Devouring Sword God

Chapter 94 Small Gifts

Chapter 94 Small Gifts

Everyone immediately looked at Yi Xiaoyao, and when they heard Elder Dandian's words, they seemed to understand the whole story, and there was a trace of sneer in their eyes.

After all, everyone wants to become an alchemist, but the requirements for becoming an alchemist are very strict, and only a very small number of people can achieve it.

Almost all of the people present had the idea of ​​becoming an alchemist, but they all rationally gave up the idea because they couldn't meet the requirements.

But a stubborn person like Yi Xiaoyao really made everyone feel a little funny.

Yi Xiaoyao was naturally aware of everyone's misunderstanding of him, but he didn't bother to explain anything.

"Whether I can become an alchemist or not, I'm here today to get back my things." Yi Xiaoyao said coldly to the alchemy elder.

"Take back your things?" Elder Dan Dian frowned, and said with a sneer, "How could your things be here!"

The corner of Yi Xiaoyao's mouth curled slightly, pointing to the perfect condensed gold pill that was offered as a treasure, and said calmly, "That's mine."

After Yi Xiaoyao's words fell, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Is this kid here to make a joke? If the perfect elixir belongs to him, wouldn't the alchemy palace treat him as a distinguished guest, and why would he stop him from approaching like this?"

"That is, is this kid stupid, or are the elders of the Pill Palace stupid? Or, that kid treats all of us as fools? Do you think we will believe him?"

The alchemy elder was also taken aback, and said with a playful smile: "You said this perfect elixir is yours? Could it be that you refined it?"

"Exactly." Yi Xiaoyao said indifferently, still looking calm.

When everyone heard this, their faces became more and more strange and funny.

According to what Elder Dandian said before, this Yi Xiaoyao is clearly not even an alchemist, but he said that the perfect elixir was made by him. This is no longer a ridiculous question, but a lie that is unrealistic.

"It's the first time I've seen someone lie so absurdly. It seems that this kid really thinks everyone is as stupid as him."

"However, I would like to see how this kid will get back his eloquence."

The elder looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a strange expression on his face, especially when he saw Yi Xiaoyao's calm expression.

This perfect condensed gold elixir, but he borrowed it from a female disciple, when did it become this kid's?What's even more ridiculous is that this kid also said that he refined the elixir.

"I didn't expect that among the disciples of my Seven Killing Star Palace, there would be such a shameless person like you!"

The elder had mixed feelings in his heart, and he choked out such a sentence for a while.

But these words were also on the minds of the people present. In their view, Yi Xiaoyao was indeed brazen and humiliating himself.

Even Luo Yi, who was following behind Yi Xiaoyao, felt a little depressed, she wondered to herself what happened to her junior brother today?
"Junior Brother, let's go, Senior Sister doesn't want this pill anymore."

Luo Yi gently pulled the corner of La Yi Xiaoyao's clothes and said, she only thought that the younger brother did this because she once said that she wanted this golden condensing pill.

Yi Xiaoyao turned back, looked at Luo Yi, and said seriously: "Senior Sister, this Golden Condensation Pill is really mine, and it is also a small gift from me."

Luo Yi froze for a moment, looking at Yi Xiaoyao's serious expression, it seemed that she was not joking.

Moreover, based on her understanding of Yi Xiaoyao, her junior brother should not make jokes about such things.

Could it be that what Yi Xiaoyao said was actually true?
However, the perfect elixir that caused such a big commotion was actually a gift from Yi Xiaoyao, which Luoyi herself couldn't believe.

Even if Luo Yi could trust Yi Xiaoyao, but what Yi Xiaoyao said just now seemed to be a big joke to others.

Such a perfect elixir that only exists in legends and can cause shocks in the alchemy world, is it just a small gift?

"If it's really outrageous, this kid is not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing. I think he already knows that he can't tell a lie, so he started to say some ridiculous words."

Everyone was no longer interested, and waved their hands and shook their heads, speechless.

Just then, another voice came.

"Yi Xiaoyao, even if you want to make up a reason, you have to make up something decent, right?"

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the voice, he already knew who it was. He raised his eyes and saw that it was indeed Duan Xiu.

It turned out that after Duan Xiu sent Yang's father and son to kill Yi Xiaoyao, he thought he would never see Yi Xiaoyao again, but he unexpectedly heard the news that Yi Xiaoyao had returned to the Palace of Seven Killing Stars today.

This news made Duan Xiu suspicious, but he knew very well that the cultivation of the three Yang brothers far surpassed Yi Xiaoyao, and with Yang Yunhua's cultivation at the Golden Core Realm, Yi Xiaoyao was bound to die.

From Duan Xiu's point of view, the Yangs and his sons probably failed to find Yi Xiaoyao, which is why they let him come back alive.

However, Duan Xiu still planned to take a look with his own eyes to confirm the authenticity of the news, so he found this place and saw the scene in front of him.

With Duan Xiu's hatred for Yi Xiaoyao, even if he finds out that Yi Xiaoyao is really not dead, he will take this opportunity to embarrass Yi Xiaoyao extremely.

When Yi Xiaoyao heard Duan Xiu's deliberate sarcasm, he gave him a cold look and said, "You're already in danger, and you still care about my business?"

Then, Yi Xiaoyao ignored Duan Xiu who was frowning and puzzled, and turned to the elder of Dandian and said coldly, "Who is that brazen? You just need to tell me where this elixir came from, and I can prove everything."

"Why does my Pill Hall need a certificate from a little disciple like you? Get lost!" the Elder of the Pill Hall yelled angrily, and began to expel Yi Xiaoyao.

Suddenly, a timid voice came from among the crowd.

"This elixir is indeed Mr. Yi's."

The crowd made way for a passage, and Yun Qian walked out with her face flushed and her head bowed.

The Elder of the Pill Hall was startled for a moment, of course he knew Yun Qian, because this elixir was borrowed from Yun Qian!

"Yunqian, do you know what you're talking about! Although my Dandian borrowed this pill from you, you must not follow someone's wishes and talk nonsense here!" the elder Dandian shouted.

Yun Qian pursed her lips, not daring to look at Yi Xiaoyao, she replied palely in front of everyone, "I didn't say anything nonsense, this is indeed a gift I entrusted by Young Master Yi to Senior Sister Luoyi, because I was confused for a moment lent it to you."

In an instant, the originally restless scene was silent, and everyone's face froze, their eyes full of shock.

So, what Yi Xiaoyao said is all true?
This perfect pill is actually the "little gift" he said he gave to Luo Yi?
If this is really the case, then the matter is too dramatic and ironic, where does this make Dan Dian face?

Especially before that, Elder Dandian's words were so firm, and everyone's attitude was so one-sided.

 (ps: Please recommend tickets~)


(End of this chapter)

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