Devouring Sword God

Chapter 748 No. 3

Chapter 748
Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's words, Commander Thunder Knife narrowed his eyes immediately, fixed Yun Mengling's eyes, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao again.

"Boy, you are really arrogant, but I like this kind of madness! But the premise is that you must have this strength. If you can defeat my two subordinates, I can let you follow me and become my deputy commander." .”

Lei Dao laughed out loud, and waved to the two men beside him.

Obviously, he didn't believe what Dao Geng said, and wanted to try Yi Xiaoyao's skills.

"I said, if you want to make a move, you can do it yourself."

Yi Xiaoyao didn't look at the two figures walking towards him at all, and still stared at Lei Dao indifferently.

As a newcomer, he needs to build up his prestige, and this commander of Thunder Saber is the best choice for establishing his prestige.

"Could it be that you dare not?"

Another laughing sound came from Yi Xiaoyao's mouth, which made Lei Dao, who was already angry in his heart, finally completely enraged, and stood up as soon as he slapped the throne under him.

"Okay! It looks like what Bandit Geng said is true. The mad shark was indeed killed by you, otherwise you wouldn't have the confidence."

Lei Dao strode out, stared at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "But you have to be clear, among the thirteen commanders on Battle Island No. [-], Kuangsha is the weakest one, and I am ranked third!"

This sentence is obviously telling Yi Xiaoyao that even if he kills Kuangsha, it doesn't mean he is stronger than Thunder Saber.

The rest of the people in the hall also sneered. Thunder Knife ranked third among the thirteen commanders, while Wild Shark ranked last. Although they were all at the pinnacle of Nirvana, the gap of ten places in between was not just one. It's just numbers, but it needs a lot of strength to make up for it.

Right now, this young man in the seventh level of Nirvana dared to threaten to let Lei Dao do it himself, he really didn't know what to say.

"If you want to fight, you can fight. Where is there so much nonsense?"

Yi Xiaoyao remained calm all the time, and even chuckled with a hint of sarcasm: "What's more, you're only ranked third, so you're ashamed to say it?"

An astonishing aura instantly rose from Lei Dao's body. When he heard Yi Xiaoyao's words, a violent killing intent appeared on his face.

"A mere third? Next, I will let you know that even a mere third is more than enough to kill you!"

The next moment, Thunder Knife rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao straight like a bolt of lightning with a roar, and at the same time, there was an extra thick knife in his hand, with lightning inscriptions all over the knife.

There was an astonishing thunderous explosion, and an incomparably domineering knife shadow directly slashed towards Yi Xiaoyao. At this moment, the whole castle trembled.

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes, it seemed that what the other party said was true, this person was indeed much stronger than the mad shark he had killed before.

Just this slash alone, the thunder and lightning aura contained in it is not much weaker than that of the previous generation of Ming emperors.

One must know that Emperor Ming of that generation was an old monster who had been cultivating for hundreds of years. It was normal to have that kind of strength, but the Lei Dao in front of him was clearly only about forty years old, so it was astonishing to be able to reach this level.

But so what?
A generation of Emperor Ming teamed up with the other seven emperors, and they were all defeated by Yi Xiaoyao. There was only Lei Dao in front of him, so there was nothing to worry about.

In a flash of thought, Yi Xiaoyao raised his arm, and the power of devouring in his palm surged, turning his palm into a fist, and blasting towards the opponent's Thunder Saber.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall stared and shook their heads secretly.

"This guy, if he hadn't spoken out against him, the commander of Thunder Saber would probably love his talent and take him under his command."

"But now, Commander Thunder Saber has been angered by him, and he will definitely kill him!"

"He may not know yet. There is a huge gap in each ranking among the thirteen commanders. What does it mean for the commander of Thunder Knife to be ranked third?"

"That's right, this person dared to fight against the Zilei Kuangdao commanded by Lei Dao with his fleshy palm. He is looking for death!"

Talking and laughing were heard among the strong men in the hall, but the next moment, their laughter suddenly stopped, and then their expressions all changed suddenly.

I saw that in the middle of the hall, the purple thunderbolt sword in Lei Dao's hand suddenly slashed at Yi Xiaoyao's fist, shaking the whole space.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao turned his fist into a palm, and instead, with a single grasp, he firmly grasped the blade of the thundering lightning blade.

"Catch it!"

All the strong men were shocked, and Yi Xiaoyao actually forcibly caught the knife commanded by Lei Dao with his fleshy palm.

At this time, Lei Dao's expression also changed drastically. Although his sword did not explode with the strongest power, it was definitely not something that people in the same situation could resist, let alone receive it so easily.

Not only that, Lei Dao also discovered that the spiritual power in his body was constantly being absorbed by the big knife in his hand, and finally merged into the palm of Yi Xiaoyao's grasping blade.

"The power of devouring?"

Lei Dao's eyes moved, and then he grinned and said: "Since you want to devour, then I will help you!"

As soon as the words fell, the thunder on the purple broadsword in his hand became violent several times, and all of them surged towards Yi Xiaoyao's palm, and even spread along his arm and ravaged his whole body.

"Then do I need to say, thank you?"

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't detect the other party's intentions, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, the devouring spirit in his body exploded at this moment.

No matter how violent the opponent's Thunder is, how it rages on him, they will be swallowed up by him without a sound.

All the powerhouses around stood up in horror. They knew how terrifying the Thunder and Lightning commanded by Thunder Saber was. Command the confrontation.

And this kind of confrontation lasted for a cup of tea.

Yi Xiaoyao's expression was still calm, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was still there, but the smile on Lei Dao's face faded sharply, and was replaced by a look of panic.

"This guy, what kind of monster is it? He was safe and sound under the power of my thunder, even ignoring the power of the power of thunder, and devoured it all!"

Lei Dao was secretly startled, if this continues, he might be exhausted sooner or later.

With this thought in mind, Lei Dao quickly withdrew his hand, wanting to compete with Yi Xiaoyao for the power of thunder that had been swallowed up before.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at the other party playfully, returned what the other party said before, and said with a smile, "Since you want to take it back, I'll just give it back to you."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Xiaoyao injected all the power of thunder that had just been swallowed into the blade in his hand.

In an instant, the extremely violent thunder and lightning directly followed the purple sword, submerging the body of the thunder sword in an instant!
There was an astonishing explosion of thunder and lightning, and a scorched smell of being scorched by lightning permeated the hall.

After the thunder and lightning dissipated, everyone saw that their Thunder Saber Commander had been chopped black by the power of his own thunder, laying straight on the ground and twitching continuously, even with blue smoke coming out of his mouth.

Under the horrified gazes of the strong men, Yi Xiaoyao walked up to Lei Dao with his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "You should know what to do next, maybe I will see it for your sake , spare your life."


(End of this chapter)

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