Devouring Sword God

Chapter 764 Take what belongs to me

Chapter 764 Take back what belongs to me
Battle Island No. [-] was as calm as ever.

But this kind of calm is only relative. After all, this is in the sea of ​​killing, and killing exists all the time.

In order to achieve Nirvana, the people on the island fought with all their strength in the arena, just to get the Nirvana holy liquid that was rewarded after victory.

Among the major commanders, secretly fighting for hidden information, stealing information, discovering and hunting down, these things are also happening on the seventh battle island.

And at this moment, all the fighting and killing on the island stopped because of a voice.

"Chiman, get out!"

The voice contained spiritual power, and it spread throughout the No. [-] battle island, causing everyone on the island to pause what they were doing and stare at the void where the voice came from.

Chiman, this name, on the No. [-] battle island, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?
That is their lord, the ruler of Battle Island No. [-], a superpower in the realm of life and death!
But now, someone actually called Chimang by his name on Battle Island No. [-] in such a high-profile way, and let him get out even more disrespectfully?
Everyone's eyes will gather at one place, where there are two figures standing above the void.

The man was dressed in a black robe, and his face was seductive and deep, giving off a mysterious feeling.

The woman is dressed in a white dress, and her beauty is even more stunning, making people's eyes linger.

The voice just now was obviously made by this black-robed man. Judging from his momentum and tone, he seemed to come here to trouble Chimang.

This kind of situation has not happened before, and every time it will attract everyone's attention.

Because this is very likely, it will be a precursor to the replacement of the lord of Battle Island on the [-]th.

However, this time, everyone on Battle Island No. [-] booed.

Because they noticed the cultivation aura of the two figures above the void.

The pinnacle of Nirvana.

It is indeed a good cultivation base. On the No. [-] battle island, such a cultivation base is enough to become a leader-level figure.

But, even so, isn't it too ridiculous to come to Lord Chimang to kick the mansion?
You know, the lord, but he has the cultivation base of the life and death realm!
In front of the strong in the realm of life and death, people in the realm of Nirvana, even if they reach the peak, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to cross the gap between the two realms, and will only be tortured and killed.

"Who is this guy?"

"Whoever he is, he is a lunatic in my opinion, how dare he challenge the lord like this!"

"Yes, he is looking for death, why should we know the name of such a dying person?"

"However, if he makes such a fuss, will the lord appear because of it?"

"It's not so bad, this kind of thing, just need to lead the adults to take action is enough to solve it."

"I'm curious, which commander will this person die at..."

Everyone was discussing, those opponents who were fighting desperately in the arena just now also stood together like best friends for many years, looking at the void, chatting and laughing amiably.

Sure enough, just as everyone expected, the moment the voice came out, more than ten figures were shot out from all directions on No. [-] Battle Island.

These more than ten figures, each exuding the aura of cultivation at the peak of Nirvana, are the leaders of the No. [-] Battle Island.

At this time, all the commanders stared at the two people in the void, one black and one white, with angry expressions on their faces.

There are still some people who dare to act wildly in their fields, and even directly attack their lords.

"Who are you, how dare you make trouble on my No. [-] battle island!"

A commander raised his hand and pointed at the void angrily, and angrily reprimanded the two figures.

"Hmph, what is there to say to them, if you dare to insult the lord, just kill them!"

Another leader uttered a cold snort, bursting out with spiritual power, wanting to strike directly.

The rest of the commanders rushed out one after another, for fear that they would be robbed of credit if they were too late.

However, the two figures standing above the void turned a blind eye to such murderous intent.

Just when those commanders were about to make a move, only his thin lips parted slightly, and an indifferent voice came out.

"I would like to remind you that before you do anything, you'd better ask your second commander what exactly you are doing."

As soon as this remark came out, all the commanders paused in unison, and looked at the second commander suspiciously.

Immediately afterwards, they were surprised to find that when they all charged out, the most powerful second commander rarely moved at all, still standing in place with a face full of astonishment.

Sensing the gazes of many commanders, the second commander withdrew his expression slightly, and said, "You guys, this is sending you to your death..."

Everyone was stunned, as if they couldn't understand the second commander's words.

Some people even think it's ridiculous that they have so many strong people, and they encircle and suppress two people from the same land, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they can't resist it.

But the second commander actually said that they were sending them to death?

"This person is the guy who beheaded the first leader and his entire team with a single sword. You can't defeat him. You'd better wait for the lord to come out."

The second leader naturally sensed the thoughts in everyone's eyes, and explained something solemnly.

As this person saw, the two black and white figures were Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling.

For Yi Xiaoyao, the second commander was afraid from the bottom of his heart, but he still remembered Yi Xiaoyao's sword at the beginning. It was definitely not something that any nirvana could contend with, and only the lord could deal with this person.

However, at this moment, he was extremely puzzled, why Yi Xiaoyao dared to appear on Battle Island No. [-], and why he named Lord Chimang in such a high-profile way.

Although he knew that Yi Xiaoyao was very strong, he was sure that Yi Xiaoyao was not Chiman's opponent, otherwise he would not have met Chimang in the first place, so he abandoned Chongbao and ran away.

And as the second commander's voice fell, many commanders all turned pale with shock, and all scattered back with horror on their faces, staring at Yi Xiaoyao with great vigilance and apprehension.

The people on the island below saw this scene full of surprise. They couldn't hear what Yi Xiaoyao said to the second commander just now, but saw that all the commanders were running away from Yi Xiaoyao as if they were fleeing for their lives. With the color of fear.

"This guy, who is it that even so many leaders are so afraid?"

Everyone had to change their previous predictions. At this time, Yi Xiaoyao's figure had become more mysterious in their eyes.

At the same time, Chi Man, who was in the mansion trying to open the Holy Condensation Bead and secretly determined to find and kill Yi Xiaoyao, also heard the sound of him rolling out, and instantly recognized the owner of the sound. It was Yi Xiaoyao in his mind.

In the next moment, on the No. [-] battle island, a coercion laced with anger suddenly climbed out.

Just as many leaders were guarding against Yi Xiaoyao, a figure suddenly soared into the sky, and accompanied by a powerful aura, it instantly enveloped the entire No. [-] battle island.

"It really is you! How dare you appear in front of me?"

At this moment, it was Chi Man who appeared in the sight of everyone, he stared at Yi Xiaoyao and gritted his teeth and growled.

And Yi Xiaoyao also looked at Chi Mang, and said with a cold smile: "I come to take back what belongs to me, why don't you dare?"

"Take back your things? It's ridiculous! But it's just right, I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door!"

In Chiman's heart at this moment, the anger that was designed by Yi Xiaoyao and caused his arm to be broken completely exploded at this moment.

"In that case, you don't even think about leaving alive today, but I will keep your woman and take good care of her!"



(ps: My update time is unstable, I admit this, in fact, I am also annoyed by myself, thank you for your tolerance.

Also, the rhythm of the recent plot is a bit slow, which may make everyone feel a little dull. I also realized that I will correct it, and after this plot is over, the next plot will be very exciting. )
(End of this chapter)

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