Chapter 9
Then, Tang Zhuang cleared his throat and said loudly to the people in the tavern: "Everyone, let me introduce you to everyone. That is the good-for-nothing young master of Tangjiabao!"

Immediately, people in the tavern looked over one after another. Tangjiabao is the overlord of this area, and they are naturally interested in the topic of the young castle owner.

"When Immortal Gang came to this world, the young castle master failed to communicate with the immortal soul, but I was not surprised at all. Do you know why?"

"Because I heard that the father of this good-for-nothing young castle owner is also a good-for-nothing! Waste is inherited, hahaha!"

Yi Xiaoyao, who had just walked not far away, suddenly stopped when he heard these words.

It is true that his father cannot cultivate, but Yi Xiaoyao absolutely does not allow others to say that his father is a waste!
As for Tang Zhuang, seeing the interest of everyone in the tavern, his eyebrows became even more elated.

"Just yesterday, this good-for-nothing young castle master was dumped by his engaged girlfriend!"

"Hey, this trash is here! It looks like he wants to hit me?"

Tang Zhuang looked at Yi Xiaoyao walking towards him, with his hands folded on his chest, complacent, as if he had succeeded.

At this moment, there was a snort from the wine table beside him.

"Jumping clown, grandstanding!"

Tang Zhuang was furious in his heart, and looked back, but the anger disappeared in the next moment.

It was a girl in black with a black silk veil, and her figure was exquisitely and charmingly outlined in a strong outfit.

Although there is a veil to cover her face, but the pair of watery and moving eyes under this girl's slightly frowning brows seem to be able to seduce people's hearts.

Anyone who sees this pair of eyes can only imagine that there must be a beautiful face under the black veil, how can there be any anger?

Tang Zhuang stared at the girl, licked his lips, and said with a smile, "May I ask the name of this beauty?"

The girl in black gave Tang Zhuang a cold look, without paying any attention.

Tang Zhuang frowned, and then a faint smile emerged, saying: "Beauty, I invite you to watch a good show!"

In front of beautiful women, it is natural to want to show off.

He thought that if he could defeat Yi Xiaoyao, he would definitely win the favor of this beauty.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao had already walked into the tavern.

There was a cold smile on Yi Xiaoyao's face, and he grabbed a jar full of wine from the table.


There was a sound of the jar breaking and the wine splashing out.

The wine jar in Yi Xiaoyao's hand instantly appeared on Tang's head, the wine jar was shattered, and the wine flowed from his head all over his body.

The people in the tavern became quiet in an instant, and they all put down the wine bowls in their hands and looked over in surprise. They obviously didn't expect that wasteful Yi Xiaoyao would dare to do such an act, smashing the wine jar on Tang Zhuang's head.

The wine flowed down Tang-shaped hair, all over his face.

He roughly wiped his face with his hands, and dried some of the wine.

The next moment, Tang Zhuang's eyes shot a cold light, staring at Yi Xiaoyao like a poisonous snake.

The drinkers around all secretly said with a look of interest: "This Tang family's useless young castle master, I'm afraid it will be unlucky."

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Tang Zhuang's tone was extremely calm, but it also meant that he was really angry.

"Consequences? Hmph..." Yi Xiaoyao snorted coldly, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes in vain.

"Give you a chance to apologize to me and my father!"

Tang Zhuang grinned, still suppressing the anger: "Not only will I not apologize, but I will say it again!"

"Your father is a waste, your mother gave birth to your father, you are a waste, you are an ancestral waste!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhuang unscrupulously showed a ferocious expression: "Trash, what can you do to me?"

A cold light shot out from Yi Xiaoyao's eyes.

"Since you don't cherish this opportunity, I'll let you kneel down and apologize!"

The sound of piercing the air followed, and Yi Xiaoyao's right fist suddenly slammed towards Tang Zhuang with a layer of dark spiritual power.

Everyone was shocked, they never expected that Yi Xiaoyao would take the initiative.

Tang Zhuang sneered, what he was waiting for was Yi Xiaoyao's attack on him!

"You're daydreaming!"

With a cold shout, only fiery red spiritual power surged up from his right arm.

"Fire Palm!"

