Chapter 752

On the second day, in the black castle, Lei Dao gathered all his subordinates.

At this time, they were discussing the matter of going out to sea to find treasure, while Yi Xiaoyao stood casually aside, quietly closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"By the way, brother Emperor Chu, I have something to discuss with you."

Suddenly, Lei Dao seemed to remember something, and suddenly spoke to Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's right, because the place where the strong man's cave is located is very close to the other battle islands, and we may be found if we go there."

Lei Dao frowned and said, "The lord has considered this, so he suggested that we bring the first commander."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion among the surrounding people, and everyone was extremely dissatisfied.

"As I said, everything is up to you. If you want more people to take a share, I won't object."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled casually, as if he didn't care about the fact that participating with more people would result in fewer things being distributed.

Lei Dao felt the resentment of the people around him, so he hesitated to speak.

But at this moment, a powerful aura came from outside the castle in vain, and then everyone saw a man with a black beard in a black robe walking in.

"Lord Lord!"

Everyone saluted the black bearded man in unison.

This person is the owner of the No. [-] battle island, Lord Heihe.

"Lei Dao, how do you think about the proposal I gave you earlier? To be on the safe side, it's best to bring the first commander with you on this trip."

As soon as Lord Heihe entered the hall, he spoke to Lei Dao.

Everyone looked at Lei Dao in unison. Under these gazes, Lei Dao gritted his teeth and responded: "My lord, this information was obtained at a great price. If the first commander Also go, the brothers are afraid that they will not agree."

"Hmph, you should be very clear that this operation is very easy to be discovered by other battle islands. If you fail and return, you will get nothing!"

Lord Heihe frowned, and said coldly.

Lei Dao looked firm, and said: "If the first commander is allowed to join, even if we succeed in obtaining the secret treasure, we will get nothing, so I firmly oppose any outsider joining."

Immediately, Lord Heihe's complexion darkened slightly, but this information was reported by Lei Dao, so he couldn't say anything more, so he had to wave his robe heavily.

"Then let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, Lord Heihe turned around and walked outside.

Lei Dao nodded to Yi Xiaoyao, waved to the people behind him, and set off one after another.

Half an hour later, the entire group gathered on the shore.

I saw Lord Heihe spread his arms, forming a layer of gray enchantment, enveloping everyone.

"If you don't want to become the food in the belly of the sea king, don't leave the barrier!"

After explaining a sentence, Lord Heihe shot straight towards the sea ahead, Lei Dao and others followed closely behind in the barrier, and Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling were also quietly inside.

And the moment they left the coast and entered the sea, Yi Xiaoyao immediately felt an extremely powerful aura coming from the sea below.

next moment.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

A ferocious giant beast like a giant mountain suddenly broke through the sea, and came towards the people above with their fangs and huge mouth to devour them.

Almost all of these giant beasts exude the aura of the pinnacle of Nirvana Realm, and they are the masters of this sea of ​​killing, the Sea King Clan!
All of a sudden, being targeted by so many powerful Sea Kings, everyone in the barrier turned pale for a while, even the thunder knife was full of dignity, and they all hid in the barrier and dared not come out for half a step.

It was also the first time for Yi Xiaoyao to see the so-called Sea King Clan, but at this time his eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Because he can feel the original breath from the breath of these sea kings, and even the original breath in the bodies of several sea kings is stronger than Thunder Saber.

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why killing people in the sea can condense their origin is because they quenched their bodies with the blood of the Sea King family since childhood, ate the flesh and blood of the Sea King family, and even quoted the efficacy of the blood of the Sea King family."

"But in the land of Kyushu, there is no such condition, so no one will ever be able to break through the nirvana state and reach the life and death state."

Just as Yi Xiaoyao was thinking to himself, those Sea Kings leaped into the air, their hard and sharp fangs hit and bit the barrier around them.

All of a sudden, a scalp-numbing sound sounded, and the barrier began to flicker because of these powerful impacts.

"Hmph! Sinister!"

Suddenly, Lord Heihe yelled angrily, and immediately raised his hand to shoot continuously, large gray palm prints spread out from the barrier in all directions.

Those powerful Sea King Clan, under the palm prints, had no resistance at all. Like tofu, they were directly slapped with blood and flesh, turning into a rain of blood and staining the sea below.

Everyone in the barrier exclaimed in unison, even Yi Xiaoyao was secretly shocked.

"Is this the strength of a strong person in the life and death realm? It is indeed powerful and terrifying, far from being comparable to the Nirvana realm!"

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao finally understood why Lei Dao said that in front of the life and death realm, no matter how strong the Nirvana realm was, there was no comparison at all.

You must know that among the group of Sea Kings just now, there are a few statues whose original aura is much stronger than Thunder Saber, and they must have reached the level of original perfection, but they still cannot resist the attack of Lord Heihe at all.

Based on this alone, Yi Xiaoyao already realized that there was still a huge gap between himself and the strong in the life and death realm.

Immediately afterwards, everyone exclaimed again, and saw a gray aura erupting from the Lord of Heihe, and then suddenly blasted a gray dragon, roaring directly towards the sea area.

Where the gray flood dragon passed, the waves on both sides soared into the sky, and a large number of Sea Kings were smashed to pieces, and an unimpeded passage broke out on the sea surface.

"Hmph, just relying on these beasts, they dare to block my way."

The lord of Heihe looked at the large pile of corpses of the Sea King family that had been washed up, sneered triumphantly, and led the people behind him to gallop along the sea channel that had been cleaned up.

"Did you see it? What the lord of Heihe used just now is the extremely powerful original technique. With one move, killing Nirvana is like flooding an ant's nest!"

Lei Dao said to Yi Xiaoyao who was also terrified, and licked his lips with some palpitations.

"The technique of origin? Could it be that only those who are strong in the realm of life and death can use it?"

Yi Xiaoyao asked with flickering eyes.

"It can be said that because the technique of origin is based on the fusion of multiple origins, it needs sufficient origins to support its huge consumption, and only the life and death realm can do this."

Lei Dao nodded, but did not deny it.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he suddenly revealed a thoughtful expression: "Nirvana can also comprehend multiple origins, isn't it?"

"Having said that, it is enough for us to have a headache just to reach the perfection of one source, and there are multiple sources, and we dare not even think about it!"

Lei Dao curled his lips and shook his head for a while.

In the midst of such discussions, and under the guidance of Lord Heihe, the group of people traveled quickly for a full day, and finally arrived at the sky above the sea area of ​​the target location.

But just when they stabilized their bodies and were about to explore in the sea, a large figure suddenly appeared around them, surrounding them all.


(Third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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