Devouring Sword God

Chapter 798 One step closer

Chapter 798 Another step closer

This selection battle took place on the night of the full moon. After the selection battle ended, the full moon began to sink into the sea level gradually.

And with Yi Xiaoyao's killing of Situ Ao, the sky has turned pale, and many forces gathered here have dispersed under the light of dawn.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao was standing there talking with She Yang and others, and what they said was no different from the polite words that She Yang asked Yi Xiaoyao to take care of each other in the future.

Heihe and the others chatted and laughed from time to time, as if the Situ Ao incident just now had never happened.

"Since the grievances are over, follow me and leave."

At this time, Zi Shan who was not far away opened his mouth to Yi Xiaoyao lightly, and then moved directly, appearing on the other side of the light curtain across the sea, and began to restore the gap in the light curtain across the sea.

Yi Xiaoyao took his leave after hearing the sound, and brought Yun Mengling to Zishan's side.

Zishan noticed that Yi Xiaoyao brought Yunmengling more, but he also saw the relationship between the two, so he didn't say much.

After restoring the light curtain across the sea, the group immediately headed towards the inner sea.

On the way, Zishan personally beheaded the King of the Sea to open the way, while Dongxuan reluctantly introduced the inner sea area to him under Yi Xiaoyao's question.

Speaking of which, the Sea of ​​Slaughter is divided into two parts, the outer sea area and the inner sea area, but in fact, the scope of the inner sea area is dozens or even hundreds of times that of the outer sea area.

As for how much larger the inner sea area is than the outer sea area, because it is too vast, no one knows.

And precisely because it is too vast, there has never been a so-called unity in the inner waters of the Killing Sea.

Because there is no force that can achieve this step, even the legendary superpower who is far beyond the realm of life and death, it is impossible to unify this inner sea area.

Moreover, this vast inner sea area can be described as hidden dragons and crouching tigers. No one knows whether there is a legendary strong man living in seclusion in that inaccessible corner.

Therefore, in this inner sea area, all powers are always juxtaposed, fighting and killing each other constantly.

Although countless forces are annexed almost every day, at the same time, there are countless forces springing up like mushrooms after rain, and there are constantly various geniuses emerging, and they are prominent for a while, adding to this unfathomable inner sea area. A steady stream of fresh blood and vitality.

It is precisely because of this chaos and killing that this shockingly vast inner sea area is the true face of the killing sea.

But at the moment, Yi Xiaoyao was led by Zishan and others to Tianyouyu.

Tianyou Territory, as a top force in the Inner Sea Region, is also an extremely vast territory owned by its owner, which is even comparable to the entire Outer Sea Territory.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao, who had just entered the Inner Sea Territory, had to travel quickly for several days, and through more than a dozen teleportation symbols, before he entered the area where the Tianyou Territory was located.

After another day of traveling, he finally arrived at the territory under Zishan's jurisdiction.

Purple shirt collar.

Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling stood on top of an iceberg as high as ten thousand ren, looking up at the front, their handsome faces were full of deep shock.

Because right now, in front of him is a floating island floating in the sky.

However, it is not so much a floating island as it is a continent floating in mid-air. The majesty made the two people stunned when they saw this kind of landscape for the first time.

And above this floating continent, there is a layer of radiant light shrouded in it. There are countless temples in it, and countless streamers of light pass by in the sky. The overwhelming formation is particularly frightening.

Even though there is a long distance, Ke Yi Xiaoyao can still faintly feel that there are countless powerful spiritual power fluctuations quietly rippling there.

"Here is the purple shirt collar."

Dongxuan stood near Yi Xiaoyao, looked at the floating continent with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, when he took office as the new lord, he would also have such a floating continent that belonged to him.

Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling looked at each other, and both could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Not to mention the size of this floating continent, even the nine battle islands under Xi Yang's command would not be able to reach it. Just letting such a large piece of land float in mid-air is already unimaginable.

"It's amazing."

Yi Xiaoyao gave a heartfelt admiration, and only now did he truly understand the huge difference between the outer sea area and the inner sea area.

"Let's go, next, you will be a part of my purple shirt collar."

Seeing the expressions of Yi Xiaoyao and the others, Zishan couldn't help but smile a little, and then took the lead to rush out, heading directly towards the collar of Zishan suspended in mid-air.

Yi Xiaoyao and the others followed closely, and as they gradually approached, the collar of the purple shirt also began to become clear.

Above this floating purple shirt collar, there is an incomparably huge formation, which turns into a layer of purple shroud, protects the whole purple shirt collar, and emits light all the time. A terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power, even the surrounding space is constantly distorting.

"This is the island protection formation led by my purple shirt. It was set up by the Great Territory Lord himself. Even the strongest in the peak of the life and death realm cannot break it."

Dong Xuan pointed to the formation, his eyes moved slightly and said: "However, if it is inside, it can disarm this large formation without any effort, and let the entire purple shirt collar sink into the bottom of the sea."

Yi Xiaoyao was slightly startled when he heard the words, and at the same time looked at Dongxuan with some surprise, he could hear that the reason why Dongxuan told him this was obviously to test him.

After carefully observing Yi Xiaoyao's reaction, Dong Xuan smiled lightly, and the vigilance in his eyes also dissipated.

"That's why, I will select someone to replace Dongxuan in the outer sea area, because in the inner sea area, I don't know how many hostile forces want to take this opportunity to sink my purple shirt collar into the bottom of the sea."

Zishan also turned around, and said to Yi Xiaoyao lightly: "And the time is too short. If I were to be selected in the inner sea area, I would not be able to eliminate the people placed by the hostile forces, so I selected you."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, and in this way, the doubts in his heart were completely resolved.

It seems that the open and secret struggle in the inner sea area is more intense than he expected.

In the mid-air outside the purple shirt collar, there is a huge light door, and a wide avenue extends in front, leading directly into the purple shirt collar.

And as they talked, a group of people also fell on this road.

Standing on the avenue, Yi Xiaoyao turned his head and glanced at the boundless sea behind him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He has never forgotten that his purpose is to find the Yaozu and release the body and Xiao Hei who are sealed in the land of Kyushu.

But now, Yi Xiaoyao has entered the inner sea area, and he is one step closer to reaching the Yaozu.


(ps: The third update. I haven't slept all night, and I am conceiving the plot of the inner sea area. I hope you will like the following content.)
(End of this chapter)

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