Chapter 782
Compared to the shock of the domain masters present, Xiongtu couldn't believe what he saw.

Because no one knows better than him how powerful this blood-sacrificing psychic formation is.

Xiong Tu can be sure that under the mobilization of his team, even among the domain masters present, there are some who can't compete.

You must know that the domain masters of these outer seas are at least middle-stage powerhouses in the fourth level of life and death!
However, the Xiongtu team used this hole card that even the domain owner may not be able to contend with, but it was only a match with Yi Xiaoyao!

That is to say, the strength displayed by Yi Xiaoyao at this time has actually reached the domain master level, how can this not make Xiong Tu feel incredible?
Thinking of this, Xiong Tu felt extremely aggrieved for a moment, feeling as if he had been caught in some conspiracy, and couldn't help but look angrily at Xi Yang.

From Xiongtu's point of view, Yi Xiaoyao is She Yang's person, so She Yang must have known Yi Xiaoyao's strength from the very beginning.

However, just now when Xi Yang was being ridiculed by him, he still pretended to be so realistic, it's simply hateful!
As for She Yang, he opened his mouth wide at the moment and was dumbfounded.

Although everyone mentions Yi Xiaoyao's team and him, but he doesn't know that there is such a monster in his team!
Feeling Xiong Tu's gaze, Xi Yang felt very helpless, he didn't pretend to be on purpose before, but really thought Yi Xiaoyao was too stupid.

Now, She Yang finally understands that what Yi Xiaoyao did before is not stupid, but has enough confidence in his own strength.

However, Yi Xiaoyao's dazzling performance was also a good thing for She Yang. After he was shocked, he was overjoyed immediately.

Therefore, he didn't explain anything. Hearing the shocking words of the domain masters, a look of satisfaction gradually appeared on his face.

As a result, all the domain owners began to pay attention to Yi Xiaoyao. The figure in the picture, one person against the crowd, suddenly became the most dazzling existence on the entire battlefield, making them ignore the other teams fighting for the altar fierce struggle.

However, Yi Xiaoyao, who is currently fighting fiercely with the Xiongtu team, has never forgotten the point of competing for the altar from the beginning to the end.

He is bound to win this ninth-level altar, but he must first deal with the slaughter team in front of him.

However, as Yi Xiaoyao and the Xiongtu team continued to fight, although he fought very happily, it was not as easy as imagined to truly defeat this group of teams that had integrated into the battle formation.

Yi Xiaoyao had noticed before that the Xiongtu team mobilized the battle formation, and it was mobilized in the form of a spell and blood sacrifice, which couldn't last long at all.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the delay continues, the other party will inevitably break the attack because the effect of the spell fades.

But the problem is, Yi Xiaoyao himself also has such a weakness. No matter how strong he can explode, no matter how much the number of original sources and original skills can crush the opponent, it is still only a half-step in the realm of life and death.

Although it is only half a step away from the realm of life and death, there is still a big gap between them.

In terms of spiritual power and original storage alone, it is not enough to support Yi Xiaoyao in a protracted battle with the real realm of life and death.

If he hadn't been devouring the opponent's spiritual power and original power for his own use, he might have exhausted his energy at this moment and completely lost his combat effectiveness.

The Xiong Tu team also discovered this point, dragging Yi Xiaoyao stubbornly, wanting to compete with him for consumption.

"Hey, you are only a half-step life and death, whether it is spiritual power or original source, how can it be compared with the real life and death realm? What's more, there are so many of us to accompany you to consume, let's see how long you can last!"

"When your spiritual power is exhausted, it will be your time of death!"

"It's wishful thinking to still want to grab food in front of us!"

Xionglou and others changed their formation to attack and defend, while laughing triumphantly and resentfully at Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao's figure was flickering, and as the sword light shuttled back and forth in the opponent's formation, his complexion became colder and colder under the shocking roar.

The next moment, the ten characters surrounding him changed instantly.


With a low shout, the simple and mysterious word "sleepy" turned into countless densely packed small characters in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

Then, these small characters instantly appeared around the Xiongtu team, surrounding them all, connecting them together like chains, binding the opponent around.

"The battle is also very exciting. I have already learned enough about my own strength. Since this is the case, please forgive me for not continuing to play meaninglessly with you."

A teasing chuckle sounded faintly, and everyone in the Xiongtu team saw the smile on Yi Xiaoyao's face, and their hearts sank.

"not good!"

As if he had guessed what Yi Xiaoyao was going to do next, Xionglou exclaimed immediately, and let out a roar to break away the densely packed "sleepy" characters wrapped around them and get out of it.

However, this trapped character is one of the ten methods of Qiankun, which is comparable to ordinary middle-level origin techniques. Although it is not as powerful as other characters, the ability of restraint is extremely powerful. broke?
Even if everyone in the Xiongtu team manipulated the battle formation to charge wildly, it took a while to rush out of it one after another.

But at this moment, it was too late.

Just before they broke through the trapped glyphs, Yi Xiaoyao summoned ten glyphs again, condensed them into a "disease" glyph, melted into his body in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in the space in front of their eyes.

"Oops! He must have taken the first step and headed to the ninth altar!"

Xionglou and the others growled in anger, even a fool could guess the purpose of Yi Xiaoyao's trapping them just now.

Immediately afterwards, the people behind Xionglou were about to chase towards the bottom of the sea where the altar was located, but they were stopped by Xionglou's angry shout.

"It's too late now. By the time we arrive, that guy may have already been blessed by a level nine totem!"

As soon as this sound came out, the faces of the rest of the people suddenly turned pale.

Of course they know what this means.

The current Yi Xiaoyao can't kill them even if they are forced to use their hole cards. If Yi Xiaoyao gets [-]% of the strength of the ninth-level totem next, then they are completely no match for them!

Immediately, Xionglou looked at the sea below with resentment, gritted his teeth fiercely, and led the team members to the distance to flee with all his strength.

They hadn't gone far, and then they felt an astonishing fluctuation in the space they were in just now.

It was the news that the totem of the ninth-level altar was taken away!

(End of this chapter)

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