Chapter 757
Looking at the holy liquid of Nirvana in the faucet candlestick, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes showed a touch of heat.

However, he did not directly take out the Nirvana Holy Liquid, but exchanged a glance with Yunmengling, and continued walking towards the front of the Black Stone Corridor.

"There is not much time left for us, we must obtain the truly precious things in this cave in the shortest possible time."

Yi Xiaoyao was not blinded by greed, but after seeing the Nirvana Holy Liquid, his heart became clearer.

After all, at this time of Killing the Sea, it will be a matter of time before the people from Battle Island No. [-] and Battle Island No. [-] will decide the outcome. No matter which one of them wins and enters the cave, it will be extremely unfavorable for Yi Xiaoyao and the others. Case.

He is not sure that he can snatch the secret treasure and leave safely in the hands of the strong in the life and death realm.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao had to search this cave as quickly as possible before the two parties decided the winner, and leave here before the other party arrived.

If that's the case, he can't spend too long just because of a little temptation.

What's more, since there are so many Nirvana Holy Liquids in these candlesticks, and they have been burned as lamp oil for thousands of years without drying up, it is obvious that there is a place to store the Nirvana Holy Liquid.

What Yi Xiaoyao had to do was to find the storage place, not stop under these candlesticks.

Immediately, the two of them galloped directly in this long black stone corridor, without any nostalgia for the candlesticks on both sides.

Soon, they finally came to the end of the corridor.

At the end of the black stone corridor, there is a large hall, which contains an ancient atmosphere that has accumulated over the years. It is hard to imagine that this is actually the cave of a strong man.

Yi Xiaoyao let this ancient aura rush towards his face, and smiled slightly excitedly at Yun Mengling.

Then, with a movement of their bodies, the two stepped into the hall.

The whole hall is incomparably quiet, and there is a pool of water filled with mist in the middle. The pool is blue in color, exuding extremely pure spiritual energy, and there is even a wave of cultivation base fluctuations.

Seeing this pool of water, Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling were stunned for a moment.

Because, the pool of clear water in front of me is full of holy liquid of Nirvana!

"This... this is too scary, how much Nirvana holy liquid should there be in this whole pool?"

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, Yun Mengling also covered her mouth, her eyes full of disbelief.

In comparison, the holy liquid of Nirvana in those candlesticks outside probably all came from this pool.


At this moment, there was a clear and clear sound of water in the blue water pool. Yi Xiaoyao and the two walked closer and saw a few nimble fishes wagging their tails in the water pool full of Nirvana Holy Liquid.

These small fish are transparent and exude a faint light, just like the most common small fish fry.

However, Yi Xiaoyao felt an extremely pure and extremely powerful fluctuation of spiritual power from the bodies of these little fishes.

"These little fish seem to be transformed by the holy liquid of Nirvana, and they already have some spirituality."

Yun Mengling stared carefully at the water pool with her beautiful eyes flashing and said in amazement.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, and he also discovered that the spiritual power contained in the body of every small fish in the pool is even thicker than the spiritual power in his body. It seems that after countless years of evolution, the lifeless The holy liquid of Nirvana formed a spiritual life.

As a result, the value of these small fish has obviously reached an extremely high level.

Yi Xiaoyao took out a treasure in the shape of a jade gourd, opened the lid, and was about to collect the pool of Nirvana Holy Liquid and the small fish in it into the treasure, but then he stopped in doubt because of another motive coming from the water action.

I saw that a vortex suddenly appeared in the pool, and the small fish scattered away one after another, but under the pull of the vortex getting bigger and bigger, they were finally drawn into the vortex.


There was a splash of water, and under the water surface where the vortex was located, a big mouth with open fangs suddenly appeared. It was a big fish with a deep body and vaguely translucent body, which swallowed all the small fish into its belly.

Yi Xiaoyao and the two were shocked, and the strange look on their faces became even more serious.

It is the most common thing for a big fish to eat a small fish, but now, what this big fish eats is a spiritual fish transformed by the holy liquid of Nirvana. Liquid fish!
However, just looking at the deep body color and huge size of this fish, it is obviously far beyond the comparison of other spirit fish.

Moreover, this fish is much smarter than the other small fishes, after eating the group of small fishes, it floated comfortably on the water pool on its stomach, seemingly not paying attention to Yi Xiaoyao and the two who were watching it.

"What a fun fish!"

Yun Mengling looked at the big fish with fat head and belly, and couldn't help exclaiming, and was about to go forward to catch it, but was held back by Yi Xiaoyao.

"Be careful, the spiritual power in this fish has been purified to a terrifying level, and it even contains a strong original aura. Compared with the strength of those Neptune clans outside, don't be confused by its appearance. gone."

Yi Xiaoyao reminded solemnly, and at the same time, his devouring spiritual power surged out, and he directly raised his hand to devour the fat fish, trying to pull the fish out.

Just when the devouring spiritual power just touched the blue pool, it was melted away at an astonishing speed in an instant. The domineering devouring spiritual power also turned into black spots of light and was sucked into the pool.


Yi Xiaoyao cried out in surprise, his face became more solemn, he stared at the pool for a moment, and said in surprise, "This is actually a magic weapon!"

Yunmengling's heart trembled slightly when he heard the words, this pool containing many Nirvana holy liquids, could it be a magic weapon?
Then if this magic weapon can be taken away, wouldn't it be possible to obtain a huge amount of Nirvana Holy Liquid?

Next, Yi Xiaoyao tried many times, but no matter how he attacked the pool, it was useless, let alone taking out the holy liquid of Nirvana and the little fat fish.

"No wonder this fat fish is not afraid of us, compared to even a strong man in the life and death realm, he can't forcefully break through the protection of this pool."

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and sighed softly, and then he heard Yun Mengling's exclamation from the side.

"Brother Xiaoyao, look!"

Yun Mengling pointed to the end of the main hall, where there was actually a simple stone gate, just now they were all focused on the pool, but they ignored this point.

"Go and have a look."

Yi Xiaoyao had no choice but to temporarily give up conquering the pool full of Nirvana liquid, and strode towards the stone gate together with Yun Mengling.

After a roar of the stone door opening wide, a dark practice room behind the door appeared.

In the practice room, there was actually a skeleton sitting there. In front of the skeleton, there was a golden storage bag and a broken book that had been eroded by time.

Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling looked at each other in surprise, with a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Immediately, they went directly to the skeleton, and after paying homage to the skeleton, one picked up the broken book, the other picked up the golden storage bag, and each checked.

After a while, Yi Xiaoyao's action of flipping through the books suddenly became fixed, and his eyes turned to the previous pool of water in astonishment.


(End of this chapter)

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