Devouring Sword God

Chapter 742 A New Journey

Chapter 742 A New Journey
When Yi Xiaoyao was in the Mingyue Restaurant, he had already caused great commotion, and not long after he left the restaurant, a piece of news centered on the Mingyue Restaurant, and quickly spread to all parts of the Dashang Empire.

While the Great Merchant Empire was making a sensation, those old friends who Yi Xiaoyao had known also got the news of Yi Xiaoyao's return.

Within half a day, a large number of figures gathered outside Tangjiabao.

Among them, most of them came to visit after hearing the news, or took advantage of the situation to build relationships.

But because there are two powerful guards guarding them, it is almost impossible for these people to enter Tangjiabao.

"Xiaoyao Shenghuang, I don't see distinguished guests, I only see old friends."

The two guards looked at the group of figures outside the mansion, and said indifferently, saying that they are distinguished guests is already a polite word, in front of Yi Xiaoyao, who else would dare to call themselves a distinguished guest?

The breath of Nirvana spread from the guards. For these people in the Great Shang Empire, it was as if the sky had fallen. In an instant, the group of figures who did not want to leave were all shocked to the ground and crawled to the ground. Fled away in panic.

It's not that Yi Xiaoyao insists on his identity, but that some people are not worthy of his meeting.

Only old relatives and friends, no matter how high his status is, he will never forget.

At this time, inside Tangjiabao.

"Xiaoyao, after so many years, you are finally back!"

An old voice came to Yi Xiaoyao's ears, it was Yan Yaoyin who had brought him out of Tangjiabao to contact Xintiandi.

Yan Yaoyin handed over the Heaven, Earth and Fire Soul to Yi Xiaoyao, so he lost all his cultivation, and now he looks older and older.

At this time, he sat on the first seat arranged by Yi Xiaoyao, looking at Yi Xiaoyao with satisfaction.

"Master, Xiaoyao is back, and this time I have prepared a lot of pills for you, which can help you practice again and prolong your life."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly, and at the same time took out some pills and handed them to Yan Yaoyin.

"I knew you were a dragon and a phoenix in the past, but after a few years of separation, I can only look up to you."

A sigh came, sitting there were the masters of the Seven Killing Star Palace in black robes and Linjie, their eyes glowed with pride.

Yi Xiaoyao looked at them, and remembered that the master of the black-robed hall had told him that the Seven-killing Star Hall would always be his home, and his heart was still warm.

Luoyi and Jin Sanbao sat together, pretending to be jealous and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Xiaoyao, now you have become a winner in life, with so many beauties around you, have you forgotten me, Senior Sister?"

"That's right, you bastard, why didn't you bring Xuan Mo with you when you came back with a beautiful woman? I miss him so much!" Jin Sanbao complained.

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head and smiled, and said helplessly: "Xuan Mo has a different status now, and he has a lot of affairs around him, so he can't come back for a while. If you want to see him, after the channel between Kyushu Dadi and Dashang is opened, you can meet him in person, right?"

Then, Yi Xiaoyao chatted with other old friends for a while, and there were bursts of laughter in the Tangjiabao.


Next, Yi Xiaoyao stayed in the Great Merchant Empire for a few days until the passage to the land of Kyushu was opened, and then he took many relatives and old friends to the land of Kyushu.

As early as a few days ago, the news of the exchange between Dashang and Kyushu had spread, and now that the passage was opened, almost all the people of the Dashang Empire poured into the land of Kyushu out of curiosity and excitement.

Because Yi Xiaoyao had issued an order a long time ago that the people of Kyushu should not bully the people of the big merchants, and the people of the big merchants have a natural respect for the people of Kyushu, so the harmony is very harmonious.

All the big merchants who come to Kyushu for sightseeing are like entering a brand-new vast world, refreshing their new cognition everywhere, and leaving their amazement everywhere.

Especially when they saw the statues of Yi Xiaoyao standing everywhere in Kyushu, their respect for Yi Xiaoyao reached the extreme.

Various deeds of Yi Xiaoyao are still being sung in the taverns of Kyushu, and now these deeds have gained some new audiences.

When every big merchant heard these legendary deeds of Yi Xiaoyao, he was shocked and also filled with incomparable pride.

They can proudly pat their chests and say that the master of the land of Kyushu came from the big merchants, and they belong to the big merchants!
At the same time, the people of Kyushu also curiously inquired from the people of Dashang that Yi Xiaoyao's deeds in Dashang, although not as shocking as the later deeds, still amazed everyone.

Yi Xiaoyao, no matter where he is, is a legend, a pinnacle!

"So, Ruoxue, you still have such a past..."

In a tavern, Shanan and Tang Ruoxue sat together, listening to the eulogy of Yi Xiaoyao's deeds around them, sighed with a bit of bitterness on their faces.

At this moment, Shanan really understands Tang Ruoxue's emotions when facing Yi Xiaoyao. He doesn't blame Tang Ruoxue for hiding the story with Yi Xiaoyao from him.

If Tang Ruoxue told him, maybe he couldn't help but compare with Yi Xiaoyao, and he would fall into inferiority complex and couldn't extricate himself.

But at this time, Tang Ruoxue was silent. Although she had seen it a lot over the years, that kind of regret still couldn't be completely eliminated. The higher Yi Xiaoyao reached, the more deeply rooted this regret would be.

"This is life, everyone is different, so you don't have to think too much."

Tang Long at the side looked at his daughter and son-in-law like this, and said a word of comfort.

Even though he was so consoling, Tang Long himself was also sighing in his heart, thinking that if he hadn't stopped Tang Ruoxue and Yi Xiaoyao from continuing to develop, Tang Ruoxue would be the Holy Queen of Kyushu now.

As time passed, he realized how narrow their vision was at the beginning.

Years can really change a lot. In the past, they only saw the Great Shang Dynasty, but then they gradually discovered that the Great Shang Dynasty could not restrain Yi Xiaoyao, the Great Xia Empire could not restrain Yi Xiaoyao, and even the current land of Kyushu, Neither can Yi Xiaoyao be restrained!

Indeed, the land of Kyushu is still not the end for Yi Xiaoyao today.

At this time, just as people from big merchants were pouring into Kyushu, Yi Xiaoyao was thinking about leaving Kyushu and making arrangements before leaving.

After some consideration, Yi Xiaoyao decided that the Ji family should be the blood of the royal family, allowing Ji Hao to inherit the position of ruler of the land of Kyushu.

This is the promise he made when he came to the Ji family. If he becomes emperor, he will not forget the Ji family.

After all, back then, the Ji family knew that they supported Yi Xiaoyao's narrow escape, but they still followed him resolutely. Yi Xiaoyao had no choice but to repay this kindness.

Although Ji Hao's current strength and qualifications are still relatively young, with the foundation left by Yi Xiaoyao, as well as many assistants and resources, it is just around the corner to grow into a real Holy Emperor.

Yi Xiaoyao wasn't worried about this. After arranging these things properly, he could finally leave Kyushu and go to the monster clan full of evil spirits, and start a new journey...


(Third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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