Devouring Sword God

Chapter 96 Elder Duan, take the road well

Chapter 96 Elder Duan, have a good journey

Yi Xiaoyao smiled brighter and brighter, and said quietly to Duan Xiu: "Duan Xiu, do you still remember what I told you before that you are already in danger?"

Duan Xiu frowned upon hearing this.

When Yi Xiaoyao said this to him before, he was already very puzzled, but now Yi Xiaoyao said it again, which made him suspicious.

However, Duan Xiu may never guess that the Yang family and his son he sent out have been killed by Yi Xiaoyao, and he has obtained enough evidence.

"Yi Xiaoyao, do you think you can scare this elder by saying some inexplicable words?" Duan Xiu snorted heavily: "Ignorance is ridiculous!"

Then, Duan Xiu said to a disciple behind him: "You go to the Hall of Law Enforcement and tell the Elder Law Enforcement about this, so that he can send someone to arrest Yi Xiaoyao."

The disciple froze for a moment, then immediately nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao remained calm.

"Yi Xiaoyao, it's useless for you to pretend to be calm, this elder is watching you right now, you can't go anywhere!" Duan Xiu sneered.

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, nodded and smiled, "In that case, I'll chat with Elder Duan here for a while."

Everyone was discussing, they were very curious why Yi Xiaoyao was so calm, could it be that he was just pretending as Duan Xiu said?

"Junior brother." Luo Yi came over worried, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled at him, handed the condensed gold pill to Luo Yi, and handed her a storage bag, and whispered something in her ear.

When Luo Yi heard Yi Xiaoyao's explanation, her pretty face suddenly changed color, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Luoyi agreed, and hurriedly left the Dan hall.

Seeing Luo Yi leave, Yi Xiaoyao smiled deeply at Duan Xiu and said, "Elder Duan, do you remember what wrong things you have done?"

Duan Xiu was startled by Yi Xiaoyao's mystery at first, and then seeing Yi Xiaoyao's confident appearance, he was already more and more uneasy.

Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's question again at this moment, his frown became deeper and deeper, and his complexion became more and more ugly.

"Could it be... this little bastard caught me by something?"

Duan Xiu was suspicious in his heart, and then his eyes fluctuated, and he said to himself: "Could it be that the evidence for the Yang family and his son was obtained by Yi Xiaoyao?"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Duan Xiu immediately denied this conjecture.

Yang's father and son were killed by Yi Xiaoyao?Did Yi Xiaoyao find ironclad evidence from Yang Yunhua's body?

Even if Yi Xiaoyao told Duan Xiu this information, Duan Xiu would never believe it.

Just kidding, Yang Yunhua is a master of Jindan Realm, if he was killed by a person of Foundation Establishment Realm, wouldn't it be a big joke.

Therefore, after getting rid of this doubt, Duan Xiu's expression gradually returned to calm.

"Hmph, at this moment, you still have the heart to laugh." Duan Xiu snorted coldly at Yi Xiaoyao: "If you think there is a palace master as the backstage, then you are very wrong!"

Even if it is the master of the hall, it is impossible to ignore the rules of the hall, otherwise how would he explain to everyone in the Hall of Seven Killing Stars?

Yi Xiaoyao didn't hear Duan Xiu's words, but at this moment, he nodded to the alchemist who came over to show his favor.

An alchemist is a highly sought-after profession in any place.

No matter how strong a super expert is, he still needs pills to assist in his cultivation, and he has to establish a good relationship with alchemists.

Therefore, in this world, there is an unchanging truth: no matter who you offend, you cannot offend a powerful alchemist.

Just like if Yi Xiaoyao could refine the perfect pill that could be taken at the Golden Core Realm, then as long as Yi Xiaoyao threw out a favor, a large number of Golden Core Realm experts would come to kill Duan Xiu for him.

For this point, Duan Xiu is naturally very clear, so he feels more and more threatened by Yi Xiaoyao, and is more and more anxious to get rid of Yi Xiaoyao as soon as possible.

The two of them just waited for a stick of incense in the alchemy hall. Not only did no one leave, but more people came to join in the fun.

Everyone is very curious about what the ending will be like. Can a disciple who fights against the elder really have a good ending?
At this moment, the crowd suddenly became noisy and retreated a road.

"The people from the Hall of Law Enforcement are here!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone looked over there.

Sure enough, two teams of disciples wearing law enforcement uniforms quickly walked out of the crowd, and at the end the elder of the Law Enforcement Palace actually came in person.

Everyone began to quiet down, staring at Yi Xiaoyao and Duan Xiu intently.

After the law enforcement team arrived, Duan Xiu smiled triumphantly at Yi Xiaoyao: "I see how long you will pretend to be calm."

Yi Xiaoyao still had a faint smile and ignored it.

Duan Xiu sneered, seeing the elders of the Hall of Law Enforcement coming in person, he thought to himself that the Hall of Law Enforcement had given him enough face.

"Elder Huang, why do you need to come in person?"

Duan Xiu greeted the law enforcement elder, and then said with a smile: "Since you have come in person, then tell the disciples to arrest that Yi Xiaoyao, how about you and I go to my place for a drink?"

Faced with Duan Xiu's approach, the law enforcement elder remained indifferent.

He snorted coldly at Duan Xiu and said, "Duan Xiu, there's no need to drink a pot, and you don't have this chance anymore, and I'm imprisoning you, so naturally I have to come in person."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar all around.

Duan Xiu also looked at the law enforcement elder in astonishment, stretched his head and opened his eyes wide and said, "Elder Huang, what do you mean? You can't take this kind of joke!"

"Hmph! Who's kidding you!"

The law enforcement elder snorted heavily, pointed at Duan Xiu and shouted to the surrounding law enforcement team: "Arrest Duan Xiu!"

In an instant, the two law enforcement teams all surrounded Duan Xiu, and a circle of sharp weapons pointed at the confused Duan Xiu in the middle.

"This... what's going on here! If you don't tell me the reason, I can't go with you!"

Duan Xiu yelled, and at the same time released his spiritual power outside his body, confronting the surrounding law enforcement team.

The law enforcement elder glared angrily, bursting out with a more terrifying aura than Duan Xiu, and rushed in front of Duan Xiu in an instant, pinching his neck with his palms containing spiritual power.

"Whether you want to go or not is up to you!"

As an law enforcement elder, his strength is naturally much stronger than ordinary elders, so he subdued Duan Xiu in an instant, sealed his cultivation, and escorted him away.

"Yi Xiaoyao! You must have colluded with this, I don't accept it!"

When Duan Xiu was escorted away, he tried his best to turn his head and roar at Yi Xiaoyao.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing loudly: "Elder Duan, have a good journey! I won't send you off!"

After speaking, Yi Xiaoyao nodded and smiled at Luo Yi in the crowd.

(ps: There are so few tickets, please recommend tickets.)

(End of this chapter)

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