Tang Zhuang stomped heavily on the sole of his foot, and with the power of the recoil from the ground, a flame-like spiritual power gathered in the palm of his right hand, and he slapped Yi Xiaoyao with his palm!
There was also some uproar from the people in the tavern. All the people who came here to drink were monks. They could naturally see who was stronger and who was weaker before the fight between the two.

"The young master of Tangjiabao is going to suffer a lot."

"That's right. Shaobao's main cultivation is at the third level of Qi Condensation, but his opponent is at the fourth level of Qi Condensation. If he fights with spiritual power, he will lose soon."

"It's not just that the young castle master is at a disadvantage, he is simply using spiritual power to attack, while his opponent is using the fire attribute palm technique! With only this move, the young castle master will definitely lose."

Everyone was discussing and watching the fun, but the girl in black was not interested at all, just looking at the wine glass and thinking about something.

Only Tang An had a smile on his face, and it became brighter and brighter. He hoped that Yi Xiaoyao would die!
Tang Zhuang heard everyone's words, and the corner of his mouth was full of pride.

"Yi Xiaoyao, today I will completely abolish you!"

Seeing Tang Zhuang's palm of flames coming with a scorching wind, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly moved.

"It's really a disadvantage for me to confront his palm skills like this, but he has palm skills, and I also have sword skills!"

I saw Yi Xiaoyao urgently switched his attack, with his index finger and middle finger close together, the dark spiritual power enveloping his two fingers, and he used Liuguang swordsmanship casually.

"It's not certain who will abolish whom!" Yi Xiaoyao sneered.

It can be seen that Yi Xiaoyao's fingers are as fast as phantoms, and there are hidden sword skills in them. With the force of four or two strokes, he pushed away Tang's hot right palm.

Then the fingertips moved, and the ghostly black spiritual power drew a bloody mouth on Tang's right arm like a sharp blade.

Everyone in the tavern stood up to watch, even the girl in the black veil couldn't help but look over with beautiful eyes.

"Young Castle Master is... using swordsmanship?"

"Could this be Liuguang swordsmanship? This swordsmanship is famous for its speed, and the master of the young castle refers to the sword, but it is so smooth!"

"This swordsmanship, I'm afraid I have already comprehended the essence!"


"Go away!"

Tang Zhuang shouted loudly, twisted his arms with spiritual power and shook Yi Xiaoyao's fingers away, took a step back and struck out another palm.

"Your palm technique is so clumsy, it's almost enough to slap mosquitoes!"

Yi Xiaoyao let out a smirk, and moved again with the flowing light sword technique, the arm drove the wrist, and the wrist twisted flexibly, making his two fingers of the sword erratic like a flowing light.

Although his cultivation base is low, Yi Xiaoyao is not afraid at all in the face of the blazing palm of the heat wave, relying on the tyranny of his spiritual power.

The next moment, Yi Xiaoyao pierced several times with both fingers. Although the fingertips had no sword edge, when they pierced the Tang-shaped wrist, the destructive power of Youhei's spiritual power directly tore through his flesh and blood!
This piercing place is the meridian that transports spiritual power to the palm.

Then, the devouring power in the dark spiritual power suddenly exploded!

A hint of panic appeared on Tang Zhuang's face in vain. He found that the spiritual power of his Raging Fire Palm seemed to have been cut off from the source, and could no longer supply it.

When the power of Tang Zhuang's palm dissipated quickly, the spiritual power in his body was still swallowed by Yi Xiaoyao's fingers from his wrist as if he had found a vent!

As a result, this palm finally slapped Yi Xiaoyao's body, and its power was lost.

Yi Xiaoyao devoured the opponent's spiritual power, and before Tang Zhuang could react to back away, his two fingers inserted into the meridian under his shoulder as fast as lightning.

Blood splashed out, Tang Zhuang let out a scream, followed by another.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't give him a chance at all, and inserted into the meridian of his left shoulder again!
The two meridians were destroyed, and the arms were completely useless, and they couldn't even lift them up, so how could they use palms.

"Things who don't know the dignity, dare to insult my father and call me a waste, what qualifications do you have!"


In the end, Yi Xiaoyao let out a loud shout, and punched Tang-shaped abdomen with his right fist wrapped in dark spiritual power!
Tang looked like a kite with a broken string, and flew out backwards with eyes full of unbelievable vomiting of blood.

 (ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket~)


(End of this chapter)

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