Chapter 729
On the ground, monsters roamed freely, and the sound of death was everywhere.

After the 81 demon kings were retreated by Yi Xiaoyao, they directly rushed into the crowd of the earth.

You know, this is the strength of the 81 late stages of Nirvana. How many people can compete with such a terrifying strength in the Great Yu and the Eight Desolations?
Coupled with the endless army of monsters, no one can stop them for a while, causing countless casualties!

The black demonic energy covered the sky and the sun, and there were corpses everywhere below, blood flowing like a river, looking like the end of the world.

Just when everyone gave up their resistance in despair, a generation of black sword lights swept across the entire void and came out!

This sword light exudes an extremely terrifying aura of destruction, but under this aura, what everyone feels is not fear, but the hope of salvation!
I saw that under the sword light, all the endless monsters were wiped out and scattered. Even if they were as powerful as the 81 demon kings, they roared in fear in the face of the sword light, and they were wiped out instantly without any resistance!

The next moment, all the rescued people exclaimed in surprise.

"Someone came to save us!"

"Then... it turned out to be... Yi Xiaoyao!"

"What? Yi Xiaoyao? Isn't he fighting against the strongest monster in the sky above the Devouring Sea?"

"There are actually two Yi Xiaoyao!"

As everyone can see, the person who appeared above the void at this time, cutting out that destructive sword light, slaying a large number of monsters, and saving countless lives is Yi Xiaoyao!

At the same time, everyone was wondering why there were two Yi Xiaoyao.

How could they know that what appeared at this moment was Yi Xiaoyao's clone of Emperor Chu, whose strength had been restored and strengthened after taking the Old Qing Emperor's Nirvana Sacred Pill.

At that moment, after sweeping away a large number of monsters, Emperor Chu's avatar shouted to the people below: "Those who are above the Yin-Yang realm, follow me to kill the monsters, and the rest of the people, all go to the green desert for refuge!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone below shouted together and began to follow Yi Xiaoyao's instructions.

And at this moment, several figures shot from afar and landed beside Yi Xiaoyao, they were Qing Yuan'er, Yan Shang Huo Wu and others.

Qingyuan'er and Yanshanghuowu also took the Nirvana Holy Pill before, and now they have entered the late stage of Nirvana. They looked at Yi Xiaoyao, and their faces were full of worry.

"What's going on here? How come there are so many monsters!"

Yan Shang Huo Wu frowned and asked, of course she wouldn't know what happened here just like Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't explain anything, just looked at the two of them and said, "You all try your best to limit the spread of monsters and protect the safety of others!"

After finishing speaking, the sword light in his hand shone again, and his figure followed the sword light to charge towards the monsters that had not been completely killed.

Yanshanghuowu and Qingyuan'er looked at each other, nodded solemnly, and immediately burst out their respective strengths with all their strength, raging flames rose into the sky, directly monopolizing the space with the incomparably domineering barren power, isolating the spread of demonic energy, and constantly Narrow the scope to make it easier for Yi Xiaoyao to kill.

With Yi Xiaoyao's strength, these monsters naturally couldn't have the slightest chance to resist, and with Yan Shang Huo Wu, Qing Yuan'er and others, the situation reversed instantly.

However, in the sea of ​​devouring spirits below, monsters are still surging in an endless stream, no matter how you kill them, they can't be killed.

"Continuing like this is not an option, we must rebuild the sealing array, seal the real devil's energy, and block the exit of the monster!"

Realizing this, Yi Xiaoyao, who was trying his best to help Xiao Hei suppress the real devil's energy, frowned. If he could really kill all the monsters, then the old Emperor Yu would not just suppress the seal back then.

As long as there is the real devil's energy, the monsters will never be killed, and those devil's energy will recondense into new monsters, so the monsters and the real devil's energy must be sealed.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao had a headache because the Great Demon Sealing Formation that originally connected Dayu and the Eight Desolations had been destroyed, and it was not an easy task to build such an astonishing formation.

But at this moment, a figure like a fairy appeared in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

"Brother Xiaoyao, leave it to me."

It was Yunmengling, she just smiled at Yi Xiaoyao, and then her jade hands continued to strike, and a series of incomparably holy white rays of light poured down on the ground.

This ray of light, like a spring breeze, dissipates the demonic energy everywhere it passes by.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao was slightly startled. It turns out that the extremely pure holy light possessed by Yunmengling can purify these demonic energy!
Moreover, at this time, Yunmengling's cultivation has already reached the late stage of Nirvana.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could continue to be suspicious, Yunmengling changed hands again, and then formed a large formation of holy light, covering the spirit devouring sea, sealing all the devilish energy inside.

"That's right, the people of Xuanhuang are good at formations, Ling'er, you also know the way of formations, so it's just right!"

When Yi Xiaoyao saw this great formation of holy light, he immediately looked happy, and said to Yunmengling, "Ling'er, can you set up a formation that penetrates the entire Great Yu and Eight Desolations, and help me rebuild the Great Demon Sealing Formation?"

Hearing this, Yun Mengling immediately frowned and shook her head apologetically.

"I have taken the Nirvana Sacred Pill transformed by Master, and now I have the current cultivation, but I can only temporarily seal the Devouring Sea, let alone use the formation to penetrate the entire Great Yu and the Eight Desolations..."

Speaking of this, Yun Mengling saw the disappointment on Yi Xiaoyao's face, pursed her pink lips, and continued: "If there is a powerful enough magic weapon as the foundation of the formation, and enough eyes to support the entire formation , maybe I can give it a try."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes flashed immediately, and he said with a smile on his face: "Ling'er, my Jiuding is enough to become the foundation of the formation!"

Immediately afterwards, with the manipulation of his divine sense, the Tongtian Jiuding surrounded him again.

"What about the eyes?"

Yun Mengling seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed slightly.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly, then nodded lightly: "Don't worry, I still have my clone alive, and I will definitely find a way to completely eliminate the real devil's energy."

Yi Xiaoyao's affirmation of what Yun Mengling wanted in her heart made her tender body tremble slightly.

What Yi Xiaoyao meant was that he planned to use himself as the eye of the formation and be sealed under the formation!

However, when Yunmengling saw the firmness in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, and then looked at the clone of Emperor Chu who was being slaughtered by monsters, he had no choice but to nod.

Immediately, the two teamed up to set up an array, and the Tongtian Jiuding burst out with extreme light, which was set up by Yun Mengling as the base of the array, and shot directly towards the various barren areas of Dayu and Eight Desolations.

In the end, Yi Xiaoyao and Xiao Hei, as the eyes of the formation, and the Tongtian Jiuding, which was thousands of miles away, turned into a nine palace demon-sealing formation, and slowly fell into the sea of ​​devouring spirits. disappeared on the ground.

A monster catastrophe finally came to an end.


(ps: Maybe these chapters are not well written, but the Dayu and the Eight Desolations are coming to an end, and the new plot will be exciting again.)
(End of this chapter)

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