Chapter 780
At the same time, under the light curtain across the sea outside the battlefield, She Yang has been watching the picture of Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment when he saw Yi Xiaoyao and the Xiongtu team tearing their faces apart, his complexion changed drastically and he exclaimed.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

She Yang was very angry. If Yi Xiaoyao continued with the previous deal with the Xiongtu team, then their team She Yang would most likely get the blessing of the ninth-level totem, and the team She Yang would turn around completely by then!
But now, Yi Xiaoyao actually gave up this rare opportunity at a critical juncture, so how could he not make She Yang angry.

From She Yang's point of view, Yi Xiaoyao is simply extremely stupid.

Of course, it wasn't just him, those other spectators who were also nervously staring at the light curtain across the sea also noticed the scene that happened in Yi Xiaoyao's space, and cast their gazes in amazement.

"How is this going?"

"Hasn't this kid from the Sheyang team already joined the Xiongtu team? Why did he suddenly turn back?"

"He actually intends to fight against the Xiongtu team alone, so as to snatch the ninth-level altar?"

"It seems that this kid has lost his mind. Doesn't he know that he is courting death?"

These spectators are almost all domain masters in the outer sea area. Based on their judgment, they also think that Yi Xiaoyao is too stupid, and they can't understand Yi Xiaoyao's behavior at the moment.

There was only one person, when he saw Yi Xiaoyao's actions at this moment, his crystal pink lips were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

It was Yun Mengling, and only she, who could understand everything Yi Xiaoyao did.

Although she didn't really know what Yi Xiaoyao was thinking at the moment, but she knew a little about Yi Xiaoyao.

With Yi Xiaoyao's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to be willing to follow behind others and be used like a gun.

In other words, anyone who knows a little about Yi Xiaoyao will know that there must be other reasons for Yi Xiaoyao to join the Xiongtu team and let the other party command and embarrass him.

Therefore, Yun Mengling was not at all surprised or puzzled by Yi Xiaoyao's behavior at the moment.

All she knew was that next, Yi Xiaoyao was finally going to shine!

Under Yun Mengling's flashing beautiful eyes, as well as the puzzled and sarcastic gazes around him, in the light curtain, Yi Xiaoyao's figure disappeared for a moment, and then reappeared in the screen.

When he reappeared, Yi Xiaoyao was only a few feet away from Xionglou and others of the Xiongtu team, and he was surrounded by ten simple and mysterious characters.

The berserk attacks around them set off huge waves, and Yi Xiaoyao was submerged in the center in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, among the ten simple characters surrounding Yi Xiaoyao, one of them shone brightly, and the other nine characters instantly merged into it.

"Qiankun, shock!"

A low shout sounded, although the sound was not loud, but it was very penetrating. Not only was it not covered by the deafening noise of the surrounding offensive, but it was transmitted to everyone's ears very clearly.

At this moment, the various offensives surrounding Yi Xiaoyao were about to gather in one place, and when the power of them exploded on Yi Xiaoyao's body, they stopped for a moment in vain.

In the next moment, a three-dimensional character appeared in vain among the many amazing attacks, and at the same time as it spread in an instant, all the attacks that bombarded it were directly shaken to pieces, turning into nothingness and dissipating. .

Deafening explosions resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the sea surface within a radius of a thousand feet below was so shaken that it sank hundreds of feet. Immediately afterwards, the entire Xiongtu team's bodies retreated wildly in all directions as if they had been hit hard. And open.

Among them, due to the difference in strength, the distance of being shocked is also different. Even the weakest person was shocked by the terrible shock force just now, so that blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Even Xionglou's attacking figure stopped suddenly, and looked towards Yi Xiaoyao with a face full of shock.

What responded to him was Yi Xiaoyao's frenzied face and an ironic laugh.

"If you only have this little ability, then it's too boring, use your best!"

Yi Xiaoyao hooked his fingers provocatively towards Xionglou in front of him, the ten original powers surrounding his arms were so shocking.

Xionglou's face twitched slightly when he heard the words, ten sources of power, so this guy is hiding so deeply!
You know, even he can only condense the power of the sixth source, and even the sixth source has always been used by him as a trump card, and he never uses it easily.

At this moment, Xionglou finally understands why Yi Xiaoyao has such an amazing fighting power after only half a step of life and death.

At the same time, he also understood that Yi Xiaoyao's move just now, if it was not a group attack, but a single attack on one person, how terrible the power would be!
However, even so, Xionglou still let out a roar of fury, and the six original forces unleashed, and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao again.

Because in his opinion, even if Yi Xiaoyao had condensed ten sources of power, no matter how strong his fighting power was, he was still a guy who hadn't even reached the realm of life and death.

The rest of the Xiongtu team also gritted their teeth, and they all burst out with the strongest strength, rushing out again.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao grinned in satisfaction, and ten simple characters surrounded his body at some point.

Accompanied by a sudden clenched right fist, he directly grasped one of the characters like the palm of his hand, and punched out angrily.


As soon as the word "Broken" came out, the shadow of the fist appeared instantly.

The devouring spiritual power on the fist made the fist extremely domineering, and the word "broken" was printed on the fist mark, which spread out in an instant, and collided with Xionglou's attack suddenly.

The phantom of the ferocious beast rushed out of Xionglou, and the power of the six sources of power flooding the phantom, at this moment, like a vase hit by an iron block, from the moment of contact with Yi Xiaoyao's fist, Starting from one place, countless astonishing cracks spread out in an instant.

The phantom of the ferocious beast shattered, and all the original powers of the six paths were scattered.

A mouthful of blood stained the sky, and Xionglou's figure suddenly smashed towards the sea below, his eyes filled with infinite shock.

Is this the single-body attack gathered by the ten sources of power?Sure enough, the power is terrifying!
Even if it was done by a half-step guy, it's not something his moves with the original power of the six paths can compete with...

And at this moment, the rest of the Xiongtu team who were attacking Yi Xiaoyao all stopped in horror and backed away abruptly.

"It turns out that this guy has been hiding among us all this time, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

This time, they were not shocked by Yi Xiaoyao, but they retreated in fear, and at the same time they retreated violently, they even let out an exclamation of consciousness.


(End of this chapter)

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