Chapter 83

Yi Xiaoyao squinted his eyes and chuckled under the extremely dazzling shadow of swords and swords.

Such a situation made the eight members of the monster hunting team startled and angry.

There were eight of them, three of them at the sixth level of foundation building, and five of them at the fifth level of foundation building. They couldn't do anything against a kid at the third level of foundation building.

"This kid is so tough, we underestimated his strength!"

The eight people exclaimed with solemn expressions, not daring to let go of the attack in their hands.

"It's only now that it's too late!"

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes and sneered, his eyes moved suddenly, his sword move instantly changed and he slashed out with a sword of nirvana, and immediately the corpse of another person in the fifth level of foundation establishment was separated.

"the second!"

After the blow, Yi Xiaoyao's legs were like phantoms, and he jumped back lightly, pointing his sword at the remaining seven members of the monster hunting team.

And those seven people looked at the corpse on the ground in shock and anger, their faces full of shock.

"What! He actually killed Lao Ba again!"

"This kid killed two of our brothers in a row. We must avenge the old eight and the nine today!"

At this moment, the young man with curly hair who was the leader of the hunting team raised his hand to stop the angry words of the others.

"and many more!"

There was hatred and anger in the eyes of the young man with curly hair, but when he looked at the sword pointed at by Yi Xiaoyao, he seemed to feel an unprecedented sense of danger.

"Little brother, we were the ones who offended you before. Now that you have killed our two brothers, how about canceling this matter?"

The young man with shaved hair compromised with Yi Xiaoyao, and the rationality in his heart told him that if this continues, even if he could kill Yi Xiaoyao and get the Demon Blood Fruit, their demon hunting team would suffer heavy casualties.

After Yi Xiaoyao heard this sentence, he sneered evilly.

If it wasn't because Yi Xiaoyao was strong enough, these people would never have given in like this. Yi Xiaoyao's end would be to be robbed of the Yaoxue fruit or die.

Yi Xiaoyao naturally understood this, so he said indifferently: "I said it, it's too late to regret it now."

When the seven members of the hunting team heard the words, they became even more angry.

"Boy, do you really think that we gave in because we were afraid of you? Since you don't know what to do, no matter how much we pay today, we will let you die here!"

With a yell, the seven broke out again.

However, the seven members of the Monster Hunting Team changed their battle strategy this time.

Because they could see from the battle just now that Yi Xiaoyao specially picked the weakest among them to start attacking. Now that they have discovered this, they can't let Yi Xiaoyao attack them one by one.

Among these seven people, the young man with curly hair has the highest cultivation level. He is the first to bear the brunt at this moment, and the others are the assistants.

This kind of strategy is that when the young man with a bunch of hair attacks, the others try their best to interfere with Yi Xiaoyao;

When Yi Xiaoyao counterattacked, the others would do their best to protect the young man with curly hair for the next round of attacks.

Seeing such a lineup, Yi Xiaoyao's face froze, and he secretly said that there was a tacit cooperation.

In this way, his previous style of play will not be able to exert its power.

And if the young man with curly hair is not defeated, then Yi Xiaoyao will always be passive.

Seeing the seven people rushing towards him like sharp arrows, Yi Xiaoyao's fighting spirit became more and more intense.

The stronger the enemy, the stronger he is!
Accompanied by this rapidly rising fighting intent, a soaring killing intent also instantly filled the surrounding space.

The stronger the fighting intent, the stronger the killing intent!
The bloodbath sword was raised slowly, and the strong killing intent around it seemed to be absorbed, and quickly condensed into streaks of scarlet-red tangible aura, surrounding the edge of the sword.

At this moment, the Bloodbath Sword is like a killing sword!
Even the youth with curly hair and others who came with great momentum felt a kind of trembling from the depths of their souls when they saw the sword.

"Hmph! Bluff, go to hell with me!"

The young man with curly hair didn't dare to let Yi Xiaoyao continue to gather momentum, he held the precious sword high on the top, and the spiritual power of his whole body gathered on the blade, and he slashed at Yi Xiaoyao violently.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes froze, and at the moment the young man with curly hair fell off, he gave a low drink.

"Turning killing intent, use it for me!"

In an instant, all the killing intent around Yi Xiaoyao formed a bloody aura around Yi Xiaoyao's body, and spread out in an instant.

The sword of killing suddenly cut out!
"Slaying Nine Swords, the third form!"

In addition to devouring spiritual power and destroying sword energy, this sword also contains a strong killing intent!
This momentary explosion is the strongest explosion of Yi Xiaoyao's current strength.

A strange bloody light that pierces people's hearts is fleeting.

And at the moment when the sword light fell, the saber of the young man with curly hair had already slashed out.

But the result was...the precious sword was divided into two symmetrical halves from the edge of the blade.

All the weapons used by the six people around the young man with tight hair to protect him broke instantly and flew away.

And the young man with curly hair, who was only a few feet away from Yi Xiaoyao, seemed to be completely still, his movements, expressions and body all frozen.

An extremely fine line of blood ran along the man's chest and spread to his forehead.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao's cold voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

"The third! Die!"


As the word "death" fell, the two halves of the young man's body split instantly, and hundreds of black and red intersecting sword qi shot out from it, shooting the remaining six people around him until they vomited blood and flew away. go.


The remaining six members of the Monster Hunting Team exclaimed belatedly. The strongest lineup they used to target Yi Xiaoyao was cut through by such a terrifying sword.

Moreover, the strongest among them, the young man with curly hair, was left with only a broken corpse crushed by the sword energy.

In this way, what else would they use to fight Yi Xiaoyao who were also injured?
"Let go... let us go! Please let us go!"

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao walking towards them slowly, the six people who fell on the ground all pale and frightened begged for mercy.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard such begging for mercy, his heart was like still water, and his face was calm.

But such a voice seemed like the worst news to Han Shou, who was already blind and hiding aside.

Han Shou originally thought that Yi Xiaoyao had no chance of winning against the nine members of the Monster Hunting Team, and he even got a piece of Monster Blood Fruit.

But now, his eyes were dark, and he could only hear Yi Xiaoyao reporting the number of people killed one by one, making him feel that death was approaching step by step.

At this moment, the begging of the monster hunting team completely shattered the hope in Han Shou's heart, and despair filled his heart instantly.

Next, a voice that made Han Shou feel ashamed followed closely.

Facing the begging of the monster hunting team, Yi Xiaoyao just smiled lightly and said, "I'm really sorry, I will never let anyone who wants to kill me go."

The Bloodletting Sword was swung, and there was a sound of blood splattering.

"the fourth!"

"the fifth!"



When the last sound was heard, Han Shou's whole body was completely paralyzed, and he couldn't even escape.

Yi Xiaoyao sneered coldly when he saw Han Shou who was pissing off and crawling desperately not far away.

"Han Shou, is this feeling of death gradually approaching, wonderful?"

 (ps: The third update will be very late.)
(End of this chapter)

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