Devouring Sword God

Chapter 727 Kill me

Chapter 727 Kill me
Before, Yi Xiaoyao urged the Tree of Time to bloom in order to kill eight generations of emperors, and temporarily boosted his own strength with the power of withering glory in it.

But now, the short-term improvement of the power of withered glory has lost its effect. If Yi Xiaoyao wants to deal with the old Emperor Yu who has been demonized, he can only activate the Time Tree again.

It's just that, this time, when the flowers of the Time Tree fall, the power of withered glory that is fed back is no longer the power of glory to improve one's own strength, but the power of withering!
The power of withering, Yi Xiaoyao used it once in the battle of Tiangangbang. At that time, he used this kind of power to instantly dry up everything his opponents had gained in ten years, thus instantly killing them.

But now, the second time Yi Xiaoyao used this power was to face the old Emperor Yu.

With the pressing of his finger, the old Emperor Yu suddenly stopped suddenly when he rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao's figure.

But immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao's expression changed drastically!
Because he found that under his own dry power, instead of being exhausted by half of his strength, the old Emperor Yu's aura increased dramatically!

In the next moment, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly understood.

The power of depletion, depleting the opponent's ten years of gain, is like going back in time.

As for the old Emperor Yu, he had survived for an unknown number of years, and his strength had reached its peak hundreds of years ago.

In the past ten years, the old Emperor Yu has become worse every year due to the suppression of monsters. It can be said that his strength has been regressing with the years.

But Yi Xiaoyao made him return to ten years ago, undoubtedly helping him recover his strength, not weakening him at all!
It was impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to have thought of so much just now in a hurry, how could he not be shocked when he saw such a scene.

As for the strength of old Emperor Yu, Yi Xiaoyao is the clearest.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​devouring spirits back then, old Emperor Yu suppressed [-]% of his avatar's strength, and Yi Xiaoyao couldn't really compete against it.

But now his body is not suppressed in any way, and even strengthened by Yi Xiaoyao to a certain extent, it is even more impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to defeat him!
Thinking of this, the determination that appeared in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes just now turned into despair.

"This time, is it really over?"

He murmured, staring blankly at the old Emperor Yu in front of him, he had already given up resisting.

However, at this moment, the old Emperor Yu who had stopped suddenly spoke to Yi Xiaoyao, and said something that made his expression change again.

"Boy, are you giving up now?"

I saw that at this time, the old Emperor Yu looked extremely quiet, and all the violent demonic energy in his body before had been suppressed by him. If he hadn't been a body of skeletons and bones, he must have a kind and gratifying face .

Hearing these words, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at Old Emperor Yu in disbelief.

It seems that at this moment, the old Emperor Yu became himself again, just like the hero Yi Xiaoyao knew at the beginning, who sacrificed himself for the common people in the world.

But the magic flame that was still swaying in his head was telling Yi Xiaoyao that the former Emperor Yu no longer existed.

"There is no need to doubt, it was the power you used just now that weakened the control of the true devil's energy, and allowed me to recover some strength, so that I was able to temporarily suppress the devil's thoughts."

The old Emperor Yu saw what Yi Xiaoyao was thinking, and explained it lightly.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly realized.

It turned out that it was the power of withering, which exhausted what old Emperor Yu had gained in the last ten years, and the real devil's energy also belonged to this!

Yi Xiaoyao was immediately overjoyed, but before he could admit his mistake to Old Emperor Yu and explain that the seal was broken because of him, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Your power doesn't last long, so the time I can be awake is very short, and I don't have time to explain too much."

Old Emperor Yu said to Yi Xiaoyao, his tone became a little hasty, as if he had already sensed the imminent movement of the real devil's energy.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded hastily. The power of withering can only last ten breaths at most, and it can't even last so long when facing something of the level of true devil energy, so he stopped talking and continued to listen to the old Emperor Yu's explanation.

"kill me!"

Old Emperor Yu spoke directly, motioning to Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Before I can still control this body, kill me quickly and suppress the spirit of the real devil!"

Yi Xiaoyao was shocked suddenly. Although he could understand the old Yuhuang's purpose, he couldn't carry out the old Yuhuang's order at this time.

The reason why he was able to attack the old Emperor Yu before was because he knew that the old Emperor Yu had been controlled by the real devil's energy and was no longer himself.

But it's different now, the old Yuhuang is the old Yuhuang, even if he can only exist for ten short breaths, he is still a person who has the grace to rebuild Yi Xiaoyao, how can Yi Xiaoyao let him go?


Yi Xiaoyao showed a trace of hesitation, and frowned, "Is there no other solution?"

He knew that maybe he was too indecisive now, which might lead to disaster.

But after seeing the Qing Emperor and the Red Butterfly Saint Witch and others disappear before his eyes, he could no longer accept the departure of any relatives, even death by his own hands.

"Don't ask for the kindness of a woman! If you don't kill me, then you will have wasted all my hard work for so many years, and you will be my enemy!"

Old Emperor Yu's tone became more and more urgent, and even became extremely irritable as the devilish energy gradually seeped out.

"If you feel ashamed in your heart, then after killing me, follow the agreement to suppress the real devil's energy for me, and find a way to completely eliminate the real devil's energy!"

"Quick! Kill me!"

While roaring, the old Emperor Yu charged towards Yi Xiaoyao, obviously the real devil's energy had begun to occupy his consciousness and body again.

Hearing this, the determination in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes reappeared again, and for a moment in his heart, the blood-piercing sword came out of its sheath and slashed down angrily towards the opponent!

At this moment, the magic flame lit up again in the eye hole on Old Yuhuang's face. Seeing Yi Xiaoyao attacking him, he immediately raised his hand and waved his magic energy to counterattack.

But just when Yi Xiaoyao's sword slashed in front of him, his movements stopped suddenly. It was the old Emperor Yu who finally suppressed him with all his strength, causing him to lose control of his body for a moment.

The sword light shone, and there was an incomparably shrill scream from above the void. This body, which had experienced countless years of wind and frost, was directly chopped into two halves.

Watching the old Emperor Yu's body fall, Yi Xiaoyao tightly shook the sword in his hand.

The screams in the void were still echoing, and Yi Xiaoyao heard a kind of relief from the heart.

"Senior, I will abide by the agreement!"

After sighing softly, Yi Xiaoyao looked at the real devil's energy flying out of the old Emperor Yu's body, and clapped his hands to suppress it.

But at this moment, a black ape with a monstrous demonic energy all over his body rushed out from the sea below, and swallowed the real demonic energy into his belly!

(Third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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