Devouring Sword God

Chapter 92: Pills Storm

Chapter 92: Pills Storm
"Xiao...Xiaoyao, you have become so powerful?"

Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo had been shocked by Yi Xiaoyao many times before, but this time they calmed down quickly.

The two of them looked at Yi Xiaoyao who looked like a murderous god, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and said, "Only by becoming stronger faster can I protect you and not allow anyone to bully you like today."

Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo were moved in their hearts, and at the same time secretly said: "But the speed and extent of this strengthening are really too fast."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the expressions of the two, his eyes moved slightly.

A month ago, when he first entered the Earth Star Forest, he made up his mind that when he left the Earth Star Forest, he would walk out of another stronger Yi Xiaoyao.

Now it seems that Yi Xiaoyao has done it, which makes him more confident about the Great Demon Tomb that he will face next.

Now that they had revenge, the three of them began to return to the Seven Killing Star Palace.

Hua Yunzong hunted and killed the disciples of the Seven Killing Star Palace wantonly, and they had to report this matter as soon as possible.


In the Palace of the Seven Killing Stars, Yun Qian and the other two girls had already walked out of the Earth Star Forest.

"Sigh, if I knew I shouldn't have told Mr. Yi that his friend was hunted down, then we could have Mr. Yi escort us all the way."

"Yes, if Mr. Yi is with me, then I will be happy for the next month."

The two girls fantasized about Yi Xiaoyao's voice and smile, and sighed with regret.

"How can you say that? After all, saving people is the most important thing, let alone we have come out safely."

Yun Qian said with some reproach.

However, the little selfishness hidden in her eyes is the same as the other two.

The three of them suffered from lovesickness together, so they sighed in sympathy.

"That's right, but having said that, Yun Qian, you actually knew Mr. Yi a long time ago?" A young girl asked enviously.

Yun Qian nodded with bright eyes, and then told the story of her encounter with Yi Xiaoyao, which once again aroused the envy of the other two daughters.

At this moment, someone frowned and said, "By the way, Mr. Yi entrusted Yun Qian to hand over that jade box to Luo Yi. Could it be the number one beauty in the Seven Killing Star Palace?"

"It's that Luoyi! I've heard some rumors about Mr. Yi and her before."

"Hmph, this demon girl has charmed so many male disciples, I didn't expect that even Mr. Yi fell for her!"

The air around the girls was full of jealousy, but knowing that they couldn't compare with Luo Yi, they could only pout their mouths and sulk.

Among them, one of them suddenly moved his eyes and suggested, "Yun Qian, why don't we see what's in that jade box?"

"That's not good?"

Yun Qian said with some embarrassment, after all, Yi Xiaoyao trusted her to entrust this task to her, how could she open the jade box without Yi Xiaoyao's consent.

"Oh, Yunqian, don't you want to know what Mr. Yi gave that demon girl Luoyi?"

The other two girls continued to encourage.

Yun Qian's gaze was uncertain, and her heart had already begun to waver. She was also quite envious of Yi Xiaoyao's relationship with Luo Yi.

With jealousy brewing, and under the eyes of the other two daughters, Yun Qian finally nodded.

As soon as the jade box was opened, an extremely alluring scent of dandelion came to the nostrils.


"What kind of elixir is this? It actually makes me feel a little more advanced just by smelling it!"

"This elixir is by no means an ordinary elixir, it must be extremely valuable, Mr. Yi is too kind to that demon girl Luoyi!"

The envy and jealousy on the faces of the three girls became more and more intense. They fantasized that if Yi Xiaoyao could give them such a precious gift, their whole life would be perfect.

At the same time, the three girls became even more united against Luo Yi.

"Yunqian, let's go to the Pill Hall and ask what kind of elixir this is, how about buying an ordinary one instead?"

There was a person who was full of jealousy and made an idea.


Yun Qian was extremely hesitant, and Yi Xiaoyao handed over the matter to her. If she really did this and was found out, how should she explain to Yi Xiaoyao.

"Come on, let's go!"


Seven Killing Star Palace, Pill Palace.

Yun Qian was dragged here by the two, she hesitated and dared not go forward.

"You three, why are you here?" An Elder of Pill Hall walked over and asked with a frown.


Yun Qian's pretty face was flushed, and before she could finish speaking, the other two girls snatched the jade box from her hand to Elder Dandian.

"Elder, can you tell us what kind of elixir this is?" the second daughter asked.

Elder Dandian frowned, but when he opened the jade box, his expression changed dramatically.

"This...this is!!!"

Elder Dandian took a breath in shock, almost choking to death.

I saw him flushed with excitement, coughing violently, and pointing at the jade box with trembling fingers.

"This, this, this is actually the five-line perfect elixir that only exists in legends!!!"

The next moment, the Elder of the Pill Palace grabbed Yun Qian and the three of them, and asked with an almost ferocious face: "Quick! Tell me where this elixir comes from!"

The three of Yunqian were also stunned by Elder Dandian's reaction, and they were so nervous that they couldn't speak.

Only then did Elder Dan Dian realize his gaffe, he took a deep breath to ease his emotions a bit, but it was still difficult to conceal the excitement in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, tell me, who is this pill?"

At this moment, the Elder Dandian deliberately concealed his excitement, even the fine hairs on his face.

"It belongs to Yun Qian!" One of the women pointed at Yun Qian.

The Elder of Pill Hall hurriedly grabbed Yun Qian, forced a smile and said, "Can you sell this pill to me?"

Seeing Yun Qian's distressed face, the elder continued: "Yun Qian, I will provide you with all the pills you need for your cultivation within three years for free!"

As soon as this remark came out, the three of Yunqian were shocked. They were very clear about the weight of this remark.

The high price of the elixir has stumped many disciples, and the promise made by the Elder of the Pill Palace is enough to drive countless disciples crazy.

Yun Qian was also extremely moved, but this elixir did not belong to her, no matter how moved she was, it would be useless.

Seeing this, the Elder of the Pill Hall had no choice but to lower his request and said: "In this way, the condition of my prescribing remains the same, you only need to lend me this elixir for ten days, how about it?"

"Okay!" Yun Qian couldn't stand the temptation any longer, and immediately nodded in agreement, not to mention that Elder Dandian just borrowed it.

Then, Yun Qian asked the Elder of the Pill Palace for another ordinary condensed gold elixir, and planned to send it to Luo Yi.

At the same time, Yun Qian had a plan in mind, if Yi Xiaoyao found out when she came back, she would say that she took the wrong one, and then return the loaned Ningjin Dan to Yi Xiaoyao.


Regarding this matter, Yi Xiaoyao, who was located in the Earth Star Forest, didn't know anything about it.

Originally, Yi Xiaoyao thought that he would be delayed for a long time in the Earth and Star Forest, but fortunately, the rest of the journey went smoothly, and Jin Sanbao's mount was on his way.

Therefore, it only took one day, and in the afternoon of the second day, Yi Xiaoyao and Jin Sanbao returned to the Palace of Seven Killing Stars.

 (ps: The third update, 9 o'clock. Ask for tickets~)

(End of this chapter)

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