and said indifferently: "If you want to fight... I will fight with them!"

The expressions of the people standing beside him suddenly changed upon hearing this.

Because the meaning of Yi Xiaoyao's words is that he intends to fight against the emperors alone in order to avoid the tragedy of the army facing each other and the people dying!
"Xiaoyao, don't be impulsive! Your main body is still comprehending the Tongtian Jiuding and has not yet passed the level, how can you take such a risk!"

Old Qing Emperor also hurriedly transmitted voice to Yi Xiaoyao, wanting to dissuade him.

However, Yi Xiaoyao just took a deep breath, and the firmness in his eyes never faded away.

"This is already the best way!"


(End of this chapter)

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