Chapter 11 Corpse Words
After entering the ancient tomb, Zhang Yang quickly checked the scene inside the ancient tomb.

Just now they came in from the north of the ancient tomb. The ground is covered with a whole block of stone slabs, all of which are engraved with words, which become smaller and smaller from the outside to the inside.

And there are a total of eight long-burning lights around, but they have long been extinguished.

A huge square tripod is placed in the middle of the tomb, which looks a little shocking.

On the south side of the tomb, there is a huge sarcophagus facing everyone.

Behind the sarcophagus is a passage.

Zhang Yang snapped his fingers lightly, and all eight long-burning lamps were instantly lit up.

Startled everyone.

After discovering that it was Zhang Yang, they all secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Zhang, look at these words, do you know who is buried in this sarcophagus?"

Wu Xie spoke in an extremely low voice.

For him, Zhang Yang is a know-it-all, there are no things or people he doesn't know.

"It's King Zhou Mu."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth lightly.

King Mu had turned into a blood corpse this week, and even Zhang Qiling was afraid of him.

But he is not afraid, the purpose of coming this time is to collect this blood corpse and add some attributes to himself.

"What? King Zhou Mu?"

Wu Xie was also stunned. He didn't expect to find a key person after this.

Sure enough, following Zhang Yang can save a lot of detours, which can be regarded as going straight to Huanglong.

Wu Sansheng was also slightly surprised.

It seems that this Yinxian has real skills.

"Third Master, look quickly, there are many treasures here."

At this time, Pan Zi's cheers came.

Everyone followed the sound, not knowing when Pan Zi had already climbed onto the cauldron.

At this time, he was still holding a jade bottle in his hand, and he waved to everyone with joy.

Seeing this, Da Kui also went straight over, jumped into the cauldron, bowed his head and picked up the treasure.

"Hey, don't."

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth to stop it, but Zhang Yang shook his head to signal.

This place has already been stepped on by Aning's people, so the crisis has been resolved.

Wu Xie and Wu Sansheng also walked over quickly, and sure enough, they saw that the cauldron was full of dead bones.

Just no head.

"Mr. Zhang, none of these people have heads?"

Wu Xie turned her head to look at Zhang Yang who was still standing still.

"This cauldron is used to hold sacrifices, and those heads have been buried in another place."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, Wu Xie immediately reacted.

"The more than 100 heads found before are theirs?"


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then, isn't this a dark vessel for offering sacrifices?"

As soon as Wu Xie's words came out, Da Kui, who was still picking up treasures in the cauldron, trembled in fright.

"Young master, don't you scare me?"

"Da Kui, why don't you come out soon, do you want to be a sacrifice?"

Wu Sanxing angrily reprimanded in a low voice.

"Yes, third master."

Da Kui crawled out of the tripod.

At this moment, the mountain shook suddenly, and then the sarcophagus also began to shake inexplicably.

The heavy coffin lid seemed to be pushed by a very powerful force. It went up and down, and began to shake violently, making a thick and strange sound.

Wu Sansheng and the others suddenly changed their complexions, fearing that something bad might happen.

Especially Da Kui was so frightened that his legs went limp for a while.

And Zhang Qiling's complexion was also slightly pale, and his eyes were fixed on the constantly shaking coffin lid.

Zhang Yang still had an indifferent expression, but he hoped that the thing would come out and contribute points to his attribute value by the way.


Zhang Qiling made a 'cluck' sound from his mouth, which sounded a bit weird and penetrating.

And there was an eerie and chilling sound coming from the stone coffin, a bit like the cry of a frog.

Wu Xie moved two steps towards Zhang Yang's side in fear, and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, isn't this stuffy oil bottle talking to the things in that coffin?"


Zhang Yang nodded.

This Qiling is still somewhat afraid of the blood corpse inside.

"No way, could this Poker Bottle be an Infernal Affairs rice dumpling, any of these will do?"

Wu Xie was taken aback.

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, after all, it was the first time they heard that someone could communicate with the things inside the coffin.

It's been a long time.

"This is an ancient corpse language, which can achieve a way of communication through a certain medium and the things inside."

Zhang Yang explained calmly.

As for the corpse language, Zhang Yang naturally dabbled.

Therefore, the conversation between Zhang Qiling and King Zhou Mu in the coffin is naturally clear.

"Corpse language?"

Wu Xie and the others were even more frightened.

It seems that they really dare not say that they are top-notch talents in the fighting world. Who can communicate with corpses?
"Then, does that Mr. Zhang know what they are talking about?"

Wu Xie asked curiously again.

"He is discussing with King Mu of Zhou in the coffin to let us go there."

"Ah, that's all right?"

It was also the first time Wu Xie heard that this kind of thing could be negotiated.

Sure enough, this is the importance of knowing a foreign language.

Suddenly, there was a 'gudong' sound, and Zhang Qiling knelt down directly to the sarcophagus, and the mouth kept making weird sounds, which made people feel creepy.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you still kneeling down?"

Dakui and Pan Zi looked confused.

Zhang Yang didn't respond, after all, he wasn't afraid of the things inside.

"Damn it, get down on your knees and talk."

Wu Sansheng suddenly spoke.

As he said that, the man also knelt down directly.

Seeing this, Dakui and Pan Zi hurriedly knelt down, muttering even more.

"We didn't mean to trouble you. Please, sir, please let us go."

Da Kui's whole body trembled.

After all, he just jumped into the ghost vessel of someone else's sacrifice.

Seeing this, Wu Xie hurriedly knelt down too.

Only Zhang Yang stood there calmly, and it was naturally impossible for him to kneel down on this mere blood corpse.

He didn't pay attention to this thing at all.

Soon, the coffin stopped shaking and returned to this appearance, and the ancient tomb became quiet in an instant.

At this moment, the people who were on tenterhooks breathed a sigh of relief.

After Zhang Qiling kowtowed three times towards the sarcophagus, he stood up from the ground, walked quickly towards Zhang Yang, and said with a solemn expression:
"Sir, the other party told us to leave here before dawn."


Zhang Yang nodded.

Let the blood corpse continue to be happy for a while, and it won't be too late to clean it up later.

He still has more important things to do right now, so he can't waste time here.

Especially that woman, Aning, she should not be underestimated.

Only then did Zhang Qiling look at the crowd and said:

"Don't touch anything here anymore, there is a very powerful Lord in this coffin.

If he is released, even if Da Luo Immortal comes today, we will not be able to get out. "

When everyone heard this, they nodded subconsciously.

"Brother, do you want to put these things back?"

At this time, Da Kui weakly raised some accessories that he still held in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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