Devouring Sword God

Chapter 87 The Murderer

Chapter 87 The Murderer
After these days, Yi Xiaoyao had a very good relationship with these people, and these three people died in front of his eyes, which immediately made him furious.

What made Yi Xiaoyao even more angry was that the arrows hit by these three people were so familiar.

It was the arrow that shot Lin Jie's mount Black Eagle and the three Yang brothers!

As for the members of the surrounding demon hunting team, they had a close relationship with the three who died, and they were extremely sad and indignant.

"who is it!!!"

"Get out of here!"

Zhou Yan and the others roared angrily, wishing to tear the life of the shooter alive.

Although Yi Xiaoyao already knew who the murderer was, he didn't say anything.

Because he knew that the three Yang brothers must have been sent by Duan Xiu to kill him.

But the three arrows just now killed other people, and Yi Xiaoyao would not think that the other party missed them.

Those who are good at bows and arrows have extremely keen eyesight, so how can they shoot unsure arrows.

Hiding this doubt in his heart, Yi Xiaoyao said vigilantly to the people around him: "Be careful above, the three arrows are all shot from above, there must be three enemies above us."

Everyone looked up one after another, and there was an old tree with dense branches and leaves above their heads. They couldn't see anything in the sky, and couldn't tell where the enemy was.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of leaves being shot through again from above, and everyone became vigilant.

But it was too late, when everyone heard the sound, three arrows had already appeared on the foreheads of three of the people who raised their heads.

Blood dripped from the arrow shafts on their foreheads, and they crashed to the ground.

The rest of the people were panicked and furious, but there was nothing they could do.

Besides being angry, Yi Xiaoyao became more and more confused about his previous thoughts. Why did the three Yang brothers specifically kill the people around him, but not him?

Yi Xiaoyao exclaimed, and suddenly pushed Zhou Yan away from him.

Almost at the same time, an arrow that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye brushed Zhou Yan's nose and shot down.

Zhou Yan was rescued by Yi Xiaoyao, and he glanced at him gratefully, but there were two more falls to the ground beside him.

In just a few moments, eight people had already died.

Everyone finally felt the horror of the invisible crisis. Zhou Yan commanded everyone to wave their weapons above their heads and ran towards the saber-toothed silver tiger that had just been hunted down, trying to use the saber-toothed silver tiger's body to resist the hidden arrows.

But during this short run, there were three more people, and the weapons they waved in their hands were shot directly and nailed to the ground.

In a team of 13 demon hunters, 11 people died, except for Yi Xiaoyao, only Zhou Yan and one other team member were still alive.

At this moment, they had already carried the body of the saber-toothed silver tiger on top of their heads, and shot down with three arrows, only piercing through a shallow layer of tiger skin.

Although the saber-toothed silver tiger is not a defensive monster, it is still a second-order high-level monster. The cultivation base of the seventh level of the foundation stage of the three Yang brothers can't completely shoot through the monster's body.

Yi Xiaoyao and the other three saw that this was effective, and immediately let go of the strings that had been tense all over their bodies.

"Brother Yi, this may be the revenge of the enemy who offended someone in our monster hunting team, and you have been implicated."

Zhou Yan didn't know the whole story, he only thought that the enemy of his team members came to him, and sighed to Yi Xiaoyao with great guilt.

Just as Yi Xiaoyao was about to tell the truth to the two of them, a faster and sharper piercing sound came from the air.

The arrow directly penetrated the body of the saber-toothed silver tiger, and sank into Zhou Yan's body from the top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, another arrow shot the remaining person to death instantly.

For a while, only Yi Xiaoyao was left alive.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was even more horrified. Being able to shoot through the second-order intermediate monsters so easily, at least some of the cultivation bases around the Golden Core level, was obviously not from the hands of the previous three Yang brothers.

"Besides the three Yang brothers, there is one more!"

Yi Xiaoyao quickly came to a conclusion, and then an unprecedented sense of crisis rose in his heart.

He no longer had any extra thoughts to feel grief and anger for these dead friends, he could only think about how to survive.

The enemy is in the sky, and Yi Xiaoyao is on the ground, he can only wait to be attacked by the opponent, this is his biggest disadvantage.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could think about it, there was an extremely powerful piercing sound just like before, and Yi Xiaoyao, who was carrying the corpse of the monster beast, immediately fell to the ground.


There were corpses all over the ground, and a blood-stained arrow was stuck on each corpse.

A dead silence.

At the same time, above the sky above this area, a griffin was hovering in the air.

There are three young men sitting on the griffin, they are the three brothers of the Yang family.

And in front of the three of them, there was a middle-aged man.

All four of them look alike, and they all hold a strong bow.

"Father, with your arrow, Yi Xiaoyao will definitely die." Yang Dalang smiled at his father Yang Yunhua.

Yang Yunhua smiled and asked, "The three of you know why I asked you to shoot everyone other than Yi Xiaoyao first?"

"I know! Kill all the witnesses first, and even if news of Yi Xiaoyao's death spreads, no one will know how he died, let alone that we killed Yi Xiaoyao." Yang Erlang hurriedly replied.

Yang Sanlang followed suit, "Father, you still want Yi Xiaoyao to feel infinite fear before he dies, don't you?"

Yang Yunhua nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Yes, after all, my father and your uncle Duan Xiu are family friends, and Yi Xiaoyao killed three of Duan Xiu's close relatives, how can I take advantage of him and let him die unconsciously? "

Yang Yunhua added: "Duan Xiu entrusted me to kill for him this time, naturally he wanted to avoid suspicion. In this case, we must do things cleanly and leave no evidence or witnesses."

The three Yang brothers all looked at their father with admiration, and learned this set of meticulous thoughts in their hearts.

Then, Yang Dalang learned and used it flexibly: "Father, it's better for us to go down and check it just in case."

"Okay! Dalang, you are cautious and cautious, quite like a father."

Yang Yunhua praised Yang Dalang very appreciatively, and controlled the griffin to fly towards the forest below.

After landing, the four people carefully inspected every corpse on the ground, and cut the corpses open with sharp knives, so that the bloody smell would be stronger and it would be easier to attract monsters to eat these corpses.

"Father, you shot Yi Xiaoyao to death and put him under the monster. Go check it out and leave the rest to us."

Yang Dalang pointed at the saber-toothed silver tiger's body and said to Yang Yun.

Yang Yunhua hummed, he didn't care if the others were dead or not, but Yi Xiaoyao had to go over and check himself to see if he was really dead.

The body of the saber-toothed silver tiger was huge and could not be lifted easily. Yang Yunhua held the bow and arrow behind his back, grabbed the tiger's teeth with both hands, and lifted it up suddenly.

The moment the tiger carcass flew off the ground, Yang Yunhua's expression changed, and he suddenly realized that Yi Xiaoyao, who thought he was going to die, turned his head and gave him a wicked smile!
Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao was not dead, Yang Yunhua did not kill him immediately.

Because, Yang Yunhua discovered that Yi Xiaoyao was holding a small purple sword in his hand.

Moreover, there was an extremely dangerous aura exuding from this small Youzi sword, facing him straightly.

(ps: I found a problem in the process of writing this chapter, everyone must not correspond the four Yangs with historical heroes.

I also regret taking such a surname. There are too many heroes with this surname in the past. If you name it casually, you will be a historical hero. )
 (ps: Looking for free recommendation tickets~)


(End of this chapter)

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