Chapter 734
Seeing Yi Xiaoyao's generous gift, Yun Chuan swallowed his saliva, looked at Yi Xiaoyao with shortness of breath, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, what about me..."

Yi Xiaoyao laughed, patted Yun Chuan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, how could brother-in-law forget you?"

As he said that, the light in Yi Xiaoyao's hand flashed suddenly, and the whole room was chilled for a moment. It was a sharp sword with a dark blue body that appeared in Yi Xiaoyao's hand.

"This sword, named Tianya Sword, is a treasure even in the eyes of people of our level."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Yun Chuan slightly, and said with a faint smile, "So you should understand that if you don't have enough strength to guard this sword, you may be killed. Do you still dare to take it?"

If it was an ordinary treasure, Yun Mengling and the others wouldn't say anything, but when she saw Yi Xiaoyao take out the Tianya Sword, her expression changed.

Even Qing Yuan'er got up suddenly and looked at Yi Xiaoyao in astonishment. They all knew that the Tianya Sword was the treasure of the Tianya Sword Sect, the number one sect in Qinghuang once!

"Senior brother, you don't think it's because this kid respects you that you made such a generous move?"

"Yeah, if you give this sword to a child, it will probably kill him."

Qingyuan'er and Yanshanghuowu asked in surprise, after all, it is impossible for Yi Xiaoyao not to understand why Huaibi is guilty.

Yun Chuan stood blankly at the side, a little at a loss, not to mention Yi Xiaoyao's introduction to Tianya Sword, just seeing the reactions of these big men who came with his brother-in-law, he was already able to realize that this sword How precious is the sword, and how dangerous is it to own it.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao smiled slightly at Qing Yuan'er: "Yes, it is precisely because Yun Chuan respects me that I will give this sword to him."

Immediately, he took another look at Yan Shang Huo Wu, who had worried eyes, then looked at Yun Chuan, and laughed.

"Didn't you say that when you grow up, you want to become a person like me? If you can't even protect a sword, how can you protect your loved ones around you and the common people? How can you get to where I am?"

As he said that, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, and he saw the shadow of himself from Yun Chuan. Back then, Yan Yao Yin handed over the Heaven, Earth and Fire Soul to him, and now he is handing over the Tianya Sword to Yun Chuan. expect.

"Thank you brother-in-law! I will guard this sword well!"

When Yun Chuan heard Yi Xiaoyao's words, he immediately took a deep breath, stepped forward to take the Tianya sword, and saluted Yi Xiaoyao solemnly.

Only then did Yi Xiaoyao smile in satisfaction. He looked at Yun Chuan, and he could see full of smug ambition and passion in the other's eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to understand a little bit, the sentence that the old Qing Emperor lamented when he was transformed into a pill in nirvana, this world will always be the world of young people.

"Haha, you boy, you don't dare to pursue girls you like. How dare you have the courage to return this sword to your brother-in-law!"

At this time, Yun Cang smiled and cursed at Yun Chuan intentionally or unintentionally.

"No! Brother-in-law gave me the sword, it's mine, I won't return it!"

Yun Chuan hastily put away the Tianya Sword, smiled at Yun Cang and said, "I'm going to propose a marriage right now, and when I succeed, grandpa still looks down on me!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Chuan ran out the door in a flash, causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

And Yi Xiaoyao looked at Yun Mengling with a faint smile.

How could he fail to hear that Yun Cang seemed to be persuading Yun Chuan to return the sword, but he actually had a double meaning.

If Yun Chuan really returned the sword, that's all, at least it can guarantee less danger in the future.

But Yun Cang must know that Yun Chuan will not give up the Tianya Sword, so this sentence is implying that Yun Chuan, taking advantage of Yi Xiaoyao's presence, hastened to propose marriage.

From this point of view, there must be a lot of obstacles in this marriage, even the powerful Yunfu can't handle it, so Yi Xiaoyao's help is needed.

However, although Yi Xiaoyao heard the mystery, he didn't point it out, but continued to have a few drinks with a few people.

After drinking, Yi Xiaoyao got up to say goodbye, and took Yun Mengling and others to Tangjiabao.

"I heard from my grandfather that the Tangjiabao is not what it used to be. It has become the No. [-] family of the Great Merchant Empire."

On the way, Yun Mengling smiled lightly at Yi Xiaoyao.

All of this is naturally because of Yi Xiaoyao. Although for Yi Xiaoyao, Tangjiabao has some bad memories, it is after all the place where he grew up. It is his home and cannot be replaced by any place.

After a while, the group arrived at Tangjiabao's mansion. Two attendants stepped forward to communicate with the guards, and the guards collapsed in fright again.

"So this is the brother's home, it seems that the brother is still a young master!"

Qing Yuan'er followed Yi Xiaoyao into the mansion, while curiously looking at the environment in the mansion, while imagining the scene of Yi Xiaoyao living here before.

Yanshanghuowu's beautiful eyes also moved slightly, she knew that Yi Xiaoyao came from other places, but she didn't expect it to come from here, so she couldn't help feeling even more strange for Yi Xiaoyao in her heart.

But at this time, Yun Mengling looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a half-smile, because at this moment, a figure just greeted Yi Xiaoyao.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Yi Xiaoyao was also slightly taken aback.

I haven't seen Tang Ruoxue for several years. This girl is no longer the girl she used to be, but her face is still beautiful, with a bit of mature charm.

"You... are you back?"

Tang Ruoxue, who saw Yi Xiaoyao just when she raised her head, was also full of surprise, her eyes were a little flustered, she didn't dare to look into Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, she lowered her head slightly and asked a question.

It turned out that in the past few years, the Tangjiabao has made great progress and brought back all the clan members scattered everywhere. Tang Ruoxue naturally returned as a direct bloodline.

"Well, I'm going on a long trip, so go home and have a look."

Yi Xiaoyao showed a faint smile, without the slightest other emotion, the grievances of his youth had long since been let go, and seeing Tang Ruoxue now was like seeing an old friend, even with a touch of kindness.

After all, this is the person who has been with him for ten years. A betrayal can never cover up the emotional sustenance of those ten years.

Tang Ruoxue raised her head somewhat aware of it, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao with apologetic eyes.

"Ruoxue, I was looking for you, so you are here."

A voice came, and then a young man with extraordinary temperament came over and came to Tang Ruoxue.

The young man was holding a child in his arms, and he was babbling for Tang Ruoxue to hug him.

Tang Ruoxue's body froze, and unexpectedly moved to the side. Although he had no relationship with Yi Xiaoyao, he still couldn't calm down when facing him.

"Ruoxue, what's wrong?"

The young man asked softly, and then seemed to have noticed something, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao with hostility in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